Урок "Food" (6 Form)

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку-пари в 6 класі у супроводі мультимедійної презентації. НМК "Oxford Team"(II)
Зміст архіву
Перегляд файлу

ТЕМА: Healthy Food – Healthy Life. At the Café

МЕТА: Систематизувати та узагальнити знання за сферою спілкування «Їжа»


  •              навчальні: опрацювання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, практикування в читанні, аудіюванні та діалогічному мовленні;
  •              розвиваючі: розвивати навички перегляду відеоматеріалу з метою отримання загальної інформації та виділення конкретної інформації;
  •              виховні: виховувати в учнів позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя.

ОЧІКУВАНИЙ РЕЗУЛЬТАТ: після даного уроку учні зможуть

ЗНАТИ: лексичний матеріал за сферою спілкування, граматичний матеріал (Countable / Uncountable Nouns), правила здорового способу життя;

ВМІТИ: висловлювати власну думку щодо проблеми здорового харчування, визначати загальний зміст та конкретну інформацію в переглянутому відеоматеріалі.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: НМК “Oxford Team 2”, лексична таблиця “My Food”, граматична таблиця “Countable and Uncоuntable Nouns”, Class CD (“Oxdord Team 2”), роздатковий матеріал для перегляду відеосюжету, CD-програвач, DVD-диск “English Channel 2”, комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор, екран. 

ТИП УРОКУ: Урок систематизації та узагальнення знань



T: Good morning, dear students. I hope we’ll help each other to cope with the aims and tasks of this lesson. So, I want to recite the words of the well-known song “Don’t worry. Be happy!” Is everybody present today? – Well. So, we start.


Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: I know that you have just finished to study the material about food. And now you begin to study topic about medicine and health. And today we’ll concern the problem of the healthy food (SLIDE 1).


What do you think are these two topics connected? I think they are surely connected. There are many facts that influence our health. What are they? – sport, environment, day regimen and of course, food and way of eating. (SLIDE 2)

So, the topic of our today’s lesson is “Healthy FOOD – Healthy LIFE. At the Café”. At this lesson we’ll revise the vocabulary and grammar material that concerns this topic. During our lesson we’re going to know how to communicate with waiters at the cafes or restaurants and watch the video episode about way of food preparation. 


T: Please, lift your hands whose answers for my question will be “YES”

  1.          Who wants to be healthy?
  2.          Who likes chips?
  3.          Who likes fast-food?
  4.          Are these kinds of food healthy and useful?

Well, the situation is very interesting: Everybody wants to be healthy, but most of you eat unhealthy food?

  1.          Do you want to know how to cook themselves?

Well, I hope, today I’ll help you to solve these problems.

Актуалізація опорних знань та вмінь

T: We often need to point out the quantity of food products. So, regarding this problem we should remember about countable and uncountable nouns because the ways of defining  their quantities are different. Look at table “Countable and Uncountable Nouns”. And now we’ll try to use the quantities of the following food products correctly. I propose you to work in pairs. The task is to ask your partner about the quantity of the food from the table “My Food”, your partner should give his or her answer. You may use the help on the SLIDE (3).

How much _____ have we got?                    How many ________ (s) have we got?


Узагальнення лексичного матеріалу

Match the beginning of the proverbs about health with their ending. (SLIDE 4)

1- d, 2- a, 3-g, 4-c, 5-h, 6-e, 7-f, 8-b.

Практикування в аудіюванні та діалогічному мовленні

  1.          p. 70 ex. 4 T: Listen to the three customers. Why are they complaining? Choose from the reasons (a-d). There is one extra letter which you do not need to use: 1c, 2d, 3a. (SLIDE 5)
  2.          p. 72 ex. 3 Listen to Tessa and John ordering a meal. Complete the notes: 1 – Andy, 2 – chicken sandwich, ham, 3 – chocolate, 4 – dessert, 5 – banana, 6 – water. (SLIDE 6)
  3.          Pair-Work: Imagine that you’re at the café. Ask and answer with a partner. Use prompts on the SLIDE (7).

Практикування в читанні

p. 72 ex. 1 Read the description of the café and answer the questions. (SLIDE 8)

1) 3 (Julie Clarke and parents) 2) Since last year 3) It’s small. 4) Julie’s.5) Cheap.

Перегляд відеосюжету

T: And now we are ready to learn how to cook themselves.

You know that there are many kinds of programmes on TV. Can you name them? Well, and one of them are cooking shows. And now I propose you to watch the video episode about such kind of show. This show is a contest between two cooks. And we’ll also have a small contest between 3 teams.

Useful vocabulary: recipe, lid, food processor, icing sugar

Introduction (Вступ)

Task 1.  Watch the introductory part of the episode and fill in the gaps (SLIDE 9):

  1.          The title of the cooking show is __________________. “Ken’s Show”
  2.          The names of two contestants are __________________. Helen and Dudley
  3.          The title of the cake is _______________________. Caribbean Surprise


Prediction (Передбачення розвитку подій)

As we know, there are two contestants in this show. To your opinion who will win?

