Урок "Feelings and emotions. What’s in a smile."

Про матеріал
Урок розроблено за підручником видавництва Longman Next Move 4. Тема уроку сприятиме формуванню емоційно-ціннісного ставлення учнів до оточуючих їх людей. Розвиток мовної компетенції пов'язано із розвитком культури спілкування та критичного мислення.
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Одеська спеціалізована школа № 35 з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови Одеської міської ради                                                                       Одеської області


Розробка уроку з англійської мови

для учнів середньої школи.

Вчителя англійської мови вищої категорії

Вересаєва Володимира Анатолійовича



Lesson plan

Form 7 


Feelings and emotions. What’s in a smile.


To revise the target language (vocabulary feelings and emotions)

Practice reading (skimming + scanning) and

Work in groups and individually completing the tasks

Instructional objectives

By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the target language (vocabulary – emotions) speaking about feelings and emotions

Read the text What’s in a smile and check comprehension

Answer the questions about the text

Discuss the main issues of the text


B1 Next Move 4 Un 3 Be Happy p 31


Next Move 4 SB


YouTube Videos

PowerPoint presentation


In this lesson students will learn how to use vocabulary (feelings and emotions) correctly when they speak and read about feelings. First students will revise vocabulary (feelings verbs) using the internet resources. Then they will work in two teams matching the lexical items to their definitions and check their answers using PPP. They will watch a video which shows how important it is to show emotions properly. After that they will read the text and analyze it. Finally, they’ll listen to short interviews and share their opinions.



1 How do you feel – game + music (listen + say)

A teacher says I feel happy when you’re in my class and throws a ball to a student asking the question How do you feel?

The student answers and throws the ball to another student.

Students look at the poster and use the words to describe their feelings.

Activities +stages

2 Quizlet


Scanning the barcode

Students work individually with the flashcards (using their mobile phones)  + matching game – who is the champion?



3 Matching game – words + definitions (using the flashcards)

Two teams are competing matching the verbs with their definitions (using paper flashcards), the fastest team wins.



4 Video Emotions Every Actor Should Know


–watch and try to remember 3 emotions from the video + demonstrate +

Let other students guess the emotion you’re acting out. (guessing game)


5 Powerpoint Presentation – pictures _ verbs (revision)

Look at the picture and say the verb.

The article from SB is called What’s in a smile.  What can it be about? Guess.


6 What type of text is it? (an advert, an article, a review)

Read + explain

7 ex 2 – discussing the first question (1)

Ex 2 – two teams – reading + answering the questions team 1 – 2,3

                                    team 2 – 4,5

8 Presenting students’ opinions + discussing them

Optional follow-up task

9 Let’s watch

Celebrities and their emotions


Watch the video + complete the sentences

Then discuss and personalize information.

Is acting difficult or easy? Could you imitate emotions if you were an actor?

Do you agree or disagree with the celebrities?



Keira Knightley is really interested in … (challenges)

Tom Hanks says in acting  he needs all the … (emotions you had to go through…) – loving a girl or laughing outrageously at something hilarious

Everything he’s ever done in a film requires … (getting to some sort of emotional reality that is contrary to the actual setting that you are in)

Anne Hathaway feels very lucky … (her characters are complex, she loves them because of their flaws not in spite of them)

Ben Stiller says it’s important to understand where… (the characters are coming from, what their motivations are – jealousy, insecurity)


H/w  SB 31 read + write 8-10 sentences “Do you feel happier when somebody smiles at you?”







become red in the face, because you are embarrassed


produce tears from your eye because you are unhappy


move your eyebrows together to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression


breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard, especially because you're surprised or in pain


make your mouth curve upwards, in order to be friendly


open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored


have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened


breathe in and out making a long sound because you are bored, disappointed


say something very loudly


shake slightly because you are cold or frightened


make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt or frightened


make sounds with your voice, because you think something is funny





30 січня 2020
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