Урок "My future profession "

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План-конспект уроку з теми "My future profession ". Урок має на меті закріпити вивчений матеріал; удосконалювати комунікативні навички; сприяти співпраці студентів у групах; розвивати уміння логічно обгрунтовувати свою думку.
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ШИШОВА Н.С., викладач англійської мови, РЦ ПТО №1 м. Кременчука


Тема: Вибір професії.          
Тема уроку: Моя майбутня професія.


  • вдосконалювати навички усного й писемного мовлення;
  • активізувати лексику по темі,
  • вдосконалювати вміння працювати з різними джерелами інформації, виділяти головне,
  • формувати якості, необхідні для успішності в майбутній професійній діяльності,
  • розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів,
  • розвивати вміння логічно і послідовно висловлювати свою думку відповідно до комунікативного завдання; вміння будувати логічне висловлювання з теми;
  • виховувати інтерес до майбутньої професії


Тип уроку: урок систематизації та узагальнення знань

Обладнання: комп'ютер, проектор, презентація вчителя, дидактичний матеріал.

                                                                  ХІД УРОКУ

  1. Organizational part


  1.                   Greeting
  • Good morning, students. I'm very glad to see you again. I hope you are ready for today.
    1.                   Aim


  • Today we continue to speak about jobs.
  • What shall we do during the lesson? We’ll talk about jobs and professions, practice answering questions. You’ll find out some tips how to prepare for the interview. You’ll watch interesting video about dream job. By the end of the lesson you should be able: to operate the words and words combinations on the topic “ Choosing a profession “, to participate in common conversational exchange about jobs.


  •         Now let’s start our lesson. I hope you’ll enjoy English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other.
    1.                   Warms up

The motto of our lesson is Steve Jobs’  words  “Find something you love to do and you'll never have to work a day in your life. For many people a job is more than an income — it's an important part of who we are.”                           


  • Who knows how many jobs there are in the world? A hundred? A thousand? A million?
  • There are more than 2000 professions!
  • What jobs do you know? Name at least three of them.


Match the occupation with the daily activity.



  1. Mechanic
  2. Teacher
  3. Dentist
  4. Doctor/Nurse
  5. Journalist
  6. Fisherman
  7. Gardener
  8. Chef/Cook
  9. Fire fighter
  10. Photographer




  1.               catch fish
  2.              take pictures
  3.               fix cars
  4.              cook meals
  5.               pull teeth
  6.                plant flowers
  7.              put out fires
  8.              take care of patients
  9.                teach classes
  10.                write news stories



  1. Main part
    1. Speaking
  1. Vocabulary work. Translate words and word-combinations

Interview  applicant  to apply for a job

Well-paid  low-paid  salary (wage)


  1. Discussing problem questions.
  • Well, friends, I see that choosing a profession is very important to you. You know there are highly-paid and low-paid, challenging and boring jobs. Now I’d like you to answer the question: Which is more important – a high salary or satisfaction? My job, for example, is not highly-paid, but it is extremely interesting. What’s your opinion of the problem? What profession will you never choose?             



-  To my opinion

- I am of a different opinion

- I fully agree with you

- To a certain extent you are right, but …etc.


  1.                   Checking on the hometask. Reading.
  • Now we’ll check your hometask. You should read and translate the text at home. Choose the most appropriate title A, B or C.


  1. Choose the most appropriate title A, B or C. (correct is A).


  1. Tips for a successful interview.
  2. How to dress for a success.
  3. What to say at a job interview.


The key to a successful job interview is preparation. It is very important to make sure your CV is up-to-date and free of mistakes. Also, you should gather information about the company or organisation you are applying to. Furthermore, you must know some things about the specific job position, including general responsibilities and daily duties.

Next, it is helpful to prepare for the interview itself by answering typical interview questions. You can try answering these specific questions in front of a friend or family member. Remember, there is always room for improvement; the more you practise, the more confident you will be that you won't mess things up during the interview. You should also prepare questions to ask during the interview. These questions should reflect your research on the company and position. However, remember not to ask any questions about salary on your first interview. If you do, the interviewer may think that you only care about the benefits and that your interest in the company isn't genuine.

Final preparations include choosing what to wear. It is important to select something appropriate. A business suit is always acceptable. If your clothing is clean and well pressed, the interviewer will think that you are a neat and organised person. Also, you must know the location of your interview. You should arrive at the interview ten minutes in advance. You must also remember to bring extra copies of your resume with you. Bringing a small notebook for notes is also a good idea. Remember to stay calm and project an image of self-confidence.

After the interview, it’s suggested you send a thank-you note. Remember, the more you prepare, the more successful your interview will be.


      b)  Match the beginning with the ending of word-combinations

  1. to gather information about a. thank-you-note
  2. to select    b.interview questions
  3. to answer typical   c. companies and organisations
  4. the room for   d. extra copies of your resume
  5. to bring    e. something appropriate
  6. to sent    f. improvement


  1. Working with the text
  • Now I will read you some sentences from the text and you must find English equivalent.


1. Дуже важливо переконатися, що ваше резюме є актуальним  і не містить помилок.

2. Далі, корисно підготуватися до самої співбесіди, відповідаючи на типові питання.

