Розробка уроку для 6 класу на тему " Пустеля Сахара" за підручником "New Destinations"
6 -Д клас .
Тема : Краєзнавча сторінка.
Тема уроку : Подорож. Пустеля Сахара.
Тип уроку : Формування навичок аудіювання , читання та говоріння.
Цілі вчителя : формувати навички аудіювання , читання та говоріння з теми ; практикувати вживання Present Simple Tense, структур «should / shouldn’t»;
розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, здатність мовного самоконтролю, увагу, пам’ять , логічне мислення;
виховувати самостійність, старанність, культуру спілкування учнів та поважне ставлення до культури, цінностей і традицій інших народів.
Очікування учнів: розпізнавати лексику на рівні фраз та тексту, використовувати їх у мовленні та письмі , висловлюватись по темі, розповідати про екстремальні умови проживання в пустелі Сахара , давати поради щодо подорожі пустелею.
Обладнання : відео про пустелю Сахара, аудіо до тексту, презентація, роздатковий матеріал, малюнки до теми.
Хід уроку
I етап . Початок уроку.
1.2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. (Power Point Presentation. Slide 1, 2, 3.)
T: -. Today we’ll speak about the desert using the vocabulary from the previous lessons. You will learn new words, read the text about the Sahara, practice your speaking and writing skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to operate the vocabulary on our topic, read and understand the text about the desert, talk about the extreme conditions of life in the Sahara.
- Today we are going to travel to the extreme , mysterious and at the same time unfriendly place. So be attentive, look at the screen, watch a video and try to remember the information . ( video)
So, students , your task is to put a tick or a plus near all the topics that have been mentioned in the video.
1.3 . Task 1. Watch a video and put a tick or a plus near all the topics that have been mentioned in the video.
animals + food mountains
rivers + climate + populaton +
beaches plants + countries +
hotels lakes + The Amazon rainforest +
history + islands African continent +
(Power Point Presentation. Slide 4.)
II етап . Основна частина уроку.
2.1. Pre-reading.
T: - Today you are going to read about the Sahara desert. Would you like to visit this place? But first let’s read some new vocabulary. (Power Point Presentation. Slide 5.) + cards on the board.
to cover = to spread over
mysterious = puzzling
a large area = a huge territory
to drop = to go down
to receive = to get
extreme = a very great
to survive = to stay alive
to store = to keep for future use
severe =serious
loose = wide
locals = people that live in this place
amounts = number
to pour = to rain hard
2.2 . Формування навичок аудіювання .Listening. ( audio line 17 )
- Open your students’ books to page 26, ex. 1. Listen attentively and after that you will read this text and answer my questions.
2.3. Формування навичок читання. Reading the text.
2.4. Answering the questions.(after reading)
- How much of the earth ‘s surface do the deserts cover? ( A third )
- What makes deserts a mysterious and unfriendly place ? (The extreme conditions.)
- Can you find lots of water and many plants in a desert? ( No, we can’t)
- What kind of places are deserts? (They are places with extreme heat and lots of sand. )
- What is the biggest desert? ( The Sahara Desert in Africa)
- What is the temperature like in the desert during the day? ( It can reach up to 50 degrees Celsius.)
- What is the temperature like in the desert at night? ( It can drop to below zero.)
- Does it often rain in the desert? ( No, it doesn’t.)
- How long can camels survive without drinking water? ( Seven days)
- Is the desert a dangerous place? (Yes, it is.)
- What are the possible dangers in the desert? ( Heat stroke, severe sunburn and insect bites.)
- What kind of clothes should you wear in the desert? ( Long , light and loose clothes)
- What should you remember to have with you in the desert? (Lots of water)
- Has Anna travelled to lots of places around the world? ( Yes , she has.)
- Did she enjoy her last trip? ( Yes, she did.)
2.5. Task 2. ( SB p.26, ex.1 b)
2.7. Task 3. ( SB p.26, ex.1 c)
2.8. Зарядка для очей.
2.9. Task 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Slide 6)
eleven located population largest surface rainforest rivers |
2.10.Task 5. Формування навичок говоріння. Pair work.( Slide 7)
- You and a friend are going on holiday to the Sahara Desert. Look at the pictures below and decide which things you need to take for your trip. Use the phrases in the box.
I think…. In my opinion I should take… …. Is more useful… … isn’t as useful as …. I should take… I shouldn’t take… |
( pictures on the card)
2.11. Task 6. The Mind Map.( on the board)
- So, students! What are your associations with the word “Sahara”? Go to the board and write them, one or two, each of you.
The Sahara Desert |
2.12. Task 7. Cross out the odd word . Then , add one more. ( Slide 8 )
1. ice, thunder, temperature, heat. _____________
2. Egypt, Asia, Mali, Algeria . ____________
3. Camels, ostriches, vipers, deer. ________________
4. extreme, danger, mysterious, severe . ______________
5. drink, store , drop, conditions._________
III етап. Заключна частина.
3.1. Підведення підсумків.
- Did you like our trip to the Sahara desert?
What new information have you known? What facts do you remember?
Say one sentence to our topic. (Students’ answers)
- What should you take on the trip to the desert?
3.2. Summarizing.
T: - What can you do by the end of the lesson? ( Slide 9)
Ss: - I can ….use new vocabulary in speaking and writing
read and understand the text about the desert
talk about the extreme conditions of life in the Sahara
recommend useful things for the trip
- Thank you for your work. You have done a lot of tasks today.
3.3. Hometask. (Slide 10)
- Open your daybooks and write down your hometask.
You are:
3.4. Оцінювання.
T: - All of you have worked well today. You were active and interested/involved.
The most active were ….. It’s excellent. / ….. your work is very good/good today.
The lesson is over. Good- bye! Have a nice day! ( Slide 11)