The Sea World
І. Початок уроку:
1. Привітання |
0,5хв |
2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку |
0,5хв |
3. Пояснення правил гри
ІІ. Основна частина: |
2хв |
1. Множинна розминка |
4хв |
2. Робота зі словами (2 слайда) |
6хв |
3. Робота з прикметниками (ступені порівняння,
антоніми, порівняння малюнків) 7хв 4. Робота зі словами some / any 5хв
5. Скоромовка 5хв
6. Побудова різних типів запитань 5хв
7. Музична пауза 8хв
8. Робота з текстами 8хв
Додатковий матеріал для другого уроку
9. Кросворд 4хв
10. Робота з дивною твариною 2хв
11. Виконання завдань з лексики 3хв
12. Опис картинки 3хв
13. Виготовлення тіста та пояснення підготовчої
роботи для домашніх проектів 10хв
ІІІ. Заключна частина:
1. Підсумок уроку 2хв
2. Оголошення і пояснення д\з 0,5хв
3. Виставлення оцінок 0,5хв ТЕМА: Морські мешканці
вдосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні
мікро висловлювання з опорою на ключові слова та малюнки;
формувати навички коментувати одержану інформацію; удосконалювати навички вживання ступенів порівняння
прикметників, множини іменників, слів some / any;
вдосконалювати навички утворення різних типів запитань; розвивати уміння аудіювати текст.
поглибити і розширити знання учнів щодо даної теми.
розвивати фонематичний слух, увагу, уяву, гнучкість
мислення, вміння логічно викладати свої думки;
розвивати здатність мовного самоконтролю; розвивати самостійність у праці та роботу у команді.
виховувати почуття доброзичливості і поваги один до одного під час змагання;
прищеплювати любов до оточуючого світу.
Звукозапис пісні “The shark and the tiger and the crocodile”;
Картки із завданнями;
Все необхідне для приготування тіста (борошно, вода, сіль);
Малюнки морських мешканців.
Introduction - Good morning, pupils!
- Today, as you can see, we are going to do a lot of interesting and unusual tasks. You will work in teams – before entering the room you pull the cards with the names of the team. They are
- Also, you must collect all the cards for your SEA BINGO – every team has 5 cards with pictures of animals on them. When you get a card you should find the animals’ place in the sea waters on this map.
- I hope that in the end of our second lesson all animals will be on the correct place.
- Do you have questions? If not, then let’s the game begin!!!
Main part
- So, the first task won’t be too difficult for you, but it will help you to begin working hard and as quickly as possible, also you should learn how to work in team – to help each other and
divide your work to do it quick. - Make the plural of the following words. |
a lady a man a knife a dress a house a tooth |
a shelf a city a life |
a match a ship a sheep |
- Before doing the next task, I want to offer you the names of those sea animals we are going to speak about today.
- Look at your The Sea Animals Book. I want you to sign them – write down your name and surname, as well as the form you are from.
- Now let’s read and translate the words:
starfish sea urchin swordfish |
shark dolphin sea gull |
jellyfish whale penguin |
seahorse crab octopus |
- Two of these animals are names of your team. That is why I would like you to tell me everything you can about their life, things they eat or do – everything you know!
- But of course, talking about animals we should know also the parts of their body. Which of them do you know?
- Look at the picture and let’s see which fin are new for you. Write them down into your The Sea Animals Book.
- And the first card you will get if you do the next task – write down the degrees of comparison of the adjectives. Explain the rules – give your comments.
good fast cold clean thin |
easy bad interesting fat slow |
small long old difficult short |
dirty clever nice hot young |
- But that is not the whole task, because I want you to find 8 pairs of opposites in the list of these adjectives.
- Take the card, put it onto your SEA BINGO field and find the picture of the same animal and put it to its place on the sea map.
- Well, you know the adjectives, but what about such words as some and any? When do we use them?
- Each team received a card with 10 sentences with missing words. Fill in them with some and any. Don’t forget to explain your choice.
1. My mother will give you ___ tea. some
2. There are ____ pictures in the book. some
3. There isn’t ___ money for fruit. any 4.I never drink ___ coffee in the morning. any
5. There are ___ old houses in our street. some
6. Are there ___ English books on the desk? any
7. I haven’t got ___ pencils in my bag. any
8. There are ___ beautiful flowers near the window. some
9. Is there ___ snow in the park? any
10. She can’t buy ___ milk in that shop. any
- Well, done! Take a card and find the animal and its place.
- Let’s have a break of grammar. The next task is really difficult – it is a tongue twister. Try to read and translate it.
- Write down into your The Sea Animals Book the words shells and shore.
