Урок для 8-го класу на тему "Солодкий полон сну"

Про матеріал

План-конспект уроку на тему "Солодкий полон сну" для учнів 8-го класу розроблено відповідно до теми "Здоровий спосіб життя" та має завдання активізувати знання, уміння та навички учнів, набуті протягом навчання; удосконалювати комунікативні вміння та навички; розвивати мовну і слухову пам'ять, логічне мислення; розвивати творчі здібності учнів та вміння ефективно працювати в групах; виховувати в учнів шанобливе ставлення один до одного, почуття індивідуальної та колективної відповідальності за спільну справу, розвивати позитивне ставлення до предмету. На уроці розгорнуто змістову лінію «Здоров'я та безпека». Очікуваний результат: на кінець уроку учні дізнаються багато цікавого про процес сну, замисляться над важливістю сну для здоров'я підлітків та зможуть зробити вибір на користь здорового способу життя.

Перегляд файлу

Form 8          

Тopic:   "Sweet Captive of Sleep"                

Tasks: to understand and expand knowledge about the hidden abilities of the human brain, sleep and dream;  to study the types, stages and features of sleep; to analyze the possibilities that a proper dream gives; to expand knowledge with the help of video materials; to collect information about sleep from  different subjects.

The content line of the lesson is  "Health and Safety".

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson learners will be able to learn a lot about the process of sleep, to speak about  sleep and dreams, to make a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: student’s projects, materials for tasks, cards for individual work, pictures, videos, models of clothes for sleeping, musical materials.

Cascade: 1. Biology                                                            

                2. Zoology               

                3. Mythology

                4. Movies              

                5. Psychology

                6.  Fashion and Design

                7. Music

                8. Health Protection



І. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНИЙ МОМЕНТ. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Good morning! Glad to see you! A new day has begun, and I hope that you are full of energy. After all, you slept well, did not you? Let's talk about sleep today.

We have got a lot of tasks: ….

And by the end of the lesson I hope that you will able: …..

We are going to have an unusual lesson. We’ll speak about sleep from the points of view of different subjects.


  1. The English proverb says:”Sleep well – think well”. How do you understand it? Sleep is an important part of our life. What is sleep? Let’s ask our biologist. The 1st stage is “Biology”(report "What is Sleep?").

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "What is sleep?"Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "stages of sleep"

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "how giraffes sleep"       2. Not only people sleep. Animals sleep, too. I think that you know well how your favorite cats and dogs sleep. But what do you know about the sleep of other animals? This we ask our zoologists. The 2nd  stage is “Zoology”(student’s project "Animals: How They Sleep").

Пов’язане зображенняРезультат пошуку зображень за запитом "how do penguins sleep"Пов’язане зображенняРезультат пошуку зображень за запитом "how horses sleep"     3. The history of ideas about the nature of sleep goes back to ancient times.   Ancient people  wanted to look into the secrets of sleep, to find at least some explanation for what they dreamed. The 3rd stage is “Mythology” (student’s project "Sleep in Myths of Ancient Greece").

Пов’язане зображенняРезультат пошуку зображень за запитом "сновидения в греческой мифологии"     






        4.  Sleep scenes are often found in movies and cartoons. The 4th  stage is “Movies”. Have you seen a fantastic film "Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future"?  The plot of the film is based on unusual adventures of heroes with the help of  the time machine.

Пов’язане зображення Without the scenes of sleep it is also impossible to imagine many cartoon characters (“Alice in Wonderland”, “Snow White”, “The Sleepy Beauty” etc).













Dubbing Studio  presents to your mind an english version "Masha and the Bear". Cast: Masha – Amina Zvereva (students are dubbing the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

       Now it is your turn to share your knowledge with us – let’s do the Useful tips “How do you fall asleep?” (go to the blackboard and stick a star with your advice)

       5. Do you like to sleep? I hope, yes. After all, sleep is a wonderful way to see dreams! You know, an english word “dream” has 2 different translations - «мрія»  and «сон». There are all kinds of dreams: good dreams, bad dreams and nightmares.  Everybody knows that D.І.Mendeleev saw his periodical table in a dream. But was he the only one? What do dreams mean? Should  we believe our dreams? Our  psychologists can answer all these questions. The 5th  stage is “Psychology(report "Dreams that Changed the History of Mankind").

Elias Howe's Lockstich Sewing MachineElias HoweMary ShelleyFrankenstein by Mary Shelley









     You see, we need our dreams. Sometimes they can solve our problems. And what about you? Do you know what your  dreams mean? Ask about them our  dream interpreter! (interpretations of dreams).

      6.  If you are dressed in suitable clothing, your sleep will become much more pleasant. The 6th  stage is “Fashion and Design(Best Pajamas Report, Model Show).

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "victoria secret pajama"Пов’язане зображення








       7. Scientists recommend listening to quiet music before going to bed. I know that your mothers used to make lullabies in order to fall you asleep more quickly. The 7th  stage is “Music(a report about lullabies, a relax minute - a lullaby "Twinkle, Little Star!"

sleepy (2).gifРезультат пошуку зображень за запитом "колыбельная"






giphy (7).gif8.  Wake up! Wake up! The 8th  stage is “Health Protection”.

      Who usually wakes you up in the morning?

  • birds singing outside
  • cars
  • pets (cats, dogs etc)
  • an alarm clock
  • parents (mom, dad, granny)
  • light (of the Sun)
  • rain
  • getting cold




  • mobile phone
  • smelling of coffee
  • garbage trucks around neighborhood before 6-7 am
  • because of the sounds that I make myself

      We sleep through a third of our life, and the awakening process is different for everyone. Is it easy or difficult for you to wake up? Do you often smile in this moment? What do you fill?

Math the worlds with their translations and circle that one which can characterize you:  


  • joy
  • happiness
  • anger
  • apathy
  • annoyance
  • irritation
  • harmony
  • rush of energy
  • lethargy
  • досада








   прилив енергії


what is sleep hygiene       What are the reasons of your bad mood in the  morning? When do you usually go to bed? Look at the picture. We've all been this guy in the picture. And why not?  He looks like he's having a great time. But he might have trouble sleeping later. Why? He's drinking coffee in the evening. He's watching a brightly lit television in a dark room. The blue spectrum light beaming from its screen is going to shut down melatonin production in his brain, leading to problems falling asleep. He's also watching a stimulating program on TV. Sometimes the content of television programming can keep us up at night because of its emotional charge or exhilarating subject matter. Now watch the video and say what you should or  shouldn’t do at bedtime (watching a video).




Fill the table:





Be active during the day




Do sports 3-4 times a week




Keep your bedroom cool




Sleep in silence




Do yoga




Take a bath




Watch the clock every minute




Have plugs in your room




Do exercises




Fall asleep and go to bed at the same time




Walk before bedtime




Drink a glass of smth warm








Have light supper




Avoid anything with caffeine




Sleep in dark




Have comfortable bed




Stay cozy with warm PJs




Keep your bedroom clean




Use your bed only for sleeping




That is all for today. Our lesson is over. I hope that now you

  • know more about the process of sleep,
  • can tell about your dreams,
  • make a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle.



Hometask: to write a paragraph - summary Sleep and My Health.


Do you like our topic? Did you like our today’s lesson? What was the most interesting task for you? Why?

Тhank you for your work. Your marks are...


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