Урок " How can we make our town a better place to live?"

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Урок допомагає систематизувати лексичний матеріал на тему "Захист навколишнього середовища", розвиває навички аудіювання, граматичні навички, вдосконалює навички письма, розвиває діалогічне мовлення по темі, розвиває мислення учнів, навички самостійної, групової та творчої роботи, розширює знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення навколишнього середовища, про наслідки від забруднення, формує почуття дбайливого відношення до навколишнього середовища.
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Тема: How can we make our town a better place to live in? 


  • Систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми;
  • Довести до автоматизму мовленнєві навички на рівні зв’язного висловлювання;
  • Розвивати навички аудіювання;
  • Розвивати граматичні навички;
  • Вдосконалити навички письма;
  • Розвивати діалогічне мовлення по темі;
  • Розвивати пам’ть, здатність аналізувати інформацію;
  • Розвивати мовленнєву реакцію та мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів;
  • Розвивати мислення учнів, навички самостійної, групової та творчої роботи;
  • Розширити знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення навколишнього середовища, про наслідки від забруднення;
  • Формувати почуття дбайливого відношення до навколишнього середовища;
  • Переконати учнів у необхідності піклуватися про чистоту свого міста.

Обладннання: магнітофон та записи, дидактичний матеріал, карточки.


І. Warming- up.

Speaking. Brainstorming.


 1) Привітання. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Good afternoon. How are you? There are many guests at our lesson. Are you nervous?

 Dear friends, I would like to start our lesson from a little description of spring morning. It was written by a little girl Stephanie Bolton from Cardiff aged 12.


I don’t normally get up early but today was different. I woke up to the sound of music but not just any music. It was the sound of birds singing like a big orchestra. I got out of bed and opened the curtains to look out of the window. I stood in a daze. The bird flew from tree to tree and from branch to branch. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining through the trees and on the grass making them look like gold. The sky had the shade of blue that you can see only in summer even though it was spring. What a lovely way to wake up in the morning.

T: Tell me please, do you like to get up early?

T: Yes, I’m agree with you, I don’t like to wake up early too.

     Why that morning was special for Stephanie?

T: All your answers are right. It is early spring now and when we wake up it is dark and cold outside. So, we wake up with reluctance. Tell me please, would you like to wake up such morning which was described by Stephanie?

2) The topic and purpose of the lesson.

T: Do you know that all this nature beauty is under threat and, to make matters worse, it’s all our fault?

T: Yes, you are right. Do we have the problems of environmental pollution in our town? So, you have guessed what our topic for today is: How can we make our town a better place to live in?  We will discuss many important problems connected with our topic. Today we will go to the conference where you’ll exchange your opinions about the global problem, environmental pollution. And at the end of our lesson you will say, how to protect our environment, how to prevent the pollution of our town. Please, be active. But before it, let’s do some tasks.

II. Main part.

1) Activation of vocabulary.

T: At first I would like to know if you can to guess some words which meaning is connected with our topic.

– Too many people in one place. (Overcrowding).

– The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of sоmething. (Destruction).

– The act of throwing things away untidily. (Littering).

– Plants, animals, people. (Living creatures).

– The natural home of a plant or animal. (Habitat).

– When harmful gases from cars and power plants are released into the air and fall back to the Earth with rain or snow. (Acid rain).

– An increase in the Earth’s temperature, caused by a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. (Global warming).

– Energy that comes from the sun. ( Solar energy ).

– Brown air pollution that comes from cars and factories; it makes the air unsafe for people, animals and plants to breathe. ( Smog ).

– A layer of gas high in the sky which protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun that cause skin cancer and crop damage. ( Ozone layer ).

T: Good gob! Now we will complicate out task. I’ll tell you the words and you’ll tell me the meaning for these words. (Pollution, ecology, environment).

P: Pollution is making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in.

P: Ecology is natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment.

P: Environment is air, water and land, in which people, animals and plants live.

2) Listening.

T: Environment is the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink. Tell me please, what the most serious environmental problems do you know?

• pollution in it’s many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution);

• noise from cars, buses, planes, etc.;

• destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty;

• shortage of natural resources (metals, different kinds of fuel);

• the growth of population;

• the greenhouse effect.

•  rubbish problem.

T: Yes, we have many problems of environmental pollution. Now you will listen to the dialogue about problems, causes and effects of such kinds of pollution as air pollution, water pollution, destruction of forests, pollution caused by litter. Then you will fill in the table.







air pollution



water pollution



destruction of forests





Teacher: Good morning, everyone ... As I mentioned yesterday, our school is planning to get involved in an environmental protection project, and I'd like to discuss which issues you consider the most important. Now, litter is something we can see all around us. Why do you think there's so much litter. Penny?

Girl 1: I think it's because of lack of education. Lots of people just don't know that it's wrong to drop litter.

Teacher: Right. And what problems does litter cause? Yes, David?

Boy 1: Well, the streets are dirty of course - and if litter is left too long people can even catch diseases from it.

Teacher: Exactly. What other environmental problems can you think of? Deborah?

Girl 2: Air pollution is a really serious problem. Factories and cars pollute the air, and it's really bad for people.

Teacher: Yes, it can cause serious health problems. And it doesn't only effect people. Trees and plants are damaged by air pollution as well. Yes, Penny?

Girl 1: Isn't water pollution a serious problem too? I know that factories dump waste into rivers and the sea is polluted with oil from tankers.

Teacher: Yes, you're right. And what effects does that have? David?

Boy 1: For one thing, people suffer from stomach problems if they drink polluted water. Another thing is that fish are killed, and rivers are contaminated so that nothing can live in them.

