Урок "Music in our life. Favourite tunes"

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Дана розробка уроку може бути використана вчителями англійської мови під час підготовки до проведення уроків з теми «Music in our life» у 8 класі.
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Тема уроку: Музика у нашому житті.


Створити умови для розвитку самостійної, творчо мислячої особистості;

активізувати мовленнєву діяльність;

Розвивати всі види мовної діяльності через технологію особистісно-

орієнтованого підходу;

Формувати вміння працювати в команді, допомагати один одному.

Корегувати вимову,збагачувати словник


Освітні: організувати діяльність учнів з повторення і активізації лексичного  матеріалу теми;                                                         удосконалювати вміння і навички говоріння, аудіювання,

читання та письма.                                                                                 Навчати презентувати свою роботу.

Розвиваючі: розвивати логічне мислення, активність, увагу, пам'ять;

сприяти формуванню комунікативних навичок і умінь, пізнавального  інтересу до даної теми;                                                             розвивати вміння розуміти зміст іншомовного  тексту, виділяти необхідну інформацію.

Виховна: сприяти вихованню шанобливого, толерантного ставлення до  іншої культури;                                                                      виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської  мови.

Корекційна: збагачувати словник, коригувати вимову

Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизація знань по темі.

Оснащення уроку:Підручник , фонограми пісень , картки із завданнями, ноутбук, телевізор, презентації в електронному вигляді.



Topic:  Music in our life.  Favourite tunes.

“Music is the universal language of the world” (H.Longfellow)


I. Greeting.

T.: Hello, dear children. I’m  glad  to see you  happy and  healthy and ready to work today. I want to start our lesson  with this poem. So, let’s listen to it.

Warm up. Listening to the poem “ Music”.


P1.:  Music is everywhere                                      P2.:  In the surge of  the   sea

         In the   hum  of the honeybee                                lapping  the shore.

         In the song of the breeze                                         In the roar of the storm

         As it shivers the trees.                                               rattling the door.

         In the river that murmurs                                         In the drum of the rain

         Over the stones.                                                         On the window pane.                                         

         In the snow  wind that moans.                                Music is here filling our ear.       

                                                                                                                    By  Ann Bonner.

II. Main part.

1. Speaking about music. Work with class.

T.: What a beautiful poem. I agree with the author of these lines. And what about you, do you agree? Is music really everywhere? Where can you hear music?

P1.: We can hear music in the streets and in the parks.

P2.: We can hear music at school  and  at home.

P3.: We can hear music  on the radio  or TV.

P4.:  We can hear music in the forest or at the seaside.

P5.: We can hear music in the concert halls and  at the theatres.

T.: Yes, you are right. Music is really everywhere. It is the part of our life.  It is around us. I think nobody can imagine his or her life without music. We sing to music, we dance to music, we listen to music doing lots of things at the same time. And my next question is: what is music for you? Let’s complete this mind map.

2. Drawing mind-map “ Music for me is a source…”

expression of my emotions


                                                                                                                  positive  emotions



  expression of my feelings    

                               good mood



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       T.: Does music influence your life? If yes, in what way?

P1.: Music makes my life happier and more  interesting.

P2.: Music makes me feel better.

P3.: Music improves my mood.

P4.: Music helps me to forget about my daily problems.

P5.: Music gives me unforgettable emotions.

P6.: Music calms me down and relaxes me.

P7.: Music makes my life easier, etc.

3. Matching activity. Music styles. Work in groups.                                                                    T.: You know music for me is a great power that sometimes can make me cry like a child or can make me feel  young and weightless  and  the happiest person in the world.   I usually listen to different music. For example, when I’m sad I listen to romantic and calm music. When I’m in a good mood I listen to energetic, alive and cheerful music. Of course, it depends on my mood. Different mood requires different music. There are lots of kinds of music.  Some of them appeared long ago, some are quite modern. In my opinion, it’s time for us to revise music styles. Let’s recollect them. What kinds of music do you know?

P1.: I know  classical music.      P2.: Rock and roll.    P3.: Jazz.     P4.: Disco  music.          

 P5.: Reggae.                    P6.:  Folk music.   P7.: Rock music          P8.: Techno music.                                                                                                          

P9.: Pop music.                    P10.: Heavy metal.   P11.: R’n’B.       P12. Blues.

