Урок "Ми народилися, щоб бути вільними"

Про матеріал

Урок "Ми народилися, щоб бути вільними" - урок формування умінь усної взаємодії та усного продукування. Розробка конспекту "We are born to be free" має безпосереднє відношення до Хартії вільної людини. Цей конспект стане чудовим доповненням у вивченні програмового матеріалу теми "Молодь і молодіжна культура. Україна в світі" в 11 класі.

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Методична розробка конспекту уроку

з англійської мови у 10-11 класі

на тему:


“We are born to be Free!”






учитель англійської мови

Сус Ірина Ігорівна       







2019 рік

Lesson “We are born to be free!”

Підтема: Ми народилися, щоб бути вільними


* Сприяти розвитку уміння висловлювати власну думку, щодо теми уроку (How do you understand phraseto be free”?).

* Сприяти розвитку умінь усного продукування та усної взаємодії.

* Сприяти розвитку уміння зорового сприймання та сприймання на слух.

* Сприяти розвитку уміння писемного продукування.

* Сприяти розвитку готовності брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні.

* Сприяти вихованню розуміння етнічної приналежності та почуття власної гідності.

Компетентності: предметні – уміння обговорювати притаманні риси людини, уміння аналізувати побачене, виражати свою точку зору на тему «Бути українцем – це…», готувати й презентувати проект (другий пункт Української Хартії вільної людини); ключові – вміння ініціювати усну взаємодію для розв’язання певного питання (ініціативність та підприємливість), виражати власні погляди, співпрацювати з іншими на результат (соціальна і громадянська компетентності).

Обладнання: картки для роботи на уроці (HO-1-8), відео “I am proud to be Ukrainian” і “The origin of the Ukrainians” (для д/з)




1. Привітання. Greeting

T: Good morning (afternoon)! Nice to see you all! Hope everybody feels good and is ready to start our lesson!

2. Повідомлення теми уроку. Aim

T: The theme of our today’s lesson is “We are born to be free!”

Related image

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Warming-up

T: According to the Ukrainian Charter of a Free Man “To be free means to realize that you are unique but it does not mean to foster your superficialness” (HO-1).

South African statesman, President 1994-9, Nelson Mandela said “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains. But to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Related image

T: How do you understand these words? When do people feel free? (HO-2)

P-s: (suggested answers):

To my mind                                                             

people feel free when they

live in a democratic society 

In my opinion                                                          

are taken seriously

I think                    

are loved and respected

I  believe                                                                   

speak what they think

I’m sure                                                                   

have all equal right

To my point of view

T:  I see that everyone has a different opinion. But in general we want to be free because it is freedom that gives sense and dignity and value to human life. It is a road to happiness which we are called upon to seek.

ІІ. ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ Main part of the lesson

1.  Розвиток умінь сприймання на слух Listening

T:  Good pupils, now I’d like we see a short video and complete these three simple sentences. (HO-3)


(Video: I am proud to be Ukrainian)

T: So, tell me please what have you understood? Are we free people?

(Pupil’s suggested answers)

T: I see that each of you has your own point of view. And each of your thoughts are definitely correct!

2. Розвиток умінь зорового сприймання Reading

T: Pupils, now tell me please who are the first people that are meant to be  “free and independent men”

(Pupil’s suggested answers)

T: You are quite right – Cossacks.

T: Lets read some information about them. (HO-4)

Who were the Cossacks?

The word “Cossack” means a free and independent man. First Cossacks appeared many centuries ago in Ukraine. But the biggest glory belongs to Zaporizhan Cossacks. They were very brave and courageous people who loved freedom very much. Cossacks didn’t want to be neither under the Turkish-Tatar yoke not under the Polish one. And they didn’t like Russian tsars. That’s why they united in the organization of Zaporizhian Sich. The leader was called Koshovyi Otaman. The bravest one was Ivan Sirko who won many victories. The main idea Related imageof Zaporizhian Sich was a good example of a democratic state. Due to many legends we remember the name of these national heroes: Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Petro Doroshenko, Ivan Mazepa and Petro Sahaidachny. Their names will live in the memory of true Uktainians.