3. Проте, пам'ятайте не ставити питання про зарплату на своїй першій співбесіді.

4. Якщо ваш одяг буде чистий  і добре випрасований, інтерв'юер буде думати, що ви акуратна і організована людина.

5. Не забувайте зберігати спокій і створювати враження впевненості в собі.

6. Запам'ятайте, чим більше ви готуєтесь, тим успішнішою буде ваша співбесіда.


  • Which of the tips mentioned in the text you find more helpful?


  1.                   Watching and listening
  1. Pre – listening conversation


T: Now let’s have a talk about your future profession. What qualities and skills are important in your future profession?


  1. Watching and listening(twice)


  • Watch video and answer the question: What job is called "the best job ever" and why? ( A caretaker for the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.)
  • Watch video once again and do the test


  1. Post - listening
  • Do the test

1. How long do you have to work?

  1.       six months (+)
  2.       twelve months
  3.       Forever


2. Where will the employee live?

  1. in a bungalow near the sea
  2. in a big beautiful house on an island (+)
  3. in a tourist centre

3. How much do they pay?

  1. 75,000 Australian dollars
  2. 75,000 Euros (+)
  3. 150,000 Euros

4. What must applicants submit?

  1.       experience papers
  2.       reference letters
  3.       video about the Great Barrier Reef (+)


5. Which is NOT true according to the video?

  1. Applicants are required to be 20-40 years old. (+)
  2. One of the employee's duties is to feed fish.
  3. The job is advertised in 18 countries.


2.4. Writing

2.4.1. Listening

  • In order to get a very attractive position you should be prepared for job interview.
  • Listen to the sample of job interview. (Pupils reproduce the dialogue)

Можливі варіанти.



A: Good morning, I am here for my interview.

B: Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Gotcha. Have any trouble finding the place?

A: No problem.

B: So why don't you tell me why you are interested in changing positions?

A: Unfortunately, our company is shutting down due to the economy.

B: What would you consider your strengths?

A: I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes.

B: What is your biggest weakness?

A: I tend to get bored easily and so love to keep myself challenged.

B: We have a position where that could work out well


2.4.2. Doing the exercise

  • Now write down the exercise.

Complete the gaps with the most suitable words and phrases.

Look through the interview for a holiday job and complete it with the words from the list.

  • Certainly.
  • Enjoy.
  • Getting in touch.
  • Important thing.
  • Just one thing.
  • Qualities.
  • Take a seat.
  • Thank you.
  • Work experience.



Good morning,


Why do you want to work with us at Camp Elizabeth?

What experience do you have?

What (5) __________ do you think are important for the job?

Are there questions you would like to ask me?

I’ll be (9) __________ with people next week.


Good morning,


I (3) __________ working with children and I’d like to get some (4) __________.

I help with the youth club at school. I’ve organized sports and trips to various places.

You (6) __________ must have patience. And another (7) __________ is enthusiasm. And, well, you also have to be careful.

Yes, (8) __________.

Thank you very much.


  1.                 Additional task.  Questionnaire


Today we speak about qualities and skills which are important in your future profession. But it is important to consider ones features of character too. Now we will find out how ambitious you are.


  1. Reading

Do the quiz “How ambitious are you?”

  1. In 10 years do you hope to….
  1. be married with a family?
  2. Have an interesting but not very well-paid job?
  3. Have a well-paid job that is not very interesting?


  1. In 20 years' time do you hope to…
  1.     have enough money to pay your bills?
  2.     have quite a lot of money?
  3.     have a lot of money?


  1. Is improving your standard of living important to you?
  1.     Yes  b) no


      4.  How old do you want to be when you have children?

            a) 18-20  b) 23-26 c)27-30 d) over 30

 5.  When you are playing a game, do you always want to win?

 6.   Can you tell a white lie?

 7.  Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people?

 8. If you have a job to do, do you do it immediately, or do you wait until the last moment?

 9.  Which of the following is the most important to you?

 Love, happiness, money, health.

      10. Do you like hard work?


  1. a) 0,  b) 5,  c) 10
  2. a) 0,  b) 5,  c) 10
  3. yes – 10 no – 0
  4. a) 0,  b) 2,  c) 5  d) 10
  5. yes – 10 no – 0
  6. yes – 10 no – 0
  7. yes – 10 no – 0
  8. yes – 10 no – 0
  9. love, health – 0,  happiness – 5,  money – 10
  10.                     yes – 10 no – 0


  1. Analysing the results

If your score is … points, it means that you are…..

0-30  You are not ambitious! You are happy with a quite life.

30- 70 You are quite ambitious, but you don't want to work too hard.

70-100 You are very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people.

  1. Summary


  1.   Conclusions


  • Well! Dear pupils, in conclusion, I hope that your future profession will provide you with a sense of stability; incorporate your skills, lifestyle and overall objective; and provide opportunity for growth. As you know success comes to those who are prepared to achieve it. Let us hope you  made the right choice and would do the best to be good specialists.


  1.   Marks
  • The lesson is coming to the end and I’d like to give you marks for your work…
  • I should like to thank all of you for your participation in this lesson.


  1.   Hometask

Your home task for the next lesson is to write a short composition about your plans for the future.

  • Lesson is over. Thank you for your work



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