Урок-квест "My ideal library"

Про матеріал
The aims: to practice Wh-questions; to develop quick reading (skimming the text) for finding necessary information; to revise vocabulary while making mid-maps; to stimulate students’ cognitive activity for studying while pair work; to improve listening skills; to teach to communicate; to improve IT skills (media literacy); to brainstorm new ideas; to motivate for studying English; to educate to love reading.
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Зозуля Ірина Сергіївна — вчитель агліської мови КЗ “НСШ І — ІІІ ступенів № 5”



The Quest lesson “My Ideal Library”

The aims:

  • to practice Wh-questions;
  • to develop quick reading (skimming the text) for finding necessary information;
  • to revise vocabulary while making mid-maps;
  • to stimulate students’ cognitive activity for studying while pair work;
  • to improve listening skills;
  • to teach to communicate;
  • to improve IT skills (media literacy);
  • to brainstorm new ideas;
  • to motivate for studying English;
  • to educate to love reading.

Equipment: quotes about books, a song “I like to read”, card for different steps, a laptop, earphones, a book-box with book-cards, a tea pack with QR code, English and American books, magazines and newspapers, cards with home task.


Steps of the lesson

  1. Greeting.


  1. Warm up.

Open your book and you will find

People and places of every kind;

Open your book and you can be

Anything that you want to be.


  1. Exercise “Questions around the Circle”

We have an unusual book. Your task is to take any card and ask a question beginning with the word from it. Ask questions around the circle. (учні витягають зі скриньки паперові картки-книжечки, на яких є питальні слова, задають питання один одному по колу)

Наприклад, What can you do to sigh up for the library? Why do people go to the library?















  1. Exercise “Brainstorm the idea”

And now I have a problematic question for your: What are your ideas of ideal library? You can use some ideas from the poster.

(The ghost’ family build the library and invite people or to have the relaxing room)























  1. Exercise “Library Rules”

What rules we need to work at the library?

1) Return books in time

2) Keep books clean and tidy

3) Use book marks

4) Don’t do dog ears

5)  Don’t colour and draw the pages.

6) Don’t cut books

7) Don’t lose books

  1. Be quiet and don’t bother other people













6.Exercise “Quest”

(Учні об'єднуються в міні-групи і виконують завдання квесту. Клас розділено на зони — відділи в бібліотеці. На виконання завдань в кожному відділі здобувачі мають 3-4 хвилини)


Steps = Rooms


The Multimedia Hall

Listen to the song and fill in missing words.




  1. When I’m reading

I am _____________________

I pick up a _____________

And ______________ a look.

My mind just ______________ to grow

When I’m reading

I feel so _________ and

Turning pages

Spending __________

With _____________ and on  _________ own.

I love to ___________________

I ______________ to read

And read and _____________ and read.

I ______________ to read

I love to ___________________

I love to ___________________

And read and _____________ and read.

I ______________ to read


  1. Any type of _______________

Any type of theme

Study the _______________, read the words

And find out what they ________________

Any type of _______________

Any type of theme

Study the _______________, read the words

And find out what they ________________







The Borrowing Department

Read, match kinds of books with the definition and make a mind-map














































The Registration Desk

Create a dialogue between the librarian and a reader. Be polite!



The Reading Room

Read the text and do the tasks.


Read what Pamela, Margaret and Andy said about books. Write P for Pamela, M for Margaret and A for Andy:

  1. He / She thinks that reading books makes people smarter.
  2. He / She thinks that students are given too much reading to do.
  3. He / She believes that books are the most ancient mass media.

Read again and write T for true and F for false:

  1. Reading books makes people shy and unsociable.
  2. CD books are black and white and boring.
  3. Books written many centuries ago can be interesting for modern teenagers.
  4. People who read a lot are less educated.












































































The Relaxing Room

When you do all the steps, you can have fun in the relaxing room.

(students have chance to read English comics and magazines)



  1. Summarizing
  1. And now time to for summarizing and get to know what information you have learnt today.
  • Why do we read books? (books make us smarter)
  • What is the role of librarian? (to help people to find books, to sign up for the library, to borrow books)
  • Why do we need computers in the library? (to prepare for reports surfing the Net)
  • What kind of fiction books do you know?
  • What kind of non-fiction books do you know?


  1. Singing the song
  2. Assessment