Урок "Ласкаво просимо до Британіі"

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Розробка уроку, тема: Ласкаво просимо до Британіі". Урок узагальнення і систематизації знань, умінь і навичок (формування комунікативної компетенціі).
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The Presentation Of The Lesson  “Welcome to Britain”



practical:            to develop students’ speaking skills; to practice using active             

                           vocabulary on the topic;

educative:           to develop students’ readiness for taking part in the process of

                           English communication;

developing:        to incorporate team work; to teach students to express their

                           opinions; to develop a creative way of thinking and the ability

                           to think logically;

cultural:              to form culture of speaking and communication; to bring up

                           tolerance to the classmates’ thoughts during discussion.

Visual aids and supplements: multimedia screen; a computer; handouts;

                           instructive cards.


  1. Starting the lesson

Greeting Motivation

   T. Good morning, dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

        Are you OK?  Is anybody sad (tired, sleepy, sick…)?

        I’m happy that you are OK, full of energy and ready to do our lesson

        Interesting and rich.


  1. Introducing the Theme

T. (slide 1) Today we’ll have a discussion about the UK and the theme of the lesson is “Welcome to Britain”.  We’ll speak about one of the most wonderful country, its geographical position and beauty of nature, the climate, its people and cultural life. We are going to show everybody that Great Britain is the best place to visit.

Before the end of the lesson you’ll learn to express your own opinion, give convincing arguments and discuss them using active vocabulary on the topic.

(slide 2) And at the end of the lesson I’m sure that each of you will understand the importance of learning English.

  1. Warming – Up

      T. Before our discussion I want you to answer my questions:

           (slide 3)

     1. What language do you speak?

     2. Do you speak Ukrainian well?

     3. What foreign language are you learning at college?

     4. How many people speak English as their native language?

     5. How many people speak English as the second language?

     6. In what countries is English an official language?

7. What do you think why you learning English?

  (English is an international language, it’s the main language in politics,    

    business and trade, science and technology, cultural life. Every educated

    person should know and speak English)

8. Are you an educated person?

9. Are you happy to learn English at college?

10. Now imagine the situation: you have just finished the college, you have

      become an excellent specialist and your knowledge of English is perfect.

11.What will you do if you speak English very well?

  1. Language Development

Translate into Ukrainian: (slide 4)

a country, a kingdom, an island, a river, a mountain, a forest, a lake, kings and queens, a capital, places of interest, the north, the south, the east, the west, a street. a square, is separated, is washed, a sea, an ocean.


      Translate into Ukrainian: (slide 5)

Об’єднане Королівство, країна, столиця, населення, Будинок Парламенту, площа, гори, королева, ліс, уряд, захід, схід, північ, південь, річка, море, океан, їжа, освіта, погода.


Match the words and make meaningful word combinations:

  1. the British                                  a. Palace
  2. the capital                                  b. of London
  3. the longest                                 c. Cambridge
  4. the highest                                 d. Isles
  5. the Houses                                 e. chips
  6. the Tower                                  f. river
  7. the Big                                       g. mountain
  8. the Union                                   h. of Parliament
  9. the symbol                                 e. Jack
  10.  fish and                                     j. England
  11.  Oxford and                                k. of the country
  12.  Buckingham                              l. Ben

Answer my questions : (slide 6)

  1. What is the full name of the UK?
  2. Where is Great Britain situated?
  3. What is this country washed by?
  4. What channel is Great Britain separated from Europe?
  5. How many countries does the country consist of?
  6. Name them.
  7. What is the capital of England (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)?
  8. What part of Britain is in the north of the country?
  9. What part of Britain is in the west of the country?
  10.  What is the central and richest part of Great Britain?
  11.  Are the mountains in Britain high?
  12.  What is the highest mountain in the country? Where is it situated?
  13.  Are the rivers in Britain long? What is the longest river of GB?
  14.  What river does London stand on?
  15.  Are the forests in Britain great? What is the most famous forest in Britain?
  16.  Are there many lakes in the country?
  17.  What is the Union Jack?
  18.  Is the UK a monarchy or presidential republic?
  19.  Who is the Head of the country?
  20.  Who really rules the UK?
  21.  Would you like to visit Great Britain? Why?


V. Listening

T. Now let’s discuss about the capital of Great Britain. At first we’ll refresh some words and word combinations and then you’ll watch a video about London. (slide)


A bridge, a church, a double decker, a black taxi, an underground, a palace,

a tower, a cathedral, a museum, an art gallery, an exhibition, shopping, fashion, a restaurant, a pub.

