Урок для учнів 3 класу з теми "Clothes"

Про матеріал
In this lesson children practise clothes vocabulary with flashcards and games. They listen to the dialogue,act it in pairs and then join in with a song about clothes. They play an action game, then write about their favourite clothes.
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 Урок з теми: “Clothes” для учнів 3-х класів


  • to learn new vocabulary on the topic;
  • to use Present Simple structures in practice;
  • to practise and extend learners' clothes vocabulary
  • to develop learners' listening and speaking skills
  • to develop learners' writing skills

Extra materials: PB “English World 2”(p. 50-51), video materials , flash cards, WB (p.32)

                                          Lesson Procedure

  I Greetings and aims.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children! How are you?

Students: We are fine, thanks.

          Teacher: The topic of todays` lesson is “Clothes”.


Teacher draws a suitcase on the board. Tell the class that your suitcase is very heavy (and mime dragging heavy suitcase). Can they guess what’s in it? (Clothes) Can they guess which clothes? Ask for hands up to guess and accept any answers.


 II Warming-up

Teacher chooses up to 7 of the clothes flashcards. Tell the class ‘In my suitcase I’ve got …’, show the flashcards one by one and say the name of the item.

Now show the cards one by one, say the word and learners repeat. Stick the cards on the board or display on the floor. Ask the learners to guess which are your favourite clothes. Ask the children to put their hands up and to tell you their favourite clothes. Drill ‘What are your favourite clothes?’

Teacher:  What are your favourite clothes? Listen and repeat. Clothes.

Class: clothes

Teacher: favourite  clothes

Class: favourite clothes

Teacher: What are your favourite clothes?

Class: What are your favourite clothes?

Teaches asks students about their favourite clothes.


III Phonetics

         Students watch the video      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-bHqR1UOko      

Then they read the words from the board:bird, shirt, skirt, T-shirt, dirty

 IV Lead-in

 1. Pre-listening activity.

Students open their PBs.

Teacher asks questions:

  1. Who can you see in the picture?
  2. What is pirate Jack doing?
  3. What is Biffo doing? Why is he sad?
  4. What is Mr Jolly doing?

   2. Students listen to the dialogue (PB p.51)


   3. Doing physical exercises

Students watch the video and do the actions


   4. Reading activity

Students read the dialodue in pairs (PB p.51)

    5. After - reading activity

 Teacher asks questions:

  1. What does pirate Jack wear?
  2. What is princess Bella buying?
  3. Why is Biffo sad?
  4. What are Lily and Dan doing?
  5. What are your favourite clothes?

  6. Writing

Students do the task (WB Ex. 1,2 p. 32)

V  Round-up

Guessing game


VI Summarizing

Teacher: Today you have learnt a new words on the topic “Clothes”. Now you know how to say what your favourite clothes are. You have read the dialogue and played games.


До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови 3 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
21 липня 2022
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