3.  Розвиток умінь писемного продукування Writing

T: Complete the following  sentences. (HO-5)

1. The word “Cossack” means … .

2. First Cossack appeared … ,

4. They united in … .

5. The leader was called … .

6. The bravest Cossack was … .

7. The main idea of Zaporizhian Sich was … .

8. Zaporizhian Sich was a good example of … .

4.  Розвиток лексичного інвентаря Vocabulary

T: Match the words with their definitions (HO-6)


1. A free and independent

a) people

2. Zaporizhian

b) man

3. Brave and courageous

c) Cossacks

4. Koshovyi

d) land

5. Native

e) state

6. A democratic

f) Otaman

  T: Great job! Children, today we were talking about the Ukrainian Charter of the Free Person. And the first point we’ve mentioned here is “To be free”. Next one is “To be Ukrainian”. (H0-7) It says: “To be Ukrainian means to realize that every one of us is part of Ukraine”.

5.  Розвиток умінь усного Speaking

T: So, how would you describe the people in the picture? Use the Key Words. (HO-8)

Related image







P:  I think they are cheerful and happy

T: What kind of personality are you? Use the Key Words to describe yourself.

P:  I think I’m cheerful and optimistic.

People say I’m lazy but I’m just relaxed

6. Розвиток умінь зорового сприймання Reading

T. Read the text ignoring the gaps. (HO-9)

 Is the text about…

a) the history of Ukraine?

b) the characteristics that all Ukrainians have?

c) the roots of the Ukrainian character?

T: Read the text again and match the following Ukrainian proverbs to the paragraphs (A – F)

1) He who works a lot knows a lot.

2) Black earth gives white bread. (A)

3) A man without freedom is like a hobbled horse.

4) A good friend is the biggest treasure.

5) The world smiles at those who have light hearts.

6) Save your money for a rainy day.

T: How do you translate the proverbs?

5. Write the letters of the missing phrases (A – G) in the correct part of the text.

A … to survive in any possible way

B … often share the authority and responsibilities

C … are hard-working, skilled and practical

D … close to the land of their forefathers

E … easily laugh at themselves

F … jams, cereals, sugar and other foods

G … family gatherings, often have fun with friends




We, Ukrainians…

Image result for українці“Georaphy was generous to Ukraine

History was not.




The Ukrainian national character was formed in the course of the history of our country. A lot of features of modern Ukrainians have their roots in the distant past and are interesting to trace.

A. People in this part of the world have never been nomands. Tey have always been 1_D_. Land has always been the main source of life at any time in history and it isn’t strange that one of the best stories by Olga Kobylianska and the famous film by Oleksandr Dovzhenko are both called “Earth”. People in this country treat their land as something mystically scared.

B. The idea of prosperity and the memories of ‘the good old days’ make Ukrainians work hard and strive for the best things in life. They 2____.

C. For hundreds of years Ukrainian people lived through wars, invasions and oppression of different kinds. Hard times taught the people 3____. That’s why Ukrainians are economical and thrifty. In almost every home you can find a pantry with jars of canned vegetables, 4____. 

D. Most conflicts on the territory of Ukraine have been about people’s longing for independence and freedom. This love for freedom has made both men and women brave, fearless and sometimes even adventurous. This also explains why in Ukrainian families men and women 5____.

E. Family ties and friendship are really important to the people of Ukraine. They rely on family members and friends in lots of situations and are ready to help when needed. They love 6____ and make friends easily. It’s no wonder that Ukrainians are hospitable and cheerful, helpful and reliable.

F. In general, Ukrainians love a good joke and have a good sense of humour. They can be ironic. They 7____ and often answer a question. It is quite possible that all this makes them optimistic, romantic and happy.


T: Match the following meanings to the words in the text.

0. related to God, very important (para A) sacred

1. when people have everything for a good life (para B)

2. when a foreign army enters another country (para C)

3. a small room where people keep food (para C)

4. not afraid of anything (para D)

5. to trust someone when you need their help (para E)


1. Домашнє завдання Hometask

T: Pupils it’s high time to end our lesson. Today we’ve learnt and discussed a lot about the state of being free, about Cossacks and Ukrainians as a nation itself.

Your home task is to watch through the video about origin of Ukrainians and write down main idea of this video. Also you have to make a mini-project on the basis of 2nd point of Ukrainian Charter of the free Person. That is to say about “To be Ukrainian” and be ready to present it in a class.

2. Підведення підсумків уроку Summing up

T: Did  you like our lesson? What was the most interesting to you?

(Pupil’s answers)

T: All of you were active today, so everyone will be estimated.

































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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 січня 2020
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