Урок на тему "Англомовні країни. США"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу на тему "Англомовні країни. США". Перше знайомство зі Сполученими Штатами, назвою країни та її столицею.
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Тема: Discover the USA.

Мета: -розширити кругозір учнів, познайомити зі Сполученими      .                                     .                     ю                                                                                                                                                                                  Штатами : назва, столиця, штати.

           -вчити розуміти незнайомий текст

           -вчити читати, розуміти, писати нові ЛО

           -вчити складати речення

           -вчити шукати необхідну інформацію в тексті

           -вчити вживати Present Simple, Past Simple

           -розвивати пам'ять

           -виховувати любов, повагу до людей, які проживають в інших     ю                                     .                                                                                                                                                          країнах.

Тип уроку: подорож

Обладнання: диск зі слайдами, карта США, фотографії краєвидів, тексти з                                                .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          зав данями, картки, WB.



Хід уроку

l. Bcтуп.

1) Привітання

2). Повідомлення мети.

Today at the lesson we’ll make a trip around one of the English-speaking countries: its capital, its names, states. But now I will not tell you the name of this country. I will do it a bit later.

3). Warming - up.

A lot of people all over the world like to travel.

What kinds of transport do you know?

Put the letters instead of dashes.



on foot                                           car


       plane                        travel by                        train


               ship                                          bike






4). Complete the sentences WB Ex 1, p. 72.



                            most comfortable

What is the          cheapest                        means of transport?

                            most romantic                   

                            most popular

T.: What is your favourite means of transport?

Cl.: As for me? I like travelling by …

T.: Oh, as for me, my favourite kind of transport is by …



II Основна частина.


       Today we'll go to a far away country.

       It is not in Europe, Asia or Africa.

       The national language is English.

       A lot of people of different nationalities live there.

       It’s in North America.

       What country is it? (the USA).

       Yes, you are right.


It is         the United States of America

               the United States

               the USA

               the US



5). Look at the pictures.

What adjectives would you use to describe the USA.

(Учні пишуть прикметники на дошці та в зошитах)


beautiful         wonderful           big            large

nice                  famous            lovely         bright

sunny                 tasty               green           red

old                  national              new           kind


6).  What is the USA famous for?


Read! And make up the sentences.

(Діти складають речення про Сполучені Штати)



Yellowstone Park

New York


the White House


50 stars and 13 stripes




the Mississippi River




the statue of Liberty

Mark Twain


7). Читання текста.

     Thanks a lot.

Now let’s read the text.


                             “Discover the USA”


         There are 50 states in the United States of America. One city in each state is the state capital. The capital city is the place, where the state’s leaders meet and work.

         Each state is special. But all the states share many things. They are all parts of the same country. They work together in many ways. The country has several names, longer and shorter ones. These names are the United States, the US, the USA and America.

        The country has a capital city, too. It is the city of Washington, D.C. The country’s leaders meet and work there. Washington, D.C. is the only community in the whole country that is not located in a state. It is between the state of Maryland and Virginia, but it is not part of either state. The capital of the United States belongs to the whole country. It belongs to the people of every state.


a)   pre-reading


      - введення нових слів

           1.   community [                 ] -  громада

           2.   whole [              ]  - весь

           3.   either [            ] - будь-який, один з двох.

           4.   belong [            ] - належати

           5.   state [           ] - штат


  • власні назви

        the United States of America

         the United States

         the USA

                          the US




         Washington D.C.


    b)   reading       T           Cl (P1 P2 P3…)


    c)   post-reading.


           -Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .           questions.

           1. How many capital cities are there in the USA? Why?

           2. What city is called the capital city?

           3. How do people call the country for short?

           4. What is the capital of the USA?

           5. Where is the capital situated?

           6. How do you understand the sentence “The capital of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                                                                                                              the US belong to the whole country”?


         -complete the sentences. Ex 5, p. 155.


           Washington, D.C.      work          country leaders

               belongs                  fifty              capital

             community             states 


          1. There are fifty states in the USA.

          2. All the states ______ together in many ways.(work)

          3. The national capital of the USA is _______.(Washington, D.C.)

          4. Washington, D.C. ______ to the whole country.(belongs)

          5. The capital city is the place where _______ meet and work. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                                                                                       ((country leaders)

          6. Washington ,D.C. is the only ______ in the whole country that is not located in a state. (community)

          7. Washington, D.C. is between the ______ of Maryland and     Virginia.(states)

          8. Every state in the USA has its own ______ city. (capital)


8).  Виконання граматичних вправ.

       Let’s do some grammar exercises.



1.   There _____ fifty states in the USA.

      a) were

      b) are

      c) is

2.   Washington, D.C. ________ to the whole country.

     a) doesn’t belong

     b) belong

     c) belongs

3. How often _____ American leaders ________ ?

     a) do… meet

     b) have… met

     c) did … meet

4. _________ Washington, D.C. ______ between the states of Maryland and Virginia?

     a) Was … located

     b) Is … located

     c) Does … located

5. The Parkers _____souvenirs at the bookstore, when they _____ an interesting book about Washington, D.C.

     a) are buying, find

     b) buy, find

     c) were buying , found

6. Steve _____ a lot of TV programmes about America’s National Parks before he _____ there by himself.

     a) watched, had gone.

     b) had watched, went

     c) watched, went


Ex 12, p. 68.

  • Olena, you’re back! How _____ (be) your school holidays?

They were great. I had a wonderful time.

  • Where _____ you ____ (go)?

I went to London.

  • What ____ (be) it like? _____ (be) it interesting?

Yes, it was very beautiful.

  • How long _____ you _____ (stay) ?-Three days.
  • ______ you _____ (see) the Houses of Parliament?

Of course, I did! It was fantastic!


III. Заключна частина.

Повідомлення домашнього завдання. Знайдіть цікаву інформацію про США та поділіться нею з однокласниками на наступному уроці.

Оцінки за урок.








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