Про матеріал
Розробка уроку з теми "HIV+AIDS=DEATH" для учнів старших класів з метою підвищення обізнаності про ВІЛ та СНІД. Матеріал містить план-конспект уроку, презентацію Power Point, роздавальний матеріал.
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Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

HIV + AIDS == DEATHCreated by. Olga Prihodko. School 18 Sumy, Ukraine

Номер слайду 2

At this lesson you will learn theanswers to the following questions: What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?How can HIV be transmitted?What instruments can transmit HIV if shared?What must people do in order not to get HIV?

Номер слайду 3

Do you know that…?According to the latest statistics of the global HIV & AIDS epidemic published by UNAIDS the number of people living with HIV is: In 2009 2.6 million people were newly infected with HIV. HIV deaths in 2009 are 1.8 million.http://www.avert.org/worldstats.htm

Номер слайду 4

Global Trends

Номер слайду 5

Ukraine takes the first place in Europe in the number of HIV infected people.http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%9 D%D0%86%D0%94 Every day 7 people die from HIV in Ukraine.

Номер слайду 6

HIV and AIDS play a prominent role in modern everyday lifeno matter what we may hope for or wish to believe. It affects all of us!!!

Номер слайду 7

What are HIV and AIDS ?HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It causes AIDS. AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It can be the cause of many serious illnesses. People cannot get AIDS from other people. They can get HIV.

Номер слайду 8

HIV cannot be transmitted by. Hugging. Giving first aid. Sneezing. Insect bites. Kissing

Номер слайду 9

HIV can be transmitted by. Blood transfusion. Penetrative sex without a condom. Sharing needles. Using heroin. Mother to fetus

Номер слайду 10

What instruments can transmit HIV if shared ?No!No!No!???

Номер слайду 11

What instruments can transmit HIV if shared ?Yes!!!Yes!!!??

Номер слайду 12

HIV can be transmitted through such liquids as blood semen vaginal fluid breast milk

Номер слайду 13

Which are the highest risk groups? Drug users Homosexuals. Prostitutes

Номер слайду 14

Look, listen and remember!!!

Номер слайду 15

Main symptoms of AIDS

Номер слайду 16

The most common infections include. Throat and body infection. Pneumonia. Brain infection. Brain and body infection. Tuberculosis. Eye and body infection. Cancer. Many other infections (such as Herpes, HPV, Streptococcal pneumonia, and Salmonella) occur in people with AIDS.

Номер слайду 17

Take off these Chains!People are crying. Deaths increasing,This is about the pain. HIV and AIDS are killing us,can’t we see. The daily deaths of HIV?Heal this sufferingwhether you are infectedor affected. Turn this world into a conscious worldwhere there is no stigma,or discrimination or denial. KK Mofu, age 17

Номер слайду 18

. One night of fun,one night of lust,one night of love,one night of trust. Severe pain, no longer a blame game,no longer hiding behind shame,no longer living, no longer afraid.by Anthonio Vallejo

Номер слайду 19

Our minds can change this tragedy,Heal this suffering. For the sake of our brothers and sisters,mothers and fatherswho are no longer with us.

Номер слайду 20

Does any of the people you know has HIV? Have you ever met anyone who has HIV? Must you avoid people who have HIV? Do you know how people in our community try to tackle HIV/AIDS?

Номер слайду 21

I have HIV. But I want to care for you. I have HIV. But I have the desire to live,To touch and to embrace. I have HIV. But I have the ability to love,And I want to be loved!!!I have HIV. But I need you!!!

Номер слайду 22

What if you were HIV positive?I would STILL BEHUMANWhat if IT were y. OU ?

Номер слайду 23

The 1st of December is. World Aids Day. It is an opportunity to bring people together to raise awareness for HIV. http://www.worldaidsday.org/Do-Something/World-AIDS-Day-Events.aspx

Номер слайду 24

What can you do?You can tell about what you learned to as many people as possible. You can take part in the World AIDS Day and help raise awareness of HIV. Newsletter. World AIDS Day

Номер слайду 25

Answer the questions: Do you think this information was useful for you? Do you think that everyone should get HIV tested? Why do some people choose not to get tested? Can we make our community safer so that people feel comfortable telling about their HIV status? Do you have a story about something that happened in your life about HIV and AIDS?

Номер слайду 26

Your homework: Write a message to a teenager who has HIV. Make a newsletter for the pupils of our school. Make a leaflet about the World AIDS Day in our school

Номер слайду 27

Don’t Forget!!!

Номер слайду 28

Resourceshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIVhttp://www.medicinenet.com/human_immunodeficiency_virus_hiv_aids/article.htmhttp://www.avert.org/hiv-virus.htmhttp://www.amazinganimations.com/http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec17/ch199/ch199a.htmlhttp://www.helium.com/items/1007249-should-hiv-awareness-be-taught-in-schoolshttp://www.helium.com/users/338535/show_articleshttp://www.ivmproject.ca/resources/In%20 My%20 Life%20guide.pdf http://www.thebody.com/content/art/art59057.htmlhttp://www.helium.com/items/528496-songs-hiv-awareness

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КУ Сумська загальноосвітня І-ІІІ ступенів школа №18 Сумської міської ради






















Суми 2019 р.

