Core vocabulary
Sports: swimming, skateboarding playing football / (table) tennis, biking, skating, skiing Hobbies: reading, watching TV, playing computer games, listening to music, painting, singing, dancing
Core structures
Do you like …? I like … better. For … we need a … Can you … ?
Extension vocabulary
A ping-pong ball, a pair of skis / ski boots / skating boots, a racket, a swimming pool
Extension structures
How often do you … ? Every day, once / twice a week, every week / month
Worksheets |
Activities |
Sports and hobbies - vocabulary |
Listen and tick off |
Sports and hobbies - vocabulary |
Find the right number |
Find the words |
Find, mark and copy the words |
Summer or winter? |
Separate and write |
Memory game |
Play it |
Domino game |
Play it |
What do you like better? |
Compare and write |
What do we need? |
Speak and write |
Can you … ? |
Ask and tick off |
How often do you … ? |
Interview and report |
Andere Sprachen |
Speak, write and explain |
Sports and Hobbies Listen and tick off
playing table-tennis – reading – riding a bike – skating – playing tennis – swimming – watching TV – listening to music – playing football – painting – singing – dancing – skiing – skateboarding – playing computer games
Sports and Hobbies Find the right number
1 - playing table-tennis, 2 - reading, 3 - riding a bike, 4 - skating, 5 - swimming,
6 - playing tennis, 7 - watching TV, 8 - listening to music, 9 - playing football,
10 - painting, 11 - singing, 12 - dancing, 13 - skiing, 14 - skateboarding, 15 - playing computer games
Find the words Find, mark and copy the words
Find the 8 words hidden in the grid, mark and copy them.
c |
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m |
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Write about your favourite hobbies.
I like ………………………………and…………………………………………
and …………………………………………………………………………………………
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
Can you do it in summer or in winter? Separate and write
Überlege, was du eher im Sommer und was du eher im Winter tust. Zwei Wörter sind neu. Du kannst sie leicht erraten.
swimming |
skiing |
summer |
winter |
Summer and winter
skating |
playing tennis |
reading |
riding a bike |
skateboarding |
watching TV |
playing table tennis |
singing |
playing football
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar Memory Game – Sports and Hobbies
skating |
playing table-tennis |
swimming |
playing football |
watching TV |
playing tennis |
reading |
riding a bike |
listening to music |
painting |
dancing |
skateboarding |
skiing |
singing |
playing computer games |
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
What can you do in your free time?
A domino game about sports and hobbies
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
3 painting reading
4 playing table-tennis playing tennis
5 dancing listening to music
6 watching TV playing computer games
7 skiing skating
1 I like ……………………………………………………… better.
2 I like ……………………………………………………… better.
3 I like ………………………………………………b.....................
4 I like ………………………………………………b……………..
5 ............ …………………………………………… ....................
6 …......... …………………………………………… ………….....
7 ……….. …………………………………………… ……………..
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
For we need
For swimming a ping-pong ball.
For skiing a bike.
For skating a pair of skis and ski boots.
For reading a pair of skating boots.
For riding a bike we need a skateboard.
For skateboaring a swimming pool.
For playing table tennis books.
For playing tennis a racket.
For painting jogging shoes.
For jogging colours.
Write the sentences into your exercise book.
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
Can you … ?
Interview your friends:
Can you …
speak English |
ski |
skate |
swim |
skateboard |
ride a bike |
play football |
play tennis |
play table tennis |
paint |
dance |
Write into your exercise book: Alex can ……… and ……………
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
How often do you … ?
Ask your friends:
Interview your friends and report.
How often do you play computer games?
How often do you watch TV?
Very often every day
Often once or twice a week.
Sometimes every week.
Hardly ever every month.
Friend’s name: …………………………………..
How often do you play …………………………………………….?
Friend’s answer: ……………………………………………………….
Friend’s name: ………………………………………… How often do you watch ………………… ?
Friend’s answer: ……………………………………………………….
Friend’s name: ………………………………………… How often do you ………………………….?
Friend’s answer: ………………………………………………
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
Andere Sprachen Speak, write and explain
Kennst du Wörter für die Sportarten und Hobbys auch in anderen Sprachen?
Deutsch |
Fußball spielen |
Radfahren |
Englisch |
playing football |
Wenn du Sportarten und Hobbys kennst, die es in anderen Ländern als in Österreich gibt, schreibe sie bitte auf und erkläre sie.
…………………………………………. …………………………………………… …………………………………………
………………………………………….. …………………………………………… …………………………………………
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
Worksheets |
Activities |
Sports and hobbies | |
Sports and hobbies - vocabulary |
Taskforce cliparts |
Sports and hobbies - vocabulary |
Taskforce cliparts |
Find the words |
Summer or winter? |
Memory game |
Taskforce cliparts |
Domino game |
Taskforce cliparts |
What do you like better? |
http://www.clipart images/kids |
What do we need? |
Taskforce cliparts |
Can you … ? |
Taskforce cliparts |
How often do you … ? |
Taskforce cliparts |
Andere Sprachen |
Taskforce cliparts |
ESNE Blecher / Felberbauer / Lazar
5 А
Кількість учнів у підгрупі – 15
Тема : Хобі
Дата : 22.11.2016
Тип уроку : Розвиток навичок говоріння
Мета :
Практична : активізувати у мовленні дітей лексику з теми « Хобі »; навчити вживати лексику уроку у комунікативно -орієнтованих ситуаціях; формувати вміння розповідати про хобі і висловлювати свою думку .