Teacher: And what about the destruction of forests? How does this come about? Deborah?

Girl 2: People cut down or burn forests, usually because they want to use the land for farming or building.

Teacher: That's right. And what effects does this have? Yes, Mike?

Boy 2: Animals and plants lose their homes, for one thing, and then they may even become extinct. Another problem it causes is that people have less oxygen to breath because it's trees that produce oxygen.

Teacher: Yes, that's right. Now, which of these problems do you think you'd like ...


T: Let’s check up your answers.

3) A conference. Defence of projects.

T: Let’s continue studying the problem of environmental pollution. You have just filled in the table about problems, causes and effects of pollution. Are the effects of environmental pollution serious?

T: Is it important to save our town from pollution?

T: Let’s speak about the ecological situation in our region. You’ve divided into 4 groups, that’s why you are sitting in such way. You have prepared some projects which are connected with our topic. So, we will hold a little conference. Anna, you will be the head of it. Please, come to the front and start.

P: Really, everybody knows, that there are a lot of problems, facing humanity at present. But on the top of them is the problem of environmental protection. And the most global problem is how to protect our Earth. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment. Scientists in many countries work much solving this problem. What can we do to help them? We can begin to protect the environment of our region, our town. Not all people know how complicated this problem is. So, we have invited some specialists who are closely connected with the environmental protection. They have prepared some projects which are connected with our topic. Let me introduce them:

representatives of organization “Clean Air”

representatives of organization “Blue Water”

representatives of organization “Protectors of countryside and wildlife”.

We have also invited a representative from owners of our factories, plants and enterprisers of our region, the owner of taxi service 081 and landowner from Krasiliv. They will express their opinion on the problem.

Let’s give the floor to each of them. So let’s give the floor to organization “Clean Air”. Let’s give the floor to organization “Blue Water”.

Let’s give the floor to organization “Protectors of countryside and wildlife”.

It would be interesting to know the opinion of another group. So let’s give the floor to the enterpriser.

Let’s give the floor to the owner of taxi service 081 and landowner from Krasiliv.

5) Speaking. (Технологія колективно-групового навчання «Вирішення проблем).

T: I hope that after our conference you have understood that problem of environmental pollution in our town and region is serious and complicated. So, how to protect our nature, how to prevent further pollution of atmosphere, rivers, lakes, countryside and what urgent and necessary measures can we undertake? You should to discuss the problems into groups. Here take the lists of paper and write down what measures you can suggest to improve condition of environment in our town. I’ll give you four minutes.

Pick one person from each group. They will write your decisions of the problem on the blackboard.

Технологія колективно-групового навчання «Незакінчені речення».

And I have the task for you too. This task will be the most interesting, because you have a chance to try the experience to be writers. I’ll give you the lists of paper with the first part of the sentence. You have to continue it. Let’s try.

     1.If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would

2. If I discovered the factory I worked in was secretly polluting the environment, I would

3. If I were minister for the environment, I would

4. If I were a fish, I would

5. If I were a fisherman, I would

6. If I lived on an island, I would

7. If a nuclear bomb was exploded, I would

8. If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would

9. If I lived in a jungle, I would

10. If I were an endangered species, I would

11. If the local counsel were planning to build a dump near my house, I would

12. If I would be a snowdrop, I would

13. If I would be a president, I would

14. If I would be a headmaster of our school, I would

T: I enjoyed your answers. Let’s listen to our representatives.

Now, let’s discuss which of the ideas are the most relevant. (Pupils choose the best idea)

T: Do all of you agree with these measures? Pay your attention – there are many ways to help the environment! Specialists should solve great problems, but you also can do something to help nature!

6) QUIZ: “How Green Are You?”

T: Let’s make a quiz.


QUIZ: “How Green Are You?”

Here is a quiz to see how green you are and how well informed you are about the environment.
Try it now and again in six month's time, when you have taken some action.
Score one point for every "yes" answer.

1. Do you read the list of ingredients on the food you buy?
2. Do you take a shower instead of bath?
3. Have you planted at least one tree?
4. Do you feed birds or squirrels in winter?
5. Do you insulate your house in winter to save heat?
6. Do you switch off lights if nobody needs them on?
7. Does your school/college/home use recycled paper?
8. If you have ever organised campaigns on environmental issues, score 5.
9. For short journeys, do you regularly walk, if you can?
10. For long journeys, do you regularly use a bike or public transport?
11. If your family has a car, does it run on unleaded petrol?
12. If your family doesn't have a car, score 2.
13. Do you buy ozone-friendly aerosols?
14. If you don't buy aerosols at all, score 5.
15. Do you buy cruelly-free products? (those not tested on animals)
16. If you have ever written to a manufacturer to complain about their products, score 5.
17. Do you belong to any environmental organisation?
18. Can you name one endangered species?
19 Do you take bottles to the bottle bank?
20. Do you collect aluminium cans for recycling?
21. Do you collect paper for recycling?
22. If you are a non-smoker, score 3.
23. Coming back from the forest or from the beach, do you always take your litter with


Add your scores to discover if you are:

Very pale green – scores under 5
Light green – scores 6-16
Mid-green – scores 17-27
Dark green – scores 28-38


III. Summing-up.

1) Homework.

T: At home you have to write an article for your school magazine  “How can I protect my town from pollution?

2) Assessment of students

T: I’m very grateful for your job and your marks are...

3) Conclusion.

Our lesson is over. We hope everybody has made a decision to become a fighter for clean ecology in our town.

Thank you, I think we have answered the question: How can we make our town a better place to live in? The main problem of the lesson is solved, you know how we can protect our environment and what we can do for this. Be kind to nature and nature will help you.






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