Урок для 4 класу з теми "Найшвидша тварина"

Про матеріал
Урок для учнів 4 класу для розвику навичок вживання в мовленні ступенів порівняння прикметників через інтерактивні вправи.
Зміст архіву
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Degrees of Comparison

Номер слайду 2

BIG-BIGGER-THE BIGGESTЭто изображение, автор: Неизвестный автор, лицензия: CC BY-SA

Номер слайду 3


Номер слайду 4


Номер слайду 5


Перегляд файлу

Lesson Plan

Topic: “The fastest animal”

Level A1

Aims: 1) to develop skills of using degrees of comparison of adjectives in speech;

2) to develop speaking skills;

3) to develop memory, logical thinking, critical thinking, attention;

4) to bring up respectful attitude to nature and animals, tolerance in  cooperation.

Equipment: textbook “Family and Friends 3”, flash-cards with phonemes, pictures of nature, soft toys of animals, video, audio, power point presentation, laptop, TV set, whiteboard.


  1. Warming up.

Greeting, group work in phonetic drill (using flash cards with phonemes and chants).

Listen and sing CB p 70 (audio track)

My Quiz

What`s the biggest country?

Do you know? Do you know?

What`s the biggest mountain?

Do you know?

Listen to my quiz

Listen to my quiz and

Tell me what the answer is.


Do you know? Do you know?

Do you know what the answer is?

Listen to my quiz,

Listen to my quiz and

Tell me what the answer is.


What`s the biggest ocean?

Do you know? Do you know?

What`s the smallest country?

Do you know?

Listen to my quiz

Listen to my quiz and

Tell me what the answer is.

Speech drill (T-Ss): answer the questions about the weather.

Grammar drill: a) rap-song with the forms of irregular verbs (audio track);

b) (T-Ss) ask general questions in Present Simple and verb TO BE.

II. Main body.

  1.       Look at the pictures of nature and answer the question (on board):

T: What is wide\deep\high\small\long?- S1: The lake is wide. S2: the ocean is deep. S3: the mountain is high. S4: The bush is small. S5: The river is long.

  1.       T: Now look at the presentation and compare the animals.

Example: S1:The dog is big. The horse is bigger. The elephant is the biggest.

  1.       T: We`ll compete in two teams on board. You have to write degrees of comparison of adjectives to complete the table.

(on board)






































  1.       Relaxation pause (dancing and singing to the video).
  2.       T: Here are soft toys of animals. Come, compare and put them in order. Which is big? Which is bigger? Which is the biggest?

Example: S1: The mouse is big. The elephant is bigger. The dog is the biggest.

  1.       T: Now open CB p 70, ask and answer using the information in the table (pair work)

Example: S1: What`s the slowest animal?-S2: The monkey is the slowest animal.


  1. Summing up.

T: Explaining the home assignment WB p 66.

What did you learn today? What did you enjoy doing at the lesson?

Verbal assessment of every student`s work.



Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
28 липня 2024
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