Розвиваюча : розвивати слухову і зорову пам’ять, мовну здогадку.
Виховна : виховувати активність, працьовитість, вміння співпрацювати в групі та парі ; виховувати інтерес до корисних захоплень ; формувати зацікавлення до вивчення іноземної мови як засобу реалізації своїх творчих нахилів.
Освітня : розширити мовний запас учнів, тренувати у виконанні комунікативних вправ .
Обладнання : презентації Power Point , відеоуривок, відеофізкультхвилинка, роздатковий матеріал для індивідуальної , групової та парної роботи.
Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Організація класу . Привітання .
- Good afternoon , students ! I am glad to see you !
Let’s greet our guests !
2. Оголошення теми і мети уроку .
- Look at the window ! Can you see any butterflies there ? ( No, I can’ t )
- Why ? ( Because it’s cold today )
- What’s season is it now ? ( It’s autumn )
- It’s rather cold today ! When the weather is cold and bad I prefer staying at home and reading or watching films. And what about you?
( I like …/ I prefer…)
II Основна частина уроку.
2. Активізація лексичних одиниць у мовленні учнів.
2.1. –Let’s watch a presentation and review the words .
( презентація 2. “HOBBIES” )
2.2. TASK 1. Гра « Відгадай хобі»
- Now , your task is to guess a hobby. Take orange cards and read about different hobbies You are to guess their names. You have two minutes to do this task.
- So, let’s check!
1. Dancing
2. Travelling
3. Collecting
4. Gardening
5. Reading
6. Play sports
2.3. Task 2 .Робота в групах.
- As you know there are 4 groups of hobbies.
- What groups do you know? ( на дошці табл . груп)
1. Learning things
2. Doing things
3. Making things
4. Collecting things
- Let’s work in groups. Turn back to your partners and do the following tasks :
1.- You are to write the list of things you can learn
2. – You are to write the list of things you can do
3. ……………………………………you can make
4. …………………………………….you can collect
- Just write on these sheets of paper.( Даю кожній групі листок для запису слів) You have 2 minutes. Choose the speaker of each group who will present the results of your work.
- So , group 1,2,3,4. Well done. Thank you.
- So, please read what have you written…(кожна група читає свої слова )
2.4.Task 3. Гра « Літо і зима » ( на дошці )
- We can also devide all hobbies into such groups : Winter And Summer
- Let’s group these hobbies.
( діти біля дошки виконують завдання)
2.5. Task 4. Робота в парах . Гра « Яке хобі більш цікаве і корисне»
- Let’s work in pairs. You see any hobby can be useful . Take green cards and choose one of the most interesting and useful hobbies and discuss it together and one of you will prove it to us. You have 2 min.
- Start like this . I think ….is the most interesting and useful…
2.6. Фізкультхвилинка.( відео)
- Pupils, you are tired !Let’s have a rest.
2.7. Task 5. Відеоаудіювання.
1 - Your next task is to watch a video about the hobbies of British teens. You have blue cards on your desks with the names of different hobbies. So, mark the British teens hobbies with a tick. Be very attentive !
2. Перегляд відео.
3. Перевірка правильності виконання завдання. ( презентація 3 )
-So, what do British teens like doing ? Let’s check!
- Do they like cooking? (Yes, they do. / No, they don’t )
2.8. Task 6. Складання діалогів.
- You have just heard about British teens hobbies. What about you ?
Ask each other .
What do you like doing in your spare time?
2.9. Task 7. Game “ What do we need for our hobbies?”
- For different hobbies we need different equipments, such as a ball, trainers and so on..
-So, take yellow cards . Your task is to read and match.
-Let’s check ! Look at the screen ! ( презентація 4 )( діти по черзі читають)
2.10 .Task 8. Напиши про свої захоплення за поданим початком. ( На екрані )
- Now ,take pink cards and make up sentences on the cards :
1.What do you like doing in your free time? I like…
2. What do you prefer? I prefer…
3. What are you fond of? I am fond of…
4. What are you interested in? I am interested in…
- For example, I like travelling. I prefer…
- Let’s listen some pupils.
2.11. Проекти учнів .
- And now I want some of your classmates to present projects about their hobbies. Look at the screen and watch .( презентації Стадник М. , Марченко О., Байдацької Д.)
2.12. Домашнє завдання.( на екрані )
- Open your day-books and write down your hometask. You are to write 10 sentences about your hobbies and the hobby of your friend .
III Заключна частина .
I can speak about the hobbies of British children.