Урок "Endangered species"

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Урок за темою "Endangered species. Conditional sentences" для учнів 10 - 11 класів.
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Topic Endangered Species. Conditional Sentences (Types I and II)

Form: 10


Aims: to enlarge students’ vocabulary on the topic, to develop their reading, listening and speaking skills doing exercises and talking about endangered species and the ways of protecting them, to enable students use Conditionals I and II


Stage I. Getting ready for the lesson, warming up


1. Greeting, setting aims


Aim: to introduce the topic of the lesson

Procedure: students watch the video, and T elicits the topic of the lesson and issues which are going to be discussed during the lesson from students

Materials: the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtsLl-_XTAg (endangered tigers)

Time: 3 min

Interaction: T – whole class


Stage II. Main part


1. Guess reading and speaking


Aim: to develop reading and speaking skills (reading for specific information)

Procedure: students watch the presentation, form three groups, one student from the group reads the text, and then all the group members discuss the answers

Materials: the presentation, cards with texts and questions for each group

Time: 5 min

Interaction: group work


Let’s see what you know about endangered species. Can you answer these questions? (presentation, students try to give answers based on their knowledge and experience)




I hope you’ll be able to do it after reading some information.


They are a symbol of power and strength. Many empires in India had them as their national symbol. The habitat loss has made these endangered animals homeless. Their population has reduced considerably in recent times. Another reason for their endangerment is their widespread poaching. They are killed for their bones, which are used in traditional Chinese medicines. They are also poached for their skins, which are used for making jackets and bags. The Government of India has established 37 reserves and wildlife sanctuaries for the conservation of this endangered species.



They have a vast resemblance to humans. They are non-violent and friendly creatures which get angry only when their families are threatened, especially their kids. Their life-span is 35 years in the wild, and 50 years in captivity. Deforestation has contributed in the loss of their habitat. Poaching is another great threat. Moreover, they are hunted for amusements in the circus.


Polar Bears

They have heavy white fur on their body, which insulates them from the extreme cold. They are swift runners, and usually cover hundreds of miles. Moreover, they are expert swimmers. Their diet generally consists of fish, seal, birds, seaweed, and grass. They have been affected by global warming. Habitat loss due to climate change is the major cause for their endangerment. Oil extraction from the Arctic Ocean is yet another cause for the endangerment of polar bears. It spreads the toxic chemicals in the seawaters, and pollutes the surroundings.


Students form groups, each group chooses the card, reads, guesses the name of the animal (it is not mentioned on their cards with the texts) and answers the questions from the presentation.


2. Vocabulary Practice (computer exercises)


Aim: to review vocabulary

Procedure: students in pairs discuss the difference between two types of causes, then do a vocabulary exercise followed by the whole class discussion

Materials: the presentation slide, a computer for each pair of students

Time: 5 min

Interaction: pair work, T – whole class


Look at these causes of animals becoming endangered. How is the first group different from the second?


Now we’ll see how well you know the names of natural disasters. (computer vocabulary exercise)


Which one, in your opinion, causes the biggest threat for animals? Why?


3. Grammar Practice (computer presentation)

Aim: to revise and practice Conditionals I and II, to enlarge students’ vocabulary on the topic

Procedure: T elicits the answers from students while watching the presentation on the screen

Materials: the presentation on the huge screen for the whole class

Time: 10 min

Interaction: T – whole class












4. Matching reading and speaking


Aim: to develop reading and speaking skills (reading for gist)

Procedure: students form three groups and compete matching the headings to the paragraphs; checking – from the presentation slide

Materials: cards with headings for each team, cards with the text (gaps for headings)

Time: 5 min

Interaction: group work


What can we do to help the wildlife?


Conserve Habitats

When you visit a national park, make sure you obey the wildlife code: follow fire regulations; leave your pets at home; leave flowers or birds’ eggs where you find them; put your rubbish in a bin or, better still, take it home.

If you have friends who live on farms, encourage them to leave old trees standing, especially those with hollows suitable for nesting animals.

Make Space For Our Wildlife

Build a birdfeeder and establish a birdbath for the neighborhood birds.

Plant a tree and build a birdhouse in your backyard.

Recycle, Reduce, And Reuse

Encourage your family to take public transportation. Walk or ride bicycles rather than using the car.

Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth and use water-saving devices on your toilet and taps.

Join An Organization

There are many community groups working on conservation activities. Start helping today in your area!

Make Your Voice Heard

Write articles or letters about threatened species to newspapers.


5.Watching a video


Aim: to develop reading and listening skills

Procedure: students do a pre-watching exercise, watch the video doing an exercise while watching and do after-watching exercise individually; then swap their texts with filled in gaps and see if they agree with their partner’s answer, if there is any disagreement discuss their answers

Materials: the video, cards with exercises

Time: 14 min

Interaction: individual work, pair work


Everyone can make a difference. Let’s watch the video and see what can be done.


