Урок "Job Interview"

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Дану розробку уроку можна використовувати для учнів старшої школи при вивченні теми "Choose the Career!"
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Спецкурс «Англійська за професійним спрямуванням»


Ділові зустрічі та контакти


Співбесіда при працевлаштуванні. Інтерв’ю як перша зустріч з роботодавцем. Успішне «інтерв’ю». Правила «дрес-коду»


Мета:   сформувати уміння та навички монологічного та діалогічного                                            ділового мовлення за даною темою, розвивати логічне                                                                                     мислення у веденні бесіди, вміння аналізувати та узагальнювати,                                                         мовлення в аспекті логічного викладу думок, вдосконалення                                                                       навиків читання та письма ;

Студенти повинні:

знати:  -   тематичну лексику за темою «Job Interview”, кліше та вирази                                            необхідні для проходження співбесіди;

вміти:  складати діалоги за темою, грамотно відповідати на запитання                                            «роботодавця», знати правила «дрес-коду».

Забезпечення заняття:

Роздатковий матеріал:   копії тематичної лексики, фрази та кліше за темою,                                                                        приклади діалогів та розмовних фраз, картки із                                                                                                   вправами та завданнями.

Наочність:    опорні конспекти з теми; презентація “Job Hunting”

Технічні засоби навчання:  мультимедійний проектор, ноутбук.

Питання для актуалізації опорних знань:


  1. Ви – начальник відділу кадрів фірми. Вам потрібно заповнити вакансії секретаря, бухгалтера, туристичного агента та адміністратора готелю. Познайомтеся з кандидатами.
  2. Скажіть свої репліки і відповіді на них англійською мовою:

 Доброго дня. Ваше ім’я?

 Де Ви раніше працювали? Яку посаду займали?

 Чи є у Вас відгуки з попереднього місця роботи? Якими мовами Ви говорите?

 Заповніть, будь-ласка, анкету.


The theme of the lesson Job Interview. Successful Interview. Main Rules of dress-code.

Навчальна мета

Practical Aim: to learn how to apply for a job; to discuss the peculiarities of the job interview and resume; to talk about your favourite profession; to conduct dialogue between an employer and applicant; to learn how to write own resume and application form.

Освітня мета

Educational Aim

 To develop student’s personal skills in learning and understanding; to activate speech habits of students; to develop learner’s habits of maintaining a dialogue; to practice student’s listening comprehension skills.


Виховна мета:

Cultural Aim: to develop positive attitude towards life, to develop creative thinking; to develop student’s independence and self-control in communicative situation;



New material presentation and practice:

  •          Discuss the problem “Choosing a profession is not an easy task” (Students ask questions to each other, discussing the problem);
  •          Answer the following questionnaire yourself and ask your friend to answer;
  •          Say which profession is described in each of the following examples;
  •          Pre-reading task (new vocabulary);
  •          Match the words to their synonyms;
  •          Pre-listening task (while listening to the text “Job Interview” answer the questions);
  •          Post-listening tasks (answer the questions, write a resume, working in groups. Students are divided into three groups. Each group is given the task, written on the card.


1.Робота з текстом “ Job Interview”

2. Check yourself by marking the statements with letters T (true) or F (false)

3. Засвоєння мовного коментаря “Functional Language”

4. Робота з діалогом “Dream Job”

Job Interview


In the country where jobs are not guaranteed and employers interview several people for each job, the job interview has become a science. This science can be learned, but there is an important point to remember: it is a dialogue, and you are an active participant.

A typical job interview usually consists of four principal parts:


  1. introduction – establishing a rapport;
  2. main part – discussion of the interviewee’s background and credentials;
  3. conclusion – answering the interviewee’s questions;
  4. parting – thanking and saying good-bye

Introduction. Many recruiters begin the interview with a small talk. Topics may range from the weather to sports, nevertheless, you are still being evaluated. The recruiter may be judging how well you communicate on an informal basis. This means you must do more than smile and nod.


