Урок-екскурсія з англійської мови у 5 класі «Київ»

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Тема уроку: «Київ». Метою уроку є: Удосконалення лексичних навичок здобувачів освіти, розвиток їх мовленнєвих компетентностей (вміння вести групову бесіду шляхом проведення уявної екскурсії по місту).
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Тема уроку: «Київ»

Мета уроку: Удосконалення лексичних навичок здобувачів освіти, розвиток їх мовленнєвих компетентностей (вміння вести групову бесіду шляхом  проведення уявної екскурсії по місту).

Хід уроку:

  1. Організація класу до уроку.
  2. Повідомлення  теми та завдань уроку.

Т: Today, children, we’ll continue speaking about our country. And special attention we’ll pay to the capital of our Motherland.

3. Фонетична зарядка:

Poem “ A question” by Edith Segal

  •       прослуховування вірша;
  •       повторення за диктором;
  •       декламування вірша.

Т: Today we shall speak about a very big city, the biggest in Ukraine. There are a lot of big and high houses and buildings in it but at the same time it is very green and full of parks, squares and gardens.

  •       What city is it?
  •       Yes, of course, it is Kyiv.

Kyiv is the capital of our country. Nowadays  it is a very picturesque city. One half of its territory is occupied by parks and gardens. In summer when the trees are in a full leaf, the city looks like a huge park. Everybody knows the chestnut trees of Kyiv. And a chestnut leaf has even become a symbol of the city.

  1. Словникова робота.
  1. Робота з картками .

T: Our cards have two sides A and В. At side A you have a definition of the words and at side В you have words which mean town features. Be very attentive and try to find the appropriate word very quickly.

  1. Знайди зайве слово. (An odd word in each line of the words)
  1.   School, market, university, institute.
  2.   Museum, monument, church, shop.
  3.   Population, people, cinema, inhabitant.

     4. Square, street, house, lawn.

  1. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.
  •       Finish up the sentences:
  1.   Kyiv is...
  2.    In spring...
  3.    There are many...
  4.    The people of Ukraine...
  •       Answer the questions:
  1.   What is the capital of Ukraine?
  2.   Is Kyiv your native town?
  3.   Have you ever been to Kyiv?
  4.   Where is Kyiv situated?
  5.   Is it a beautiful city?
  6.   What are there in Kyiv?
  7.   What places of interest has Kyiv?


  •       Agree or disagree:
  1.   Kyiv is a district centre.
  2.    Kyiv is situated on one bank of the river Dnieper.
  3.    There are many chestnut trees in the streets of Kyiv.
  4.    There are green parks, gardens in Kyiv.
  5.    Kyiv is a new city.
  6.    20 centuries have passed over the capital.
  7.    Many people visit Kyiv every year.
  8.    Kyiv was founded by English prince.


  1. Усне мовлення учнів (монологічне та діалогічне). An excursion to the deep history of our capital.

T: You are right. Kyiv is an ancient city. It has a long and interesting history. Kyiv’s early history was originally recorded on the basis of old tales and legends both written and oral, which have been confirmed by researches over the centuries.

According to one of the legends Kyiv was founded by three brothers and their sister Lybid. This legend was told by Nestor, the chronicler and the monk of the Kyiv Pechersk Monastery.

  • знайомство з портретом Нестора, його літописом та легендою про заснування Києва;
  • монологічні повідомлення учнів (переказ легенди про заснування Києва);
  •       рольова гра (Кий , Щек, Хорив та Либідь).

Куі : I think this is a fine place. Let us settle here.

Shchek: I agree with you, Kyi. It’s really a nice place. There are green hills covered with a thick forest and a beautiful river.

Khoryv: Look! The water is so clean and blue. It will be very good to go fishing.

Kyi: Lybid, what about you? Why are you silent. Don’t you like this land?

Lybid: Oh, my dear brothers, I like it greatly. You are rather clever, my dear, and you always know what to do.

Kyi : Here on this hill we shall build a nice house.

Schek: It will be our home forever. It is our land and we must work hard to be happy here.

Lybid: I ’ll try to make our house the most beautiful. And now, my dear brothers, I want to give you these snowwhite shirts. You are the best brothers in the world.

Kyi: Thank you, Lybid.. I’ve brought the fish for dinner. Take and bring it to the house.

Schek: These are the best jugs for our house. And our dinner will be very tasty in them.

Khoryv: And it’s for you, my honey. This is a magic ring, which I have made especially for you.. You are the prettiest girl.

Lybid: Thank you. I’m glad to be your sister.

T: The names of three brothers and their sister have been commemorated in some of the city’s hills: Shchekavitsa, Khoryvitsa: in some names of the streets: Shchevitska, Khoryva, Lybidska.

So, the history of Kyiv is long and very interesting, that’s why the city is full of sights. Every year millions of people come from different сountries all over the world to visit Kyiv.

  1. Хвилинка релаксації (декламування віршів про правила руху у великому місті)

T: Imagine, now we are in Kyiv. The city is very busy. There are a lot of cars, buses, trams and trolley-buses in the streets.

I think we need a rest a little bit, let’s speak about rules of regulations.

Let’s recite them and relax ourselves.



1. Here is the light

If it is very bright.

If it is red,

Stop for the minute , Ted!


 Mind the way down

Be careful in the town.



2. Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street

Use your eyes,

Use your ears.

And then use your feet.

The streets go up,

The streets go down,

And in and out

About the town.

4. In the streets The buses run

Two by two Or one by one.


  1. Монологічне мовлення “The places of interest of Kyiv”.
  •       відтворення деформованого тексту (робота в парах).

Т: And now we know how to behave ourselves in the streets, let’s go to the tourist agency. Here we can receive general characteristics of the city. But look! Somebody has mixed all the sentences. Let’s reproduce this jumbled story. Make up sentences and write them on the blackboard and then read them in logical order, (зміст тексту додається).

  • опис визначних місць за ситуацією (“Зустріч з гідами”) та за картинками “Sights of Kyiv”;
  •       діалогічне мовлення, обмін враженнями про столицю.


  1. Пісня : “Which land is the best?”

T: I see that you are tired a little bit, our excursion is too long. And I think the best rest for us is to sing a nice song. Let’s do it all together.


  1.  Кросворди (робота в групах).

Every group has a chestnut leaf with a crossword. After guessing it you will find a key word. Everybody will make a sentence with it.


  1.  Підсумок уроку.





















Вірш “A Question” by Edith Segal

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small.

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where the houses are small

The gardens are very big.

And in the city where the houses are tall,

There are no gardens at all.

Пісня “Which Land is the Best?”

In my country we are happy.

In my country we are happier.

In my country we are the happiest in the world.

In my country we are friendly.

In my country we are friendlier.

In my country we are the friendliest in the world.

My country, your country

Travel East or West

If North is good and South is Better

Which land is the best?


Jumbled Paragraphs

Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe.

It was founded by three brothers: Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv and their sister Lybid.

Our capital is a very green city.

Kyiv is 1520 years old.

The population of Kyiv is about three million people.

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.












До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
27 листопада 2021
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