- I want everyone to read this tongue twister as quick as possible.
- For this task you won’t get a card but I give you a sea shell as a present for your hard work.
- The third card your team will get if you put 5 types of questions to the following sentences.
While reading the answers, be very attentive – maybe another team will have mistakes.
(Children get the cards with one sentence on each with the names of questions under them.)
1. A funny octopus will visit pockemons next Tuesday.
2. A violet jellyfish likes dancing at night.
3. Superman helped Ariel to fight the sea witch last month.
4. Lots of fishes are swimming in the aquarium.
- Take a card if everything is right.
- After such a work, you need some rest. So, we’ll sing a song. But, you see, there is one little problem – the salt water washed some words away. That is why your next task and card you will get for listening to the song and filling in the missing words. Be very attentive. There are 5 of you and so a lot of chances to hear every word. Good luck.
The ___ has shiny ___ that crunch, crunch, crunch crocodile teeth
He keeps them ___ and ___ clean beautiful
And absolutely suitable
For eating up a crocodile’s ___, ___, ___. lunch
Refrain – twice
The white ___’s teeth are sharpest in the ___, ___, ___. shark |
sea |
He keeps them ___ and ___ clean And absolutely suitable |
beautiful |
For eating little ___ at ____, ____, ___. fishes
tea |
The ___ has enormous ____ that bite, bite, bite. tiger |
teeth |
The ___ and the ___ and the ___, shark tiger crocodile
They ___, ___ lose their ___. never never smile
He keeps them ___ and ____ clean beautiful
And absolutely suitable
For eating up his ___at ____, ___, ___. supper night
- You can be attentive, as I see. Now it’s time to sing this song and then you’ll take the next card.
- The next task will give you a chance to find something new about four sea animals – a seahorse, a shark, an octopus and a starfish.
- Each team will get cards with sentences. You must make up four texts about the animals using your logic and knowledge.
Starfish has five arms.
Octopus is a sea chameleon – he can
change colours and become the same as
everything around. In the seahorse family, fathers
2 have babies not mothers. The seahorse pa has 3 3
a pocket to carry babies. The whale shark is the largest shark in the world. 4
2 It is 2,5 centimeters and 450 grams. The coolest thing about it is that it can grow a 1 new arm if it loses one.
There can be about 2 000 babies at a time. 3 The California octopus is the world’ssmallest octopus. 2
It has grey body with a white belly and a mouth To keep them sharp it loses teeth full of 300 small teeth in five rows. and grows new ones.
4 4
- Take a card. You are very close to finishing and winning your SEA BINGO.
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- Staying at the sea shore you can see a lot of things. Find them in the crossword and get the last card. All the words start with S.
s |
t |
a |
r |
f |
i |
s |
h |
g |
d |
y |
d |
b |
- You are SUPER STARFISH!!! Both teams are the winners!!! Well done!!!
- But we have a lot of time and I want to see that you memorize the words and I have some extra work for you.
- So the next task will be connected with the words we’ve tried to learn today during the lesson.
- We spoke about sea animals’ parts of body, but here I have a strange animal that has parts of bodies of different animals. So, your task is to name all these animals and their parts of bodies. And after doing that, it would be great to give the animal in the picture its own name. Card # 1
- Look at the next paper – here you’ve got lost letters of the words – your task is to connect the first part of the word with its ending and then with the picture.
Card # 2
- Even under the sea can be buildings, small and big houses and castles. And there are rooms of course. And in these rooms sea children leave their toys everywhere. Look at the picture and the following sentences and tick the correct ones. Pay attention to prepositions and the pictures.
Card # 3
- One of your home tasks will be to make a little report about one of sea animals and make its toy. Now, we’ll try to prepare everything for your toys. They will be done with a help of flour.
- Look at the pictures. Let’s read the directions and make dough for our toy. At home you’ll the same thing.
You need: Vocabulary:
1 glass of flour flour – борошно
1 glass of salt dough – тісто
3 tablespoons of nail polish – лак для нігтів cold water hairspray – лак для волосся
1. Take some dough and start making the fish body.
2. Make a tail, fins, eyes and a mouth.
3. Leave the fish for 24 hours to dry.
4. Pain the fish using different water colours or nail polish.
5. Spread some hairspray on your animal.
- While making dough, help each other, work over the plate, don’t make the place where you work dirty. You may decorate your sea animal with buckwheat and rice.
Conclusions - What new things have you found out today?
- What was the most difficult task during the lesson? Why?
- The sea world is so beautiful. So, what people should always remember?
Home assignment
- So, make a project - a dough sea animal and a decorated report about it. Also I want you to learn the new words.