T.: There are really lots of kinds of music nowadays. Now I want you to compete in the knowledge of this music styles. You’ll split into two groups now and your task is to match the names of these music styles to their definitions. The first group that cope with the task will be the winner.  So, let’s  start.

( The definitions of the music styles:

1. This  kind of music  is usually played  by a big  orchestra in a concert hall.

2. This  kind of music is popular for dancing  in discos.

3. This style of music usually offers simple tunes which are popular for some period of time.

4. This music is often played by young people on the electric guitars in a group.

5.  Bob  Marley made this music famous. It’s originally from Jamaica.m

6. This kind of music is a mixture of rhythm and blues and country and western music.

7.  This style of music is traditional Black American music. Its name means “sad”.

8. This music started around the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities.

9. This music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin. It is music of poor white Americans in the 1930s and 1940s.

10. This music is usually played by ordinary people on the traditional folk musical instruments.

11. Instrumental music that is half- sung and half–talked by DJs in clubs.


1. Classical music. 2. Disco music. 3. Pop music. 4. Rock music. 5. Reggae. 6. Rock and roll. 7. Blues. 8. Jazz. 9. Country and western music. 10. Folk music. 11. Rap. )

4.   Anagrams. Speaking activity.                                                                                               T.: It’s a true fact that music arise in our souls and hearts different feelings and emotions and, of course, not always positive and pleasant. We usually use words, such as  adjectives,  to express and describe our emotions.  Now, your task is to find normal words in these anagrams.

( Anagrams:

aorminct- romantic                    osyin- noisy

 ereegnict - energetic                 aryng- angry

imssveipre –impressive             nnnyaoig- annoying

 oolc- cool                                    errtilelb- terrible                                  

 rgaet- great                                 orngbi - boring

eautiflub - beautiful                    ooishfl – foolish

5. Speaking about music. Sharing opinions about music styles.

T.: And you’ll use these adjectives to describe your attitude to certain music styles. Take out from this musical box a stipe with a written music style on it and  give your opinion using these phrases:

I’m a great fan of pop-music. I think it’s great.

I’m into disco music. I think it’s cool and energetic.

I can’t stand heavy metal. In my opinion  it’s angry, aggressive and boring.

Reggae is not in the list of my likes. I don’t like it, etc.

6. Complete the table. Game “ Guess the instrument”

T.: Can you answer my following question?  Without who and what is music, in your opinion, impossible?  Who and what makes music? 

Ps.: Musical instruments and musicians.

T.: How many and what groups can we classify musical instruments into?

Ps.: Musical instruments can be classified into four groups:  wind, stringed, percussion and keyboard instruments.

T.: OK. You’ll have now very interesting activity. You’ll listen to different musical instruments and your task is to determine what instruments they are. You’re again working in two groups. For this time, the most attentive group will be the winner.

1. A piano

a drum

a bandura

a guitar

 a violin

 a flute

a saxophone


T.: Now I offer you to relax a bit and play a game which is called “Guess the instrument”. You’re again working in two teams. Each team now will get a set of cards with musical instruments and your task is to show this instrument with the help of gestures and another team has to guess and name this instrument.  

7. Introduction of students’ presentations of their favourite musicians. Project work.

T.: You’ve just told me that musical instruments and musicians make music. Yes, musicians are those people, who create this great wonder which is called music. You know there are so many brilliant, talented and outstanding  musicians in the music culture of any country, but today you’ll present  your favourite ones in the  American, British and, of course, Ukrainian music cultures.  And, I think it’s high time to speak about them. 

Group1 Presentation of  Elvis Presley.

Group2 Presentation of The Beatles.

Group3 Presentation of the band Scriabin.

8. Test “How attentive you were”

1. He invented  rock and roll and made it popular in the USA and Europe.

2. This group started in Liverpool in 1961.

3. They invented the British Beat.

4. This singer had a very active civil and social position.

5. This musician was shot in New York in 1980.

6. This group formed  in  Novoyarivsk  in 1989. 

III. Summarizing.

T.: So my dear students, today you have had a good opportunity to express your attitude to music. You were creative at the lesson. I liked your  projects and I am going to give you  good and excellent marks. You really did your best. I`d like to say that I am really happy to have such  students! Thank you very much for your excellent job! Your homework is to write an essay about music in  your life.

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
23 січня 2023
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