Lift your arms who thinks the winner will be Helen. And now lift your hands who thinks the winner will be Dudley. Well, we’ll see.


Task 2. Watch the second part of the episode and fill in the gaps of the following recipe with the words from the box.


Banana, butter, bowl, sugar, mixture, fruit, tin, flour, on, off, lid, cream, eggs, fork, oven, icing sugar

                                                      CAKE RECIPE


  1. _________
  2. _________
  3. _________
  4. two ______
  5. one ______
  6. __________, ____________, __________ for decoration


  1. Put the ______ and the _____ in the food processor.
  2. Put the ____ on and switch the processor _____.
  3. After mixing the flour and the sugar switch the processor ____.
  4. Put the _____ in the processor and switch it on again.
  5. Put the ______ one after another and mix the ingredients.
  6. After mixing switch the processor off.
  7. Peel a _________.
  8. Put the banana in the ______ and mash it with a _______.
  9. Put the cake _______ in the bowl with the banana.
  10. Mix them together.
  11. Put the mixture into the cake ______ and then into the ______.
  12. When the cake is ready take it off.
  13. Decorate the cake with ________, __________, ___________.




Memory Game

Task 3. Now, watch the last part of the episode and name 10 ingredients that are used for decoration of this cake.

  1. cream, 2) icing sugar, 3) strawberries, 4) pineapple rings, 5) orange pieces, 6) nuts, 7) chocolate chips, 8) marshmallows, 9) cherries, 10) grapes.


  1.          What useful information have you known from this lesson? Who wants to try to cook the Cottage Pie?
  2.          Let’s make the conclusions from this lesson. Divide following instructions into two columns:               YOU SHOULD                                          YOU SHOULDN’T

Keep to diet, eat regularly, usually eat at home, often eat at the restaurants, eat fast food,

eat many vegetables, eat many cakes and sweets, eat much pasta, eat chips, eat much fruit,

drink much cola, drink fresh juice


T: The home task is the following. You should use your recipe notes got at the lesson and try to prepare the cake according to the recipe with the help of your parents or elder relatives. (Застосовуючи нотатки рецепту, зроблені під час уроку, приготуйте пиріг разом з батьками або старшими родичами).


Commenting marks. I’d like to ask your parents to give you additional marks for the cake cooking. I’m sure that if you’re attentive at this lesson, your cake will taste greatly.

(Коментування оцінок. Я б хотіла звернутися з проханням до ваших батьків виставити вам додаткові оцінки за приготування пирога. Впевнена, що якщо ви були уважні на цьому уроці, ваш пиріг смакуватиме добре).







Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

HEALTHY FOOD – HEALTHY LIFEOlha Yaroshenko,English Teacher,Kharkiv School 123

Номер слайду 2

Healthy Way of Life means:

Номер слайду 3

Use the prompts to ask and answer with your partner: How much _____ have we got? How many ________ (s) have we got?

Номер слайду 4

Match the beginning of the proverbs about health with their ending:1. A sound mind a. after supper walk a while.2. After dinner sit a while b. but eat to live.3. An apple a day c. have desperate cures.4. Desperate diseases must d. in a sound body.5. Early to bed and early to rise e. is above wealth.6. Good health f. is the best medicine.7. Laughter g. keeps the doctor away.8. Live not to eat h. makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Номер слайду 5

Listen to the three customers. Why are they complaining? A The pizza is cold. B The tea is cold. C The fork is dirty. D The glass is broken.

Номер слайду 6

Listen to Tessa and John ordering a meal. Complete the notes: The waiter’s name is _____________ (1). Tessa and John both order a ______________ (2). Tessa wants some ___________ (3) cake for dessert. John doesn’t want a __________ (4). Tessa asks for a _________ (5) milkshake. She also asks the waiter for some ______ (6) to drink.

Номер слайду 7

Imagine that you’re at the café. Ask and answer with a partner. What would you like for your main course? – A __________, please. Would you like a drink with your meal? – Some ____________, please.

Номер слайду 8

Read the description of the café and answer the questions: 1) How many people went to the café with Helen? 2) How long has the café been open? 3) How big is the café? 4) Whose main course was nicer – Julie’s or Helen’s? 5) What were the prices like – cheap or expensive?

Номер слайду 9

WATCHING The title of the cooking show is __________________. The names of two contestants are _______________. The title of the cake is _______________________.

Номер слайду 10

LESSON CONCLUSIONS: {5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}YOU SHOULDYOU SHOULDN’TKeep to diet, eat regularly, usually eat at home, eat fast food, often eat at the restaurants, eat many vegetables, eat many cakes and sweets, eat much pasta, eat chips, eat much fruit, drink much cola, drink fresh juice

Номер слайду 11

26 грудня 2020
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