Урок " Гроші рухають світ"

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Урок-дискусія в 11 класі на тему " Гроші рухають світ". Застосовується для розвитку навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, застосування ключових компетенцій та наскрізних умінь- фінансової грамотності та критичного мислення
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TOPIC: Money makes the world go round

OBJECTIVES: 1. Developing integrated skills

                           2. Practice speaking

                           3. Teaching discussion

                           4. Developing critical thinking



TEACHER: Good afternoon, students. I like watching your smiling faces and I hope your spirit is high enough to make our work today successful. To begin with I suggest you to listen to the song. It will help you to understand the topic of our lesson. 

(When listening to the song “Money” by Abba students can guess the point of the lesson and then tell the class).

T: So money is the point of our lesson today and the topic of it “Money makes the world go round”. Write it down into your exercise-books.

    As you know money is the thing which connects many sides of our life such as sports, occupations, hobbies, family life and so on. Today you’ll have a chance to all your knowledge about it and express your thoughts in speaking, reading, listening and writing.


 People have mixed feelings about money. Some people think the more money -  the better, while others think that money is not very important. So our problem-question for today is to see if money the most important thing in your life? Why is this question so important to us?

Students suggest their answers:

                                                                        Having money you can

  • Buy everything you want
  • Travel to other countries
  • Meat interesting people
  • Have hobbies which need money such as collecting cars or rare pictures
  • Take better care of your health
  • Help other people


T: Right. Your answers prove that money is really important for us. Today we have some co-authors who will help us to discuss our key-question from from all its sides. I suggest you to listen to an expert group who investigated the routs of the problem.

SPEAKER 1: We studied this question very carefully and think that it would be better to start our discussion with the history of money. So we want to present the results of our work to you now.

SPEAKER 2: We also suggest you a task: complete the test while listening to our report.

From the history of money.


    Money was first used by kings of Lydia – the ancient Mediterranean state. They had a form of coins with a diameter of 1,2 cm made of silver.

     First paper money appeared in the Old China in the 1st century AD.

     In the 15-16th centuries with the development of capitalism paper money spread in the European countries such as France, German and England.

     With the development of science and technology during the Middle-ages money falsification grew. People began thinking of different ways to protect money. Among the first used methods were special paints and water signs which are used nowadays too.

     By the way, there are more than 340 kinds of national currencies today.

       Currency of independent Ukraine came into use since 1996. Best examples of world currencies were used for its creation. As a result present-day Ukrainian money has the fifth – level defense from falsification of any kind. Ukrainian monetary mint prints money not for Ukraine only but for 23 countries as well. It is worth saying that Ukrainian monetary mint is among three the best mints throughout the world.



  1. Where was money first used?
  1. in Greece b) in Rome c) in Lydia.
  1. What metal was used to make them?
  1. gold b) silver c) cooper.
  1. Where did the first paper money appear?
  1. Russia b) Japan c) China.
  1. When did paper money spread to Europe?
  1. 15-16th  century b) 17th  century c) 18th century.
  1. Why did paper money spread in Europe?

a) because of wars b) with the development of capitalism

c) with the development of science and technology.

6. What were the first methods used to protect money from the falsification?

a) water signs and special paint b) special paper b) images of famous people.

7. How many kinds of national currencies exist today?

a) 240 b) 340 c) 440.

8. When did money of independent Ukraine appear?

a) 1996 b) 1995 c) 1994.

9. Ukrainian monetary mint prints money for

a)  23 countries b) 33 countries c) 13 countries.



1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 a

(one of the speakers checks the answers of the other students)

T: So can you answer the problem-question of our lesson? (speakers give their answers).


T: You know that people who earn money themselves always think how to spend them correctly. This question worries my co-authors who did a group-survey “How careful are you with money?”

SPEAKER 3: It was interesting for us to see how careful our group-mates with money.

SPEAKER 4: We did a group-survey asking you some questions and here are the results:

T: When you present us your work I suggest the task for the rest of students Complete the sentences with one of the given words: most, half, all, some using the results of the survey.

  • .. .of the students think they don't have enough pocket money from parents.
  • .. .of the students save all the money they get as presents.
  • .. .of the students spend all the money they have buying things they like but often unnecessary or stupid.
  •  ... of the students never lent or borrow money.
  • ... of the students earn money themselves.
  •  ... of the students are quite generous and give some money to charity.


100% of students think they don’t have enough

          pocket money from parents

18% of students save all the money they get as         


81% of students spend all the money they have

        buying things they like but often

        unnecessary or stupid

50% of students never lent or borrow money

15% of students earn money themselves

65% of students are quite generous and give some

       money to charity.