T. So watch a video and be ready to answer my questions. (“ Window on Britain. London”)


1. Is London a big city?

2. What is the population in the city? (about 7 mln)

3. What river is London situated on?

4. How many bridges are there in the city? (29)

5. What parts is London divided on? Name them.

6. What is the oldest and business part of London?

7. What is the most beautiful part of the capital?

8. What is an administrative part of London?

9. What is an industrial part of the city?

10. Is going around the city easy?

11. What types of transport are there in London?

12. There are a lot of palaces, towers. art galleries, museums in London. What is the most popular museum in the city?

13. What exhibits are there in it?

14. There are a lot of department stores in London. What is the most famous one?

15. How many cinemas and theatres are there in London? (130 and 60)

16. Are there parks in the city?

17. A famous English writer Doctor Jonson said: “If a man is tired of London? He is tired of life” Are you tired of London?


T. There are a lot of places of interest in the capital of Great Britain. They are well-known in all over the world.  And what about you? Do you know them well? Your task is to guess the famous building or place.  (slides)

Great job! I see that you know London and its places of interest very well. Would you like to visit London? What notable landmark would you like to visit? Why?





What do you know about the British and their way of life? British people are reserved, punctual and very polite. Now let’s read the text “Acceptable behavior in England” and then discuss some points.

The UK, officially known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, makes for an interesting country. Like every other nation, UK too has idiosyncratic patterns in behaviour, language, and culture. If you want to visit Great Britain you should remember some rules:

1. Begin with the weather. The British love to talk about the weather. It is a time-tested technique and has been known to be one of the most effective means of breaking the ice and kick-starting a conversation in the UK.

2. If you are not form the UK yourself,  then do not even bother to try putting on a British accent. You will only end up becoming the butt of every joke at a hi-tea party.

3. Speaking of tea, the English drink most tea in the entire world. Here tea reigns supreme. Conversations over tea with a Briton can become scintillating. So, go ahead and order a nice, strong cuppa.

4. Every town and city in the UK is not situated around London. Quit asking the locals that! Hire a car and travel across the country and you’ll get to know things yourself!

5. The silliest thing you could do in the United Kingdom is to compare the country with the United States of America. Don’t grumble about the constant rain or the exorbitant price of fuel. UK is the best!

6. Don’t speak too loudly in Britain. It’s considered uncouth and boorish to do so, especially at public spaces. Most Britons aren’t hard of hearing!

7. Stop saying that the UK has no great cuisine to boast of. It may be true, but you do not have to reiterate the same to a local and earn his ire!

8. Not every family in the UK is interested in the royal family. Even if you have a keen interest in the British monarchy, bear in mind that not every Briton is smitten with the royal family. At the same time, don’t be too critical of the Royals in front of a Briton. Britons alone have the right to criticise the blue-blooded family, you see!

9. Language is a tricky thing in the UK. You do not have to answer every time you are asked ‘How do you do?’ Similarly, if you asked that to someone, do not always expect a prompt reply!


T.: Now will you answer my questions:

1. What do the British love to talk about?

2. What is the most popular drink of the English?

3. Do they like speaking of tea?

4. What is the best kind of transport of travelling across the country?

5. What is the silliest thing you could do in the UK?

6. Can you speak too loudly in Britain?

7. Can you say that British cuisine is not great?

8. Are the British interested in the royal family?

9. Do you have to answer every time you are asked “How do you do?”?


T.: Complete the sentences:

1.  Speaking about weather is the most effective means of…

2. Conversation over a cup of tea with a Briton …

3. You can hire a car and …

4. To compare Great Britain with the USA is …

5. Speaking too loudly in Britain is considered …

6. You cannot say that British cuisine is …

7. Not every Briton is …

8. You don’t have to answer every time …


  1. you are asked “How do you do?”
  2. can become scintillating.
  3. uncouth and boorish to do so.
  4. is interested in the royal family.
  5. travel across the country.
  6. not great to boast of.
  7. is the silliest thing you could do in the UK.
  8. kick-starting a conversation in the UK.   


VII. Presentation.

T. Thank you for your job.  And  now presentation time. Some students have prepared projects about Great Britain.  Let’s listen to them attentively. You can ask questions.

Presentation “Big cities of Great Britain”

Presentation “Housing in Britain”

Presentation “Education in Great Britain”

T. Thank you for your interesting presentations. You’ve prepared for the lesson well.


VIII. Speaking Practice

T. Would you like to visit London? Let’s imagine that your dream has come true and you’ve just come back from this city. Now you’ll listen to the dialogue about visiting London. Then your task will be to make up your own one. (listening to the dialogue)  You can use the following phrases:

How are you?

I’m glad to see you?

When did you come from London?

How was your visit?

Super! We had a lot of fun!

Where did you stay in London?

Which places did you visit?

Did you like the city?

Who does not like London?

Would you like to go there again?

Definitely! Of course! I hope…


IX. Group Work.

T. As you know Game Shows are very popular on television in Britain. And the name of the most popular show for British students Block Buster. Now let’s have a game show. Please, unite into two groups.

