Урок "My School". Linking Words

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Урок розвитку навичок аудіювання та монологічного мовлення. Повторення вживання слів-зв'язок (сполучних слів)

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Мета: практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та усному монологічному висловлюванні по темі 

            «Школа», активізувати та збагачувати словниковий запас учнів; повторити 

             особливості вживання слів-зв'язок; вчити аналізувати інформацію, узагальнювати 

             її та порівнювати; розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію (розуміння цінності         

             культурного різноманіття) і громадянську відповідальність (усвідомлення себе 

             учасником малої громади – свого класу та школи), виховувати любов до рідного

             краю та бережливе ставлення до шкільного майна.


Обладнання: підручник, аудіо запис, роздатковий матеріал, проекти учнів




  1. Введення в іншомовне середовище


Greeting. Good morning, pupils. How are you? I see, you are OK, so we can start.

      Today we are going to speak about our school and listen a text about usual British school. Besides, we will revise the usage of linking words. I hope we will have a much fun during these activities.

Warming up. MIND MAP.

  • What do you like and what don’t you like about going to school?




  1. Основна частина уроку


      1. Checking homework. Pupils’ projects

(In pairs, pupils have prepared projects about their school – its short history, location, facilities, teachers etc.)


    2.   Listening.  Text “School”



Most kids say they don’t like school. They say their subjects are boring or there’s too much homework. In fact, school is one of the best times of a person’s life. Think about it. The hours are short – usually just six hours a day. You have the opportunity to learn lots of really useful stuff. You get to do science experiments, learn a musical instrument and play sports. On top of that, you get loads of holidays. Oh, I nearly forgot, you also get to see and play with your friends five days a week. What is there not to like? OK, school lunches are not the best in the world but you can bring your own lunch. And yes, exams are stressful, but if you study, you’ll do well in them. I’d love to go back to school. If I had another chance, I’d try my best in every subject.


Listen to the text and fill in the gaps


Most kids say ________________ school. They say their subjects ___________ or _________ too much homework. In fact, school is one of the best times of a person’s life. Think about it. The hours are short – usually _____________ hours a day. You _______________________ to learn lots of really useful stuff. You get to do science experiments, learn a ­­­_________________ and play sports. On top of that, _________________ loads holidays. Oh, I nearly forgot, you also ________________ and play with your friends five days a week. What is there not to like? OK, school lunches are not the best in the world but you ___________________own lunch. And yes, exams are stressful, but if you study, you’ll ______________ in them. I’d love to go back to school. If I _____________________, I’d try my best in ___________________.


Listen to the text once more and say if the sentences are true or false

1. Many children do not like school.

2. They think English and Literature are boring.

3. Pupils like to do much homework.

4. Obviously, school is one of the best times of a person’s life.

5. At school, you learn much useful stuff.

6. Pupils in Britain do not have long holidays.

7. If you study well, exams are not stressful for you.


3. Revising the Usage of linking words


Complete the sentences with the given linking words


As soon as, when, and, before, on the other hand, moreover, because, however, so, as a result, all in all


  1. You mustn’t forget to lock the door … leaving the house in the morning.
  2. He was so tired … he had stayed up late to watch the football match.
  3. Promise me that you will phone me … you get to the airport.
  4. … how hard he tried, he just couldn’t understand what she was saying.
  5. I enjoy reading this new magazine. …, it has good articles.
  6. …, school plays an important role in our lives.
  7. Julie bought her mom a sweater … her mother loved it.
  8. Nom didn’t have enough money to fly to Boston, … he took the train.
  9. Laptops are convenient; .., they can be expensive.
  10. The meal was salty. …, nobody could eat it.
  11. It was raining hard … we left the office.



4. Matching (work with textbook)

Ex. 6 p. 40 (read and match the people who work at school with the work they do)


  1. Заключна частина уроку



  • What was the topic of our lesson?
  • Which activities have we done?
  • What was the most interesting for you?
  • And what was the most difficult?


       Ex 8. P. 41 (put the words in brackets into the correct tense form)


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
28 жовтня 2018
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