Урок "Готуємося до свята"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови "Готуємося до свята" у 4 класі з презентацією
Перегляд файлу

Готуємося до свята


• навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за темою «Покупки», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Покупки», описувати та запитувати про повсякденні справи, формування навичок вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання та аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про лінгвістичну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалення умінь будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвиваюча: уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування, уміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.

Обладнання: картки за темою «Покупки»,

Хід уроку




1. Greeting. (Слайд 1)

Т: Goodmorning, pupils!

Sit down who likes to eat







 I am glad to see you. How are you?


2.Warm-up.  Фонетична розминка.

A song.



Let’s check our homework.

Ex.4 p.70


Today we’ll speak about preparing for celebrating a holiday.

1.  Listening (Слайд 2)

Гра “Guess a holiday”.

1. The English celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October. They make lanterns out of pumpkins and wear the costumes of witches and ghosts.

It’s Halloween.

2. This holiday is celebrates on April or May. People usually paint Easter eggs and bake paskas , prepare  hot cross buns and greeting postcards.

It’s Easter.

3. This holiday is celebrates on January 1st. On this day people decorate the New Year Tree. Father Frost and Snow Maiden brings presents for all children.

It’s New Year.

4. We celebrate this day on January 7th but English people on December 25th.People usually decorate the house and sing Christmas carols.

It’s Christmas.

5. The people all over the world celebrate this day on March 8th.We organize school parties and present women with flowers.

It’s Women’s Day.

6. The Ukrainians celebrate this day on August 24th.People usually go to the parade on the Main Square and looks after firework display.

It’s Independence Day


2. Pair work. To speak about a holiday lets revise such word-combinations (робота в групах)

(з’єднання половинок)

Who’ll be the first, who’ll do it correctly?

  • To invite guests;
  • To clean the house;
  • To buy food;
  • To make a cake;
  • To lay the table.

(Слайд  3  )

2. Have fun. Повторення лексики (Слайд 4  )


3. Listening  and reading (p. 72, ex. 1).

Pre-listening: Look at the picture and describe it.

Whom can you see?

What are they doing?

What is he buying?

While-listening: Listen and read silently.

 (Слайд  5  )


4.Practicing grammar

1)Read and compare (p. 72, ex. 2).

Look at the questions and words ‘How many’ and ‘How much’. Drill the pronunciation of these words.

(Слайд  6   )

5. Writing WB 1 p.65

2) Ask and answer in pairs (p. 73, ex. 3).

Pupils in pairs take turns to ask and answer questions.

Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs.

3) (Слайд  7  )


6. Фізкультхвилинка

T: Are you tired, boys and girls?  Let’s have fun and move a bit. Are you ready? Let’s start. 


7. Listening and reading (p. 73, ex. 4).

Pair work: Then read the dialogues in pairs. Do choral and individual repetition of difficult words. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Then pupils read the dialogues themselves.


Ask pupils to name English money.



Telephone conversation (group work) складання розрізаних частинок.


  •             Hello …! How are you?
  •             Hello …! I am fine, thank you.
  •             What are you going to do on April, 20?
  •             Well. Nothing.
  •             I am going to organize a party. We will eat cakes, drink tea, sing songs, tell stories and play games. Can you come?
  •             Ok. Thank you.


6. Game (p. 74, ex. 5) “Shopping”.

Read the instructions. Do them. Then play.






What food do you like?

WB 1 p. 58


 Little old uncle, dressed in brown. Take off his coat… How tears run down!

(Answer: ONION)

Name a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows under the ground and has a green top. It is good for your eyesight.

(Answer: CARROT)

Name a vegetable that is green on the outside and white on the inside. It starts with «C.»

(Answer: CUCUMBER)

Name a fruit that starts with «A». It is white on the inside and can be red, yellow, or green on the outside. It grows on a big tree. Children like it.

(Answer: APPLE)

Name a long, thin fruit that starts with «B». It is yellow on the outside and white and soft on the inside. Monkeys like to eat it.

(Answer: BANANA)

It’s the same color as its name.

(Answer: ORANGE)



T: Thank you for a great work. I hope we like the lesson. And look at the blackboard. You see a cake on it. And you have a number of pictures with fruits and vegetables. If you like the lesson, put a fruit on the cake. If not, put a vegetable.




15 грудня 2020
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