Урок: "Мій улюблений рецепт"

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Урок проведений для слухачів курсів підвищення кваліфікації. Тема " Харчування" в 5 класі, підтема " Мій улюблений рецепт" логічно вплетена в зміст теми. Підручник використаний " Wider World" слугує основою, решта матеріалу використано з Інтернету, з додаткових ресурсів, наочність , приготовлена учнями, відео матеріали учнівські.
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Form 5

Demonstrative Lesson 

For the teachers’ courses

 (6th December)

by Marchak T.A., school 5

Topic: Food and Drinks

Subtopic: My Favourite Recipe

Aims: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able:

  - to present the recipes using active vocabulary and grammar;

  - to develop listening, reading, speaking skills on the topic;

  - to work in pairs, groups developing good rapport, support, and    respect;

- to develop the cooking abilities.

Aids: white board, worksheets, Ss pictures, Wider World 1 Class book.


  1. Greeting

Teacher:  Good morning. Greet the guests, please. Dear children, today we are going to have a special lesson and we will change the atmosphere and you will feel yourself the participants of the program “ Inspector Tetiana”.  You are the members of the restaurant staff. The whole Ukraine is watching you today. You have a chance today to prove that your work can be recommended to others.  So as the Inspector I am going to be strict and check up your grammar poems knowledge, speaking cooking skills, the vocabulary recipes and of course self-confidence and quick-wittedness. If you do everything successfully, you will get a certificate. Well, let’s start!

  1. Warm-up : Food Poem

Teacher: What is your favorite snack? (Ss answers) Get divided into 2 groups according to the snacks.

Read the poem and complete the lines with the words from the box.

Bread and cheese,      Coca-Cola,   steak and chips       pizza


On Sunday I like…….

On Monday ……

On Tuesday……..

And …………. , mmm, yes, please.


Eggs and fish,      sandwiches,     spaghetti       ice-cream

 On Wednesday it’s………

And on Thursdays………

On Friday I like……..

 And …………. on a dish.

Teacher: What do you like eating on Saturdays?  (Ss answers)

Do you want to know the poem to the end? Let’s read from the white board.

But Saturday is my favorite

Oh, yes, it’s very nice!

    On Saturday it’s chicken

Salad,  bread and rice.

(Ss read the poem from the board)

  1. Grammar Revision

Teacher: What’s in your fridge? Before we continue let’s revise the grammar material. When do we use some /any with the foods and drinks?

(S answers: We use some in positive sentences and any in negative and questions. For example There’s some cheese but there aren’t any apples.)

Teacher: Do you know what is in your fridge?  Let’s play the game “Dominoes”. (Resource24) Do you know how to play it?

There’s some…..

There isn’t any…..

There are …….

Is there a…..?

  1. Listening to the song “Cooking song”
  1.         Pre-listening task

Teacher: What do we do with the kitchen in the food? (Ss answers)

b) Listening to the song

(Ss watch the video and sing some of the lyrics)

Chop, Mix, Fry, Bake,

Stir, Grill, Grate, Make

Cake from the kitchen to the plate

Let’s do it now. Why you wait?

c) Post- listening task:

General understanding

1) What words related to cooking did you hear and understand?

2) What did the heroes cook?

Specific information understanding

 3) Match the cooking methods to the pictures (Worksheet)

 4) Match the words to the definitions (Worksheet

 5) Doing the crossword (Resource 23)

  1. Watching the video

Teacher: The previous year me, Inspector Tetiana came to the restaurant called “At Anastacia’s”. I checked up every place , the dishes they offer , the politeness of the staff, watched if it was clean everywhere .  As a result of my investigation the restaurant got the certificate with a reward.

So, watch the video. Try to remember what makes the dishes tasty.

  1. Speaking. Presenting students’ recipes

Teacher: Now I am at your restaurant.  Please treat me with your    dishes. Present your recipes. Don’t forget to mention the name of the dish, the ingredients and the instructions.

(Ss present their recipes in front of the class)

  1. Project Work

Teacher: Do you like pizza? Why? Do you often make it at home?

Let us find the ingredients of the vegetable pizza together.

(Ss come to the board and stack the pictures near the pizza)

 Next, order the parts of the recipe in groups, please.

   VIII. Assessment

 Teacher: I liked your dishes. But please, mind your grammar, pronunciation etc.

My decision is: you have worked successfully and get the certificate with the reward.

   IX. Feedback

-What did we do at the lesson?

-What was the most interesting?

-What was the most difficult?


Bread and cheese,      Coca-Cola,   steak and chips,      pizza


On Sunday I like…….

On Monday ……

On Tuesday……..

And …………. , mmm, yes, please.



Eggs and fish,      sandwiches,     spaghetti       ice-cream


     On Wednesday it’s………

  And on Thursdays………

 On Friday I like……..

 And …………. on a dish.




There’s a /some...

There isn’t any…

Is there a/any?




Are there any…?

There are some…

There aren’t any…


26 червня 2019
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