T: So can you answer the problem-question or our lesson? (speakers give their answers).


T: Unfortunately nowadays people are too busy with the rush for money and forget about so-called moral values. But still there are people who don’t think so. I give a word to our last speaker.

SPEAKER 5: I think we shouldn’t forget about so-called “moral values” as love, friendship and health. To prove my words I suggest you some sayings:

I have prepared for you. I want to see if you agree with them or not. Let’s try to illustrate them with the stories from your own experience. For example, we often can hear from news that very rich people are kidnapped in order to get money. And it’s difficult for such people to stay alive. So it’s really Better be born luck than rich.


  • Health is above wealth
  • Friendship can be bought only by friendship
  • Honor and profit lie not in the same sack
  • A good name is better than riches
  • Better be born lucky than rich

(Students discuss the sayings and illustrate them with their own stories).

T: So can you answer the problem-question or our lesson? (speaker gives their answers).


T: If you are a millionaire you can spend your money in many different ways. But I suggest you to read the headline of the article and answer the question “why”?


says Charles Gray

(Students make their predictions)

T: Now read the article in details and compare it with your answers.


     Sixteen years ago, Charles was a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house and a fortune of $2 million. Today he lives in a small house where there is only second-hand furniture. There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man! There is a small garden outside with a few fruit trees. Charles grows some vegetables and a few flowers. He gets his clothes and a lot of other things from charity shops. But this change is not a tragedy. Charles was happy to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. He was tired of being a person who had everything in a world where many people have nothing. He made the choice to give all his money away. And this, he says, has brought him happiness.

'A few years ago,' says Charles, 'I was a millionaire, but I knew there were a lot of hungry people in the world.' So he gave away all his money to charities. When he had two thousand dollars left, he gave away small bank notes in the streets of local poor areas. Did he feel like Father Christmas'? 'It was a lot of fun,' says Charles. Charles believes that many people want to earn a lot of money so that they will not have any worries. However, most people never make much money. Charles Gray decided to change his lifestyle completely and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free. Are there any things he misses? 'No, I'm much happier now. I wouldn't go back to being rich for anything - no way.'



T: So as you see Charles feels happy giving all his money away to charities. I suggest you the list of charities and I want you to choose the most urgent kind of charity explaining your choice.




T: Life often put us into different, sometimes strange situations. Now we’ll see what you would do in them. Make up short dialogues on one of the given situations and act them out. The rest of students will listen to the dialogues and answer the problem-question of our lesson according to each dialogue.



  • You have won in a lottery 1 million dollars. Discuss with your close friend how to spend them.

Use phrases: buy a car of the latest model, build a cottage, travel to China, give some money to charity….


  • You are short of pocket money. Tell your parents that you need more money.

Use phrases: go out with friends, buy new books/CDs/clothes/present for a close friend.


  • You are going to buy a new car/house. Discuss with your friend the ways of getting money.

Use phrases: borrow from relatives/friends, take a bank credit, visit casino and try luck…


  • Your friends are going to a very fashionable disco-club. You are short of money but still want to go. Speak about it to your friends/parents.

Use phrases: will you lent me…, I don’t like to make debts but…,I can return my debt in a week/month.


  • You see a sleeping beggar in the street and want to help him somehow.

 Use phrases: I can give you some money, I can give you some food, I can show you a special hostel, how can I help you?


  • You are visiting a bank manager in order to ask him to be a sponsor of your school arts festival.

Use phrases: help children, very grateful, an article in the newspaper, to show in TV-news.


  • A younger pupil is crying for loosing money at dinner-time. You have extra money enough to buy something to eat for you and for him/her.

Use phrases: don’t cry, what do you want to eat, watch your money next time, it’s not a big deal…


  • You are doing shoppings at the market. The shop-assistant gives you more change that you need.

 Use phrases: sorry, but you are mistaken, I don’t need extra money, be careful next time.  


T: What was the problem-question of the discussion?

     Why is the subject of the discussion so important for everyone?

     What is the result of the discussion?







Students think         that



Money is the most important thing in their life

T: So money is the most important thing in your life and your motto is “Money makes the world go round”. It’s your right to think so but I hope you won’t forget of such things as love and friendship which are very important too.


Money isn’t the most important thing in their life

T: So money isn’t the most important thing in their life. Your idea is that money helps us to live but it’s not life itself.




T: Nevertheless I want to tell you that money is a good servant but a bad master and I wish money never be your master.


Write a short composition choosing as a topic one of the money sayings discussed today.



До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
27 січня 2020
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