Урок "Food and Drinks"

Про матеріал
Нестандартний урок-конкурс для учнів початкової ланки має на меті систематизацію та узагальнення фонетичних, лексичних та граматичних навичок учнів по темі "Food and Drinks". У розробці уроку подані вправи на розвиток навичок читання, аудіювання письма та говоріння. Також представлене виконання проектної роботи, яка спрямована на розвиток комунікативних навичок учнів, що є першим завданням НУШ.
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Topic:  Systematization and generalization phonetic, lexical and grammar material using games on the topic “Food and Drinks”.


  • to incorporate group and pair work;
  • to develop pupils’  logical thinking;
  • to increase pupils’ motivation; to encourage pupils to be tolerant and respect

         culture,  traditions of other countries;

  • to involve students to make project works.

Learning  outcomes:

At  the end of the lesson learners will be able to:

  • use words and expressions related to the topic «Food and Drinks » in speaking;
  • improve their reading, listening and writing skills;
  • make project works.      

Equipment: SB Fly High 2, pictures with different food and drinks, CD, computer, a letter, faces.

Procedure  of  the  lesson



 1. Greeting: Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. And you?

 2. Warming up: Answer my questions, please. Do you like apples? Do you like soup?  Do you like oranges? Do you have breakfast every day?

 Let’s sing a song “I like breakfast”.


I like breakfast

I like milk and I like bread.

I like honey and I like eggs.

I like apples and oranges too.

I like breakfast.

How about you?


I like breakfast in the morning.

I like breakfast in the morning.

I like breakfast in the morning.

I like breakfast.

How about you?


 II. Main Part:

 1. Listening:

 T: Now, students, let’s revise the English sounds. Open your books on page 86 and find exercise 1(a). Say it with Sally. First you listen and point to the sound. Then you listen and repeat.

(The children are listening and doing the tasks).

 2. Listening and writing:

 T: OK! Let’s do the next exercise 1(b), page 86.  I’ll play and pause after “i”, “insect” etc. You have to write the letter sound and the word in the air. Then you have to write the letter in the missing place.

(The teacher is playing the CD and the children are doing the pointed task).

  T: Now, students, I’ll call out the numbers of the words and you have to repeat the letter sound and the word.

 1. i, i, insect

 2. o, o, orange

 3. u, u, umbrella

 4. e, e, egg

 5. a, a, apple

 6. o, o, frog

 7. u, u, duck

 8. a, a, cat

 9. e, e, nest 

 10. i, i, hippo


 T: Great, children! Now let’s finish doing this exercise. Find ex.1(c), page 86.  This is a chant. I’ll play the CD you have to follow in your books, then say the chant in the class.

 Chant: Black cats. Eggs in a nest. Pink insects. Orange frogs. Mum and an umbrella.

 T: Now I’ll play the CD again and you have to say the chant along with the CD.

 (Then the teacher divides  the class into five groups: one group for Black Cats etc. Then she allocates one part of the chant to each group. The teacher asks each group to say its part of the chant in turn.)


 T: It’s time of doing exercises. Come up to me, students, make two lines and ask questions and answer them in turn.

 (The children are doing exercises, playing game “Rank).

 T: Look at the half-completed drawings. You have to decide what the drawings are and complete them. Look at the example anagram. Look at the blackboard. You can see the letters “odiar”. Call out the correct spelling.

 Pl.: radio

 T: Now, pupils, unjumble the letters and write the other words below the pictures.

 (The teacher is checking the answer by calling out the question numbers and having the children call out the words).

 T: Pupils, make pairs, please. Look at the picture then read the example question and answer out loud.

 (Then the children practice asking and answering about the other items in the picture).

 T: Now, students, let’s make a Project Work. I’ll give you some sheets of paper with uncompleted faces. You have to ask questions your classmates “Do you like apples?”.  Everybody answers. If the answer is “Yes, I do” you draw a smile on the face opposite the friend’s name. If the answer is “No, I don’t” you have to draw a sad face.

 (The children are going around the classroom, asking their friends questions and drawing the faces. Then they count how many pupils like apples and write the sentences. E.g.: Five pupils like apples. Two pupils don’t like apples. etc)








Serhiy P











































T: Thank you for your work. I’ll check up your Project Works and put the marks.

Did you like today’s lesson? It’s over, good bye, children.


25 червня 2021
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