Урок "Картинная галерея" для 11 класса.

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Разработка урока для учеников 11 класса по теме "Картинная галерея". Способствует развитию познавательных навыков, расширяет кругозор учащихся, развивает интерес к мировой культуре (живописи). Эту разработку можно использовать как итоговый (обобщающий урок) по теме "Живопись".

Перегляд файлу

          Разработка урока  английского языка в 11 классе

            Тема: “The Picture Gallery” («Картинная галерея»)

                                                            Учитель: Ковальчук Лариса Тарасовна

Цели урока:

-образовательная – расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие интереса к английской и мировой культуре (живописи);

-практическая – совершенствование умений практического владения английским языком, развитие коммуникативных и познавательных навыков, навыков аудирования, чтения и письма;

-развивающая – развитие способностей использовать свои знания при создании индивидуальных проектов;

-воспитательная – стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе, развитие умений выражать своё мнение, вести беседу.




-слайды с репродукциями картин;

-презентации учащихся;


-текст для аудирования

                                       Ход урока.

  1. Warm-up.
  1. greeting:

T: Good afternoon. I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll try to generalize your knowledge on painting, find out and learn something new.

  1. “Brainstorm” (на доске написано слово “Painting”, учащиеся называют жанры живописи, учитель записывает слова вокруг основного слова)

Painting: landscape, portrait, seascape, still life, genre painting, historical painting etc.

  1. Listening. British artists.
  1. Speaking.

T: Look at the genres of painting and answer my questions:

What does landscape depict?

What does still life depict? etc.

  1. Listening.

T: Listen to the text about the most famous British artists and complete the table:

(учащиеся слушают текст об английских художниках и заполняют таблицу самостоятельно, затем сверяют и записывают окончательный результат на доске)

Sir Joshua Reynolds completed over 3000 works of art, including a few preliminary sketches. Reynolds worked every hour he could, including Sundays, from morning to night. Even after his mild stroke and the deterioration of the sight in his left eye, he endeavored to discover new dimensions to the art of painting which was his passion until the end of his career and life. Thus he has been the father of British painting. Reynolds helped to define different concepts, not only in British painting, but across the Western world. He was a renowned intellectual who socialized in the elite social circles of London and received most recognition for his portraits, particularly of the London elite.


Turner's talent was recognised early in his life. Financial independence allowed Turner to innovate freely; his mature work is characterised by a chromatic palette and broadly applied atmospheric washes of paint. Suitable vehicles for Turner's imagination were found in shipwrecks, fires (such as the burning of Parliament in 1834, an event which Turner rushed to witness first-hand, and which he transcribed in a series of watercolour sketches), natural catastrophes, and natural phenomena such as sunlight, storm, rain, and fog. He was fascinated by the violent power of the sea, as seen in Dawn after the Wreck (1840) and The Slave Ship (1840).

In 1799 Constable entered the Royal Academy School in London. He was the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature, that is, working in the open air. He put into his landscape cattle, horses, the people working there. He put the smiling meadows, the sparkle of the sun on rain, or the stormy and uncertain clouds. His influence upon foreign painting schools has been powerful. Constable may truly be considered the father of modern landscape painting.

Hogarth gained popularity for his morality paintings and the prints that were made from them though he also produced work in a variety of other genres including portraiture and biblical/historical pieces.The artist was heavily influenced by 18th century life, culture and his middle-class upbringing. He believed that art should have moral as well as aesthetic qualities and tried to bring this into all the work he produced. As one of the first British artists to be recognized throughout Europe, Hogarth became a major source of inspiration to other artists. During his lifetime artists and satirists such as John Collier emulated his satire and reflections of everyday life.


Name                    Genre of painting

          W. Hogarth

          J. Reynolds

          J. Constable

          J. Turner

T: Look at the pictures of English artists and guess the name.

(учитель показывает слайды с репродукциями английских художников, учащиеся угадываю автора)

  1. Speaking.

T: Answer my questions:

What British artists do you know?

Who painted portraits? etc.

What information about English artists have you learnt?

  1. Speaking. The Picture Gallery.


T: Our picture gallery is opened. I invite guides to introduce pictures of famous artists.

(учащиеся представляют свои индивидуальные проекты, показывают презентации или слайды с репродукциями картин известных художников и описывают картины, рассказывают о художниках и т.д.)


  1. Lesson outcome.


T: Let’s sum up. Express your opinion about out today’s lesson. What have you found out? What interesting information have you learnt? etc.

(учащиеся выражают своё мнение об услышанном на уроке, подводят итоги)


  1. Home task.

Ex. 2, p. 173-174 (read the text and answer the questions)





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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 січня 2018
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