Aquarium on Wheels


Before you watch

A Match the words to the meanings.

1 rainforest

2 aquarium

3 conservation

4 species

5 marine biology

a saving and protecting the environment

b a building where fish and underwater animals are kept and displayed

c the science of studying living things in the sea

d a thick forest of tall trees in a tropical area which receives a lot of rain

e a group of plants or animals which have the same main characteristics


While you watch

B Watch the DVD and circle the words you hear.

1 These students are employees / members of a very special programme called “Aquarium on Wheels”.

2 This year’s aim / goal is to explain the importance of the world’s rainforests to young people.

3 One set / group of skills that the secondary school students need are the communication skills necessary to get and keep a job.

4 I have been here for three years and I really feel like I’ve helped a lot of people learn about / understand conservation.

5 The programme really means a lot to me because I want to specialize / major in marine biology.

6 The Aquarium on Wheels programme is having a powerful impact / effect on more than just the rainforests.




After you watch

C Complete the summary of the DVD below using these words.











At the National Aquarium in Baltimore, some secondary school students take part in a(n)                 (1) __________ called “Aquarium on Wheels”. They prepare (2) __________ to educate and entertain school children who do not have the opportunity to go to the aquarium; so the aquarium is brought to them. These student employees also want to help children to (3) __________ understand conservation; for example, the fact that saving one tree can be important to all the animals in the rainforest.

Martha Schaum, the programme (4) __________, says the programme also offers the student employees lessons for life. They learn communication (5) __________, they learn about organization and planning and they also learn a bit about themselves. Some even find out what they want to be in the        (6) __________. One student wants to be an environmental (7) __________ and another wants to be a marine biologist. The programme is (8) __________ both for the students and for Martha Schaum. It helps students prepare for their future professional lives and it allows Martha Schaum to achieve personal and professional (9) __________ from watching these teenagers grow. Aquarium on Wheels is having a positive (10) __________ on everybody involved with its very special programme.


Stage III. Summing up. Hometask


Aim: to get feedback from students

Procedure: students write their answers on separate pieces of paper and stick them to the board

Materials: sticky pieces of paper

Time: 3 min

Interaction: individual work


Write three points / issues / facts / pieces of information that impressed / surprised / interested you most of all during our today’s lesson concerning endangered species.


Now you can come and see if somebody else in the group shares your ideas.


You’ll be able to show once more what you’ve learnt after doing your hometask.

Write a text about any endangered species describing it, mentioning what problems it faces and suggesting possible solutions to them. Use conditionals in your writing.



Optional activities


Task 1 Vocabulary matching

Match these words to their definitions.


1. an animal that is hunted by another animal

2. a possibility that something bad will happen

3. the environment where an animal lives

4. destruction of land by water or sea

5. everything not made or controlled by humans

6. animals that hunt and kill

7. a group of plants or animals of the same kind

8. damage to air, land, water by chemicals and waste

9. animals and plants living in natural conditions

10. protection of natural things like forests

11. the land, water, air that people and animals live in

12. a person who fights for a particular social or political result



a) campaigner

b) conservation

c) environment

d) erosion

e) habitat

f) nature

g) pollution

h) predators

i) prey

j) species

k) threat

l) wildlife



Task 2

Use of English – gap filling



Polar bears are the 1) _____ carnivores in the world that live on land. They are found in the Arctic and their preferred 2) _____ is on top of the arctic ice. Here they hunt seals for food 3) _____ mate. Polar bears are very good swimmers; they paddle with their front 4) _____ and hold their hind legs flat to help them change direction. Sadly, polar bears are becoming seriously 5) _____ for a number of reasons. Oil companies are moving into          6) _____ areas, bringing a growing danger of oil pollution. At the same time, the arctic ice is melting due to global 7) _____. Polar bears feed on the ice so if it disappears, they will starve. A third danger comes 8) _____ over-hunting. Thankfully, 9) _____ organizations are now working to preserve parts of the Arctic and the 10) _____ that lives there. The Great Arctic Reserve, for example, is now a sanctuary for a variety of 11) _____, such as seals, wild reindeer and foxes.


A greatest

B main

C largest

D chief


A place

B environs

C house

D habitat


A that

B and

C with

D but


A tails

B jaws

C paws

D feathers


A scared

B risked

C alarmed

D endangered


A some

B its

C an

D the


A heating

B warming

C changing

D airing


A from

B by

C to

D at


A saving

B preservation

C conservation

D protection


A creatures

B mammals

C animals

D wildlife


A species

B kinds

C orders

D families


Task 3

Vocabulary matching

Match the words.


1. tidal

2. volcanic

3. global

4. forest

5. greenhouse

6. ozone

7. climate

8. balance

9. fossil

10. recycle

11. waste

12. become

13. habitat


a) change

b) destruction

c) energy

d) eruption

e) extinct

f) fire

g) fuel

h) gases

i) layer

j) of nature

k) warming

l) waste

m) wave






















































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