Тема уроку: HIV+AIDS=DEATH

Навчальна мета: Надати учням знання про ВІЛ та СНІД. Ознайомити учнів з додатковою лексикою з теми «Здоров’я». Практикувати учнів у читанні, аудіюванні та монологічному мовленні.

Дидактична мета: Розвивати мовну здогадку. Розвивати фонетичний слух. Сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення учнів.

Виховна мета: Виховувати культуру спілкування, турботу про своє здоров’я та здоров’я інших людей. Виховувати повагу до людей, толерантність, уміння співчувати та людяність. Вчити займати активну життєву позицію.

Обладнання: Роздатковий матеріал (“HIV Vocabulary Exercise”, “HIV Worksheets”) , комп’ютер, проектор.

Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу (Warming-up)

T: Hello, guys, nice to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It is unusual because the problem we are going to talk about isn’t as a rule discussed in families, but I think it is really very important for you to be informed. I’ve got some questions to you: Do you know about the difference between HIV and AIDS? Would like to discuss this problem at our English lesson?

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Слайд 2)

T: During the lesson you are going to hear some facts about HIV and AIDS, read a text and do some tasks. After the lesson I expect you to tell me if this information was useful for you and if it is necessary to talk about this problem at school.

  1. Основна частина уроку
  1. Знайомство з проблемою

T: Well, guys, I asked you to look for some facts about the spread of this disease in the world. Who wants to make a report?

P1: According to the latest statistics of the global HIV & AIDS epidemic published by UNAIDS the number of people living with HIV is (Слайд №3):

  • total number is 33.3 ml people
  • women - 15.9 ml
  • men - 14.9 ml
  • children - 2.5 ml

            P2: In 2009 2.6 million people were newly infected with HIV. HIV deaths in

            2009 are 1.8 million. Have a look at the diagram of global trends in the

            number of people living with HIV and AIDS by year. (Слайд №4)

           P4: Ukraine takes the first place in Europe in the number  of HIV infected

             people. (Слайд №5)

           T: HIV and AIDS play a prominent role in modern everyday life no matter

             what we may hope for or wish to believe. It affects all of us!!! That’s why I

             think it is very important that people know as much as possible about it.

             (Слайд №6)

  1. Читання тексту
  1. Етап підготовки до читання тексту. Pre-reading activity.

Учні отримують роздатковий матеріал HIV and AIDS Vocabulary та знайомляться з новими ЛО. Після уроку вони беруть ці завдання додому та вчаться писати нові слова.

  1. Етап власне читання тексту. While-reading activity.

Учні мовчки читають текст про ВІЛ та СНІД  (HIV and AIDS Worksheets)

  1. Виконання після текстових завдань. Post-reading activity.

Учні відповідають на запитання учителя (Слайди №7-13). Далі учні виконують завдання у другій частині роздаткового матеріалу (HIV and AIDS Worksheets).

  1. Перегляд кінофільму (Слайд №14)
  2. Аудіювання (Слайди №15-16)

Учні знайомляться з основними симптомами СНІДу.

  1. Читання віршів (Слайди №17-18)

Учні читають вірші, написані ВІЛ-позитивними підлітками.

  1. Бесіда учителя з учнями (Слайди №19-20)

T: Our minds can change this tragedy, heal this suffering for the sake of our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers who are no longer with us.

And now I want you to answer some of my questions:

  • Does any of the people you know has HIV?
  • Have you ever met anyone who has HIV?
  • Must you avoid people who have HIV?
  • Do you know how people in our community try to tackle HIV/AIDS?
  1. Читання вірша (Слайд №21)

Один з учнів читає вірш “I Have HIV”.

  1. Читання тексту Why is World AIDS Day such an important date in the yearly calendar?” (HIV and AIDS Worksheets)
  2. Бесіда учителя з учнями (Слайди №22-24)

T: What if you were HIV positive?

The 1st of December is World Aids Day.  It is an opportunity to bring people together to raise awareness for HIV.

What can you do?

You can tell about what you learned to as many people as possible.

You can take part in the World AIDS Day and help raise awareness of HIV.

  1. Заключна частина уроку
  1. Підведення підсумків уроку (Слайд №25)

Учні  відповідають на запитання учителя:

  • Do you think this information was useful for you?
  •  Do you think that everyone should get HIV tested?
  •  Why do some people choose not to get tested?
  •  Can we make our community safer so that people feel   comfortable telling about their HIV status?
  •  Do you have a story about something that happened in your life about HIV and AIDS?


  1. Домашнє завдання (Слайд №26)
  • Write a message to a teenager who has HIV.
  •  Make a newsletter for the pupils of our school.
  •  Make a leaflet about the World AIDS Day in our school




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