Урок "My favourite TV shows, programs"

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"My favourite TV shows, programs"

Мета уроку:

розвиток комунікативної культури та соціально - культурної освіченості учнів, що дозволить брати участь в соціально - побутовій та навчально - професійній сфері;

підвищити інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови: розширення кругозору, розвиток уяви і уваги.

вдосконалення мовних навичок учнів

актуалізація лексичних навичок і навичок усного мовлення.

активна взаємодія дітей один з одним, долучити до культури вивчається.

Перегляд файлу

Тема:  My favourite TV shows, programs

Мета уроку:

  • розвиток комунікативної культури та соціально - культурної освіченості учнів, що дозволить брати участь в соціально - побутовій та навчально - професійній сфері;
  • підвищити інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови: розширення кругозору, розвиток уяви і уваги.
  • вдосконалення мовних навичок учнів
  • актуалізація лексичних навичок і навичок усного мовлення.
  • активна взаємодія дітей один з одним, долучити до культури вивчається.



Організаційний момент:

Good morning guests, hi, boys and girls!  I am glad to see you! Sit down!

Основна частина уроку:

First of all, let me introduce our journalists:________.

 We are a group of journalists and recently we visited a number of different shows and choose the best numbers which we want to show you .

Our theme is called the media and we learn a lot about the difference shows, TV programs and magazines. Children like this theme, so today we have an unusual lesson. Children want to show you their talents and tell you about their favourite shows.

So, let’s start our lesson:

1)Meet. __________________

Hello, my name is Sasha and my favourite TV show is ‘UKRAINE’S GOT TALENT’

 It  is a Ukrainian reality television series on the STB television network .It is a talent show that features singers, dancers, sketch artists, comedians, and other performers of all ages competing for the advertised top prize.

So,I learn some beautiful poem by Taras Shevchenko. But firstly I want to tell you a little bit of his biography :

Artist, poet, national bard of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko was born on 9 March, 1814 in Moryntsi, Kiev gubernia. He was born a serf. When he was a teenager he became an orphan, and grew up in poverty. When he was 14, his owner, Engelhardt took him to serve as a houseboy. And Taras travelled with him to Vilnus and to St Petersburg. In Vilnus Taras for the first time heard different languages, Lithuanian, Russian and Polish and there he saw people whom their masters made free. When Engelhardt noticed the boy’s skiils in painting he apprenticed him to the painter Shiriayev for four years. Studying at the Academy T. Shevchenko understood that his main calling, his true passion was poetry. In 1840 he published his first collection of poems “Kobzar”. In 1841 followed the epic poem “Haidamaky”, in 1844 the ballad “Hamalia”. When he graduated from the Academy, he became a member of the Kiev Archeographic Commission. In 1846 in Kiev he entered the secret Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood. It was a secret political society, in 1847 it was smashed, and Shevchenko was arrested and sent to the Orenburg special corps, he was deprived the right to draw and write. 10 years of exile ruined his health, and Shevchenko became seriously ill. When he was released in 1857 it was forbidden to him to live in Ukraine. He moved to St Petersburg but on March 10, 1861 the great poet died of heart disease. Shevchenko’s works take an important place in Ukrainian literature and history.

My Testament

When I am dead, bury me

In my beloved Ukraine,

My tomb upon a grave mound high

Amid the spreading plain,

So that the fields, the boundless steppes,

The Dnieper's plunging shore

My eyes could see, my ears could hear

The mighty river roar.


When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears

Into the deep blue sea

The blood of foes ... then will I leave

These hills and fertile fields --

I'll leave them all and fly away

To the abode of God,

And then I'll pray .... But till that day

I nothing know of God.


Oh bury me, then rise ye up

And break your heavy chains

And water with the tyrants' blood

The freedom you have gained.

And in the great new family,

The family of the free,

With softly spoken, kindly word

Remember also me.


2) Great, let’s applause and meet our next performers :


2) __________



Thank you very much,  we want to tell you about TV shows EVERYBODY DANCE, because, as you understand, we love dancing.

 It is a television program which airs on the Ukrainian channel STB and is based on the format of the American series So You Think You Can Dance. The show shares many style and format elements with other entries in the So You Think You Can Dance franchise, including the general premise of challenging dancers from a wide variety of stylistic backgrounds to tackle a variety of dance genres.


From this initial talent pool, 100 dancers are selected to attend extensive workshops and testing over the course of a week in Yalta From these 100 dancers, 20 are ultimately chosen to take part in the live performance shows.



Over successive weeks, these finalists must dance duets, solos, and group routines in a variety of styles in order to stay in the competition, with one male and one female dancer being eliminated each week through a combination of at-home-viewer voting and judge panel decisions until a Top 4 finale, when the champion is crowned.


3) Thank you very much girls and boys. Let’s go on. Now Sasha_____ shows master class for us.

I like cooking very much so today I ‘ m going to tell you about  MasterChef. MasterChef  is a  television competitive reality cooking show and I like it because cooking is my passion. The series now appears in four versions: the main MasterChef series, MasterChef: The Professionals for working chefs, Celebrity MasterChef and Junior MasterChef for 9-to-12-year-olds. The format has been reproduced around the world in a large number of international versions.

I want to show you my talent!


4)Thank you ____for such sweet show. And now let’s meet our singers : ________

We want to tell you about X-Factor.

X-Factor is the Ukrainian version of The X Factor, it is a television music talent show for singers. The show follows the format of the original British X Factor. Adapted versions of the show have been shown in over 20 countries worldwide. By now the "X-Factor" format has become one of the most popular singing talent shows in the world, and the winners in each country often go on to be successful recording artists. We like this show very much because we love singing!


5) Super, thank you girls. And now , the last but not the least,  Our competition which is called BOYSvsGIRLS

The conditions of this competitions are: presenter reads the definitions of the words and you must guess the words but you must stealing a march

Hello, my name is ______and this is ______ and we are start:

  1. To agree that sth is true  —  ADMIT
  2. A huge natural hole under the ground — CAVE
  3. A zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians — HERPETOLOGIST
  4. A film that gives information about plants and animals in nature  — WILDLIFE DOCUMENTAPY
  5. Not brave — COWARDLY
  6. Being happy to help other people — HELPFUL
  7. To finish sth before a set time — MEET A DEADLINE
  8. A formal word for job — OCCUPATION
  9. Easily trusted and relied on — RESPONSIBLE
  10.   To collect money for sth — RAISE MONEY
  11.   Hoping that sb will do sth very good for you  — HIGH EXPECTATIONS
  12.   A father and  mother trying too hard to protect their children and interfering with their life —  OVERPROTECTIVE PARENTS
  13.   To make people believe in you and think that you are a good person – EARN SB’S TRUST
  14.   To keep telling sb the latest news — KEEP SB POSTED
  15.   To defend yourself against sb — STAND UP TO


To sum up

So you see that such programs are very interesting, cognitive. They help you to extend your outlook. They give information on a lot of subjects; they help to study, to choose your future profession. Television helps us to relax. But don’t sit too much at your TV set. It’s too bad for your health.

Your homework for the next time will be:


The lesson is over, thank you very much for your work!

27 липня 2018
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