Урок "Houses and Homes"

Про матеріал
Матеріал уроку допоможе систематизувати лексичний матеріал по темі; розвивати вміння використовувати набуту лексику у мовленні; удосконалювати навички читання та аудіювання; розвивати увагу, пам'ять, мислення, фонематичний слух.
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   Form: 6th

Oksana Sushko, secondary school 11, Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region

Topic: Houses and Homes.

Objectives: систематизувати лексичний матеріал по темі; розвивати вміння використовувати набуту лексику у мовленні; удосконалювати навички читання та аудіювання; розвивати увагу, пам'ять, мислення, фонематичний слух

Aids: proverbs, Bill’s family, hand out material.


I. Beginning of the lesson.

  • Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you in our English lesson.
  • We start our lesson with pronunciation drills. The sounds [  ], [  ]
  • Say the tongue twister: Thanks to those thirty-three thirsty girls. (Ss repeat).

The sounds [e  ], [  ] First word, third word,

   Then, then, then?

   First word, third word,

Again, again, again! (Ss repeat)

  • When do we use rising intonation?
  • When do we use falling intonation?
  • Listen and repeat the tongue twister.
  • Practice the tongue twister with your partner.

II. Follow up.

Activity 1 (writing the proverb)

Open your copybooks and write down today’s date. Ann, come to the blackboard and write down the proverb with spelling:    East or West home is the best.

- Explain the meaning of this proverb.

  • Today we’ll continue to talk about homes and houses. On the blackboard you can read the plan of our lesson.


Activity 2. (brain storm)

  •  So, let’s start with the brain storm. Write the parts of the house on the blackboard.

(shower, bathroom, toilet, roof, balcony, garage, bedroom, stairs, garden, kitchen, dining-room, living-room, basement, hall)



That’s excellent. Let’s make sentences: What do you do in these rooms? (Ss answers)

Activity 3. (checking the hometask)

  • At home you’ve read the letter from Rosie and answer the questions. Let’s check your answers. (Ss read the answers and translate the word combination from the text).
  • And now let’s make a test to check your understanding the text. I’ll read sentences and you have to write true or false.
  1. Rosie and her family live in a houseboat. (true)
  2. They live on a busy river. (false)
  3. Their houseboat has got seven rooms. (false)
  4. They’ve got two bedrooms. (true)
  5. Rosie’s bedroom is bigger than her parents’ bedroom. (false)
  6. They can travel along the river without leaving home. (true)
  7. The houseboat is quieter than other houses. (true)
  8. She likes it when people try to look inside. (false)
  • Look at the blackboard and check your answers. Count the right answers and write down number after the test.
  • Let’s have a rest. Sing our song and do some exercises.

Activity 4. (listening comprehension)

- Well done. I see you know well all the rooms and furniture. Now I propose you to make an imaginary trip to London to our friend Bill. He wrote a letter about his house. He invites us to London. Listen very carefully to his letter.

This is Bill's family.

They live in a big city, in London. They have got a big house. There are two floors in the house. Three bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs. There is a living-room, a kitchen and a hall downstairs. The rooms are very comfortable.

They have many things which help them: a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a cooker, a microwave oven. Bill has got a computer and a tape-recorder.

The best room in their house is a living-room. There is a fireplace and beautiful furniture there. They like it very much. Bill's family says, "There is no place like home".

- Now try to do the test.

1) Bill's family lives:

  1.   in a big city;
  2. in a country;
  3.   in a town.

2) They have got:

  1.            a big house;
  2.           a flat;
  3.            a small house.

3)   Three bedrooms and a bathroom are:

  1.   downstairs;
  2. upstairs.

4) The rooms are:

a)   not comfortable;

b)   very comfortable;

c) nice.



5) They have things which help them:

a)   a tape recorder;

b)   a book;

c)   a vacuum cleaner.

6) Bill has got:

a)   a computer;

b)   a sister;

c)   a piano.

7) There is a fireplace in:

a) the living-room;

b) the kitchen;

с) the bedroom.

8) Bill's family says:

a) "An apple a day keeps the doctor away";

  1. "One for all and all for one";
  2.   "There is no place like home".

- Look at the blackboard and check your answers. Count the right answers and write down number after the test.

- Open your day-books and write down the hometask for tomorrow W.B. p.75, ex.1, 3.

Activity 5. (writing, lexical practice)

- I'm sure that you know the names of the rooms in your flat and all the things in them. Prove me. Put the words into two columns: ROOMS and FURNITURE.

Rooms       Furniture

a living-room a vacuum cleaner

a toilet a dishwasher

a shower a bookcase

a kitchen a sofa

a bedroom a microwave oven

a garage an armchair

a basement a mirror

a balcony a cooker

- Look at the blackboard and check your answers. Count the right answers divide into two and write down number after the test.

III. Summary of the lesson.

  • Let’s count your mark for the lesson. (Було три завдання з максимальним балом вісім, таким чином, суму за три завдання поділити на три – це і є оцінка за урок.)
  •   And now I want to see how good you know the definition of the words. Guess what is it?
  •       a place where you live (a flat)
  •       a thing which we sit on at the table (a chair)
  •       a room where we wash our faces and hands {a bathroom)
  •       a thing which we sit on in front of the TV (an armchair)
  •       a room where we can cook (a kitchen)
  •       a thing which we sleep on (a bed)
  •       a room where all the family watch TV in the evening (a living-room)
  •       a thing which is usually on the floor (a carpet)
  •       a period of the lesson when the bell rings (the end)
  •       Oh, you are very clever, our lesson is over. Thanks for the good work, you may be free. Good-bye.


Hand out material

1. Try to do the test.  Choose the right answer.

1) Bill's family lives:

  1.   in a big city;
  2. in a country;
  3.   in a town.

2) They have got:

  1.   a big house;
  2. a flat;
  3.   a small house.

3)   Three bedrooms and a bathroom are:

  1.   downstairs;
  2. upstairs.

4) The rooms are:

a)   not comfortable;

b)   very comfortable;

c)   nice.

5) They have things which help them:

a)   a tape recorder;

b)   a book;

c)   a vacuum cleaner.

6) Bill has got:

a)   a computer;

b)   a sister;

c)   a piano.

7) There is a fireplace in:

a) the living-room;

b) the kitchen;

с) the bedroom.

8) Bill's family says:

  1.   "An apple a day keeps the doctor away";
  2. "One for all and all for one";
  3.   "There is no place like home".


2. Put the words into two columns: ROOMS and FURNITURE.

Living-room, toilet, a vacuum cleaner, shower, a dishwasher, a bookcase, kitchen, a sofa, bedroom, garage, a microwave oven, an armchair, basement, a mirror, a cooker, balcony.


Сушко Оксана
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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 січня 2020
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