The first task.  Choose the right variant

The team 1

1.What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

a) Great Britain     b) England  c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consists of?

a) two      b) three      c) four

3. Which is the largest island of the British Isles?

a) Ireland  b) Isle of Man  c) Great Britain

4.What is a capital of Scotland?

a) Manchester       b)Edinburgh     c)Cardiff

5. What is a capital of Wales?

a) Edinburgh    b)Cardiff     c)Liverpool

6. What is a capital of Northern Ireland?

a) Cardiff   b) Dublin   c) Belfast  

7. What is a state system of the United Kingdom?

a) a constitutional monarchy  b) a parliamentary republic  c) a limited monarchy

8. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom?

a) a bald eagle  b) Britannia  c) a rose

9. What is the name of the British national flag?

a) the Union Jack  b) the Saint Andrew’s Cross  c) the Saint David’s Cross

10.Which is the longest river in Britain?

a) the Clyde  b) the Severn c) the Thames

The team 2

1. What is the emblem of England?

a) a shamrock  b) a red rose  c) a leek

2. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

a) the Senate and the House of Representatives  b)The House of Lords and the House of   Commons  c) the Cabinet of Ministers and the Shadow Cabinet

3. Where does the British Premier live and work?

a) at 10 Downing Street  b) in the Houses of Parliament  c) in Buckingham Palace

4.Who is the official head of the UK?

a) the President  b)the Houses of Parliament   c) the Queen

5. What is London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

a) the Tower of London  b) Windsor Castle  c) Buckingham Palace

6. Where is Nelson’s Column situated?

a) in Parliament Square  b) in Trafalgar Square  c ) in Piccadilly Circus

7. Where are British kings crowned?

a) in St. Paul’s Cathedral  b) in Westminster Abbey  c) in Canterbury Cathedral

8. What lake does the famous Scottish monster live in?

a) Lough Erne   b)Loch Lomond   c) Loch Ness

9. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the UK?

a) Oxford University and Cambridge University  b)London University and Bristol University  c)Red-brick universities

10. What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?

a) 16   b) 13    c) 18


We are going to have the next contest. I’ll ask a question to each team about Ukraine, you should give a correct short answer.  Are you ready? Let’s begin.

(slide 10, 11)   The team 1


1.Is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles?
2. Does Great Britain consist of three parts?
3. Is Cardiff  the capital of Great Britain?
4.  Is Big Ben the highest mountain in Scotland?
5. Does London stand on the river Thames?
6. Is Great Britain a presidential republic?
7. Is Union Jack a national flag of Britain?
8. Is the City the heart of London?
9. Is the West End the poor district in London?
10. Is Trafalgar Square in the centre in London?

The team 2
1. Is St. Paul’s Cathedral the oldest church?
2.Is Big Ben a clock?
3. Does the British Prime Minister live at 10 Downing Street?
4. Is Buckingham Palace a famous church?
5. Is the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey?
6. Is the Big Ben in the Houses of Parliament?
7. Is the Prime Minister the head of Britain?
8. Is Elizabeth II the queen’s name of Britain?
9. Does the queen live in the Houses of Parliament?
10. Is the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square?

T. Well done. You were very active. Thank you. And now be ready for the next contest. Each team will get a text about Ukraine. The text is divided into some parts. Your task will be put the parts of the text in a correct order and translate it. When you finish, raise your hand.

The text for the 1st team “Advice for visitors to Great Britain”.

The text for the 2nd team “Traditional English food”.

T. Ok. You worked in a good way, I’m pleased with you. The winner is the team №2 but the members of the 1st team were strong rivals.


X. Brainstorming

T.  We’ve learned a lot about Great Britain. We spoke about its geographical position, climate, its capital and places of interest, people and their way of life. We’ve made sure and have proved everyone that Great Britain is a beautiful, rich and great country.  And almost all of you would like to visit the country. And I want you to answer the following question: Would you like to live in Great Britain? or If you were offered to live in Britain what would you do? Now think a little and continue the sentence: If I were offered to live or work in Britain… (slide 12)

(students’ opinions)

T. Thanks a lot. Your ideas are very interesting and helpful. No dout that Great Britain is one of the most desired countries to live or work in but we are real patriots of our Motherland.  (slide 13)  Today Ukrainian people are looking towards the future with hope for a better life, for a democratic victory, for the renaissance of the Ukrainian nation. Today it’s fashionable to “belong to Ukraine”.  Today we should be proud to be Ukrainians.

IX. Microphone

Our lesson is going to an end. Let’s play the game “Microphone”. Say, please, what you know about Great Britain. (slide 14)

                                         (students’ saying)

XI. Summing – Up. Evaluation

T. I see you are trying very hard. I’d like to thank you for your work at the lesson. I can say that you really worked well and have shown what smart students you are. Your marks are …

XII. Homework

Write a composition “The places of interest I would like to visit”




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