The main part. One may predict a few of the broad topics that will be raised in an interview. They are: candidate’s skills and qualifications, his personality, how he perceives himself, career expectations. Although you cannot predict the interviewer’s precise questions. You can at least draw up a list of the common questions:

  • What makes you want to work for this company?
  • Why do you think you would be good at this particular job?
  • What do you think has been your greatest achievement in your career so far?
  • What are your strengths (weaknesses)?
  • What do you like best / least about your last job?


Conclusion. Usually you are invited at the end of the interview to ask questions of your own. It is important to have a few ready. By asking intelligent, well-thought-out questions, you show the employer you are serious about the organization and you have also done your homework. Some recruiters refuse to hire people who don’t ask intelligent questions. You should have a list of questions prepared in advance – for example: “Does the company plan to expand in the near future?” “Will there be opportunities for training?” “What is the scope for promotion?” Here are some more prompt of interviewee’s questions:

  • What are the specific duties and responsibilities of the job?
  • Whom will I directly report to?
  • How many people will I be working with?
  • What is the work schedule?
  • What type of training will be provided?

The interviewer will probably tell you about the salary and working hours. Showing too much interest in lunch time, vacations, sick leave, or short working hours may give the impression that you are more interested in time off than the time on.


Parting and follow-up. When you leave an interview, thank the interviewer for taking time and consideration. Ask when you will be notified of the company’s decision. If you have not received an answer after three weeks time, follow up with a letter or telephone call.





Job interview      співбесіда про прийом на роботу;

Rapport [r ǽ pə ]     взаємна довіра і симпатія;

Credentials      заслуги, досягнення;

Recruiter      службовець кадрового агентства;

To perceive      визнавати, сприймати;

To envisage      представляти себе



Task 1


Check yourself by marking the statements with letters T (true) or F (false)


  1. When you answer a question during an interview, the word “yes” by itself is quite enough.____________;
  2. Try to maintain eye contact with the person whom you are talking to at the moment._____________________;
  3. When you first enter the interviewer’s room, sit down.____________;
  4. “Tell me about yourself” is an invitation for you to explain your strengths and work experience.________________________;
  5. Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if you don’t understand a question.___________;
  6. Ask a few other questions before you ask about the pay. Money is important. But it is important to show that other thing mean as much as money._________;
  7. Arrive 5 minutes later. In this way you will show your self-confidence and independence.________________________;
  8. Answer the questions directly and honestly but always in a way that puts you in the best light._________________________;
  9. If you were fired from your last job try to cover it up with a lie.______________;
  10. Do not make excuses for yourself. Employers prefer a positive attitude and a display of self-confidence._____________________




  • Dress professionally and appropriately;
  • Be prepared;
  • Be on time;
  • Come to the interview alone;
  • Make a list of questions beforehand to ask the interviewer;
  • Have your information and papers with you;
  • Be sure you know the names of the people you are going to talk with;
  • Maintain eye contact;
  • Be confident and try to act as calmly as possible;
  • Be honest;
  • Use your best speaking manner;
  • Be polite: listen to the interviewer carefully, do not interrupt. Thank the interviewer for the time spent.













Tell me about yourself

Розкажіть про себе

What makes you want to work for this company?

Чому Ви хочете працювати на цю компанію

What do you know about our organization (products or services)?

Що Ви знаєте про нашу організацію (продукцію чи послуги)?

Why did you apply for this job?

Чому Ви подали заяву на цю роботу?

Why should we hire you rather than another candidate?

Чому ми повинні прийняти на роботу Вас, а не іншого претендента?

Does your college education or work experience relate to this job?

Чи Ваша освіта і досвід роботи годяться на цю посаду?

Describe your ideal job / boss

Опишіть свою ідеальну роботу / ідеального начальника

Have you ever quit a job? Why?

Ви коли-небудь звільнялись з роботи? Чому?

Are you able to work on several assignments at once?

Здатні Ви одночасно виконувати декілька доручень?

Do you prefer to work under supervision or on your own?

Ви надаєте перевагу працювати під керівництвом чи самостійно?

Would you be successful working in a team?

Чи можете успішно працювати в колективі?

What kind of boss do you prefer?

Якому типу керівника надаєте перевагу?

Who are your models? Why?

Хто для Вас служить прикладом? Чому?

How would you describe your personality?

Опишіть свої особисті якості

What are the specific duties and responsibilities of the job?

