Клас: 6 Урок 83 (за темою 11) Дата:
Have you ever been to the capital?
Тема: Лондон. Past Simple Passive
Lesson aims МЕТА: repeat the words to the topic Have you ever been to the capital?, repeat the names of the capitals and landmarks, Past Simple Passive, work in a pair; зацікавити дітей англійською мовою. (Повторити лексичний матеріал до теми «Чи ти був у столиці?», повторити назви визначних місць та вчити нові, повторити та відпрацювати граматику – Минулий Простий Пасивний; вчити працювати у парі – ставити питання та відповідати англійською, розвивати діалогічне мовлення; мотивувати до вивчення мови, зацікавити дітей англійською мовою; розвивати повагу до власної країни)
Materials: a book, pictures, words, tongue twisters, the internet
Target language: words for you + p. 110, p. 112, 113, 117, 118
Тип уроку: формування вмінь та навичок
Хід уроку
- T: Good afternoon. I’m glad to see you all here. I want to start our lesson with the video.
- Do you like to travel? Why do people travel? Where would you like to travel?
1. Warm-up
A big black dog was bitten by a big black bug
Susie was seen sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits, she shines, and where she shines, she sits
What? Why?
- T: Please, look at the blackboard – London was built by Romans. What associations do you have when you hear the word London?
T: Today we’re going to revise about one of the most biggest capital – London, and look at the sentence – grammar tense.
2. Checking homework – words
Matching the words - What? Why?
3. Grammar – Past Simple Passive
- read the sentences and match to the pictures
Tower of London was used as a prison. London Zoo was opened in 1828. In a leaflet they were introduced the most famous landmarks of London. Madame Tussauds was founded in 1835. |
- write the sentences
- underline an auxiliary verb and the main verb – What tense is it?
- do the exercise in wordwall
What did we do? Why?
Фізкультхвилинка - поділитися на команди по 5–6 учні.
1.The River Thames 2.The Tower 3.The Houses of Parliament 4.Big Ben
5.Westminster Abbey 6.The Tower Bridge 7.Buckingham Palace 8.Trafalgar Square 9.The British Museum |
10.National Gallery 11.London Eye 12.Black Taxi 13.London Zoo |
What? Why?
4. Reading – p. 121
T: We’ve already find out about these places of interest in London. Let’s read some more information.
5. Speaking – p. 121
- ex. 2a
What? Why?
Summarizing: Video – Kyiv. What landmarks do you know in Kyiv? Have you been there? Do you like our capital?
Homework – ex. 2b (write about the place of interest in Kyiv – p.115 or Google)
- words clouds