Які конкретні обов’язки на цій посаді?

What package does your company offer?

Яка оплата і пільги?


 Job Interview ( Інтерв’ю при прийомі на роботу).


   Dream Job

 Marketing Assistant


Manager :      Good morning ! Ann Smith ? Nice to see you ! Take a seat !

Ann Smith :   Good morning ! Thank you (сідає)

Manager :   What kind of work experience do you have ?


Ann Smith :      I  worked for 3 years as a sales assistant at MBA Sports.

Manager :    What kind of degree do you have ?

Ann Smith :   I’m afraid. I don’t have a college degree, but I learn fast.

Manager :   Do you like meeting people?

Ann Smith :   I really like meeting people .

Manager :   Are you good at writing reports ?

Ann Smith :   I’m not very good at writing reports.

Manager :   What kinds of sport interest you ?

Ann Smith :   I love working out.

Manager :  Do you mind traveling ?

Ann Smith :  I don’t mind traveling.

Manager :  Can you work long hours ?

Ann Smith :   It’s difficult for me to work in the evenings because I have a

   small child.

Manager :  What else can you tell about yourself?

Ann Smith :   I hate sitting in an office all day.

Manager :  Ok! Thank you ! I’ll inform you about the results of the

   interview later.

Ann Smith :   Thank you. Good – bye.

Manager :   Good morning ! Are you James Brown?

James Brown :  Yes , I am.

Manager :   Ok., Mr. Brown ! Nice to see you !

James Brown :  It’s nice to see you too.

Manager :   What kind of work experience do you have?

James Brown : I’ve never had a job , but I have helped my father in his business.

Manager :   What kind of degree do you have ?

James Brown :  I have a business degree from National University.

Manager :   Do you like meeting people ?

James Brown :  I’m not great at communicating with people at first, but after

        I get to know them I’m much better.

Manager :   Are you good at writing reports, Mr. Brown?

James Brown :   I love writing reports.

Manager :    What kinds of sport interest you ?

James Brown :  I’m not very good at sports , but  I like watching basketball and

       tennis on TV.

Manager :   Do you mind traveling ?

James Brown : I don’t like traveling very much.

Manager :   Can you work long hours ?

James Brown : I don’t mind working long hours.

Manager :  What else do you want to tell me about yourself?

James Brown :  I’m interested in getting a well-paying job.

Manager :   Thank you ! I’ll inform you later about the results.

James Brown :  Thank you ! Good – bye.

Manager :    James Brown is hired for a position of a marketing assistant.


Answer the questions:   Why do you think the manager made such a choice?

  •                                        Why didn’t he choose Ann Smith?

Answer :     Ann  Smith is not qualified for the job because she doesn’t have                                                                       a business degree or enough experience in marketing.






























Additional text for reading (it can be used for speaking comprehension)


What Must an Applicant Do

to Produce Favourable Impression on His Employer –

to be Hired


 That’s true that it’s not easy at all to find a job, especially for the young people who’s just received higher education. I’m sure that everybody meet this problem and understand how difficult is to produce favourable impression on the employer.

 When, at last, you find a place where you want to work, the next step is getting your foot in the door. You must remember that first impressions are often lasting ones. If you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the “hello effect”. This means that if you’re viewed positively within the critical first four minutes, the person you’ve met will likely assume everything you do is positive.

 Almost every company will ask for a letter of application and CV. The application is important. Employers are impressed by a neat application – it tells them you have thought about the job and are serious about it. Do clearly express your reasons for wanting the job and why you are a suitable candidate.

 If you don’t want to appear a bore, don’t neglect the part of an application form that asks about hobbies and interests.

Most companies agree that letters of application should be brief and a CV should be typed and limited to one page.

An interview gives your prospective employer a chance to see what you look like and how you conduct yourself. You must appear smart and clean, never be late for an interview. Be prepared to tell the interviewer exactly why you want the job; employers almost always ask that question. If you are asked something that stumps you, take a few moments to collect your thoughts before you answer. A few seconds of silence is better than saying something you might regret later. Good eye contact is also important. One study found that job applicant who make more eye contact are perceived as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible.






























Пташник Ірина
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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