урок на тему "British and Ukrainian cuisine"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку спрямований на удосконалення лексичних, граматичних навичок та навичок аудіювання та говоріння. Урок містить різноманітні завдання, які повністю відповідають сучасним вимогам.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: British and Ukrainian Cuisine.

Мета: Узагальнити вивчене по темі. Удосконалити лексичні, граматичні навички, навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Розширити знання студентів про національні кухні Британії та України. Розвивати пам'ять, увагу, кмітливість. Виховувати працелюбність,повагу до звичаїв іншого народу та народних українських традицій, почуття гордості за національну кухню, естетичний смак, бажання вивчати англійську мову.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, наочність, мультимедія.

Заняття узагальнення вивченого по темі.

Хід заняття.

І.  Організація початку заняття.


-  Good morning, students! Today we have some guests at our lesson, don’t worry and be happy!  Because we are Ukrainians and we like to have guests at our homes!

I bring you some cards. Can you choose any of them? … And now I can tell you about your mood.

-         If you take yellow card, your mood will be fine all lesson.

-         If you take red card, your mood isn’t well now. But I hope it’ll be better at the end of the lesson.

-         If you take blue card, your mood is bad now, but we’ll try to change it.

2. введення в іншомовну атмосферу

- What is the date today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Who is on duty today? …

3. повідомлення теми і мети-

- Lets start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is: British and Ukrainian Cuisine.

- During the lesson we should:

- revise the words:

- discuss Ukrainian and British meals;

- do some exercises;

- watch the video;

- interview people;

- dramatize the dialogue;

- watch the projects of your meals:

 -do some conclusions.

ІІІ Активізація вивченого по темі.

  1. проведення бесіди за запитаннями

-         Do you like to cook?

-         What are your favorite dishes?

-         What do you usually have for breakfast?

-         What main British meals do you remember?

  1. перевірка домашнього завдання

And now let’s revise our homework:

Complete the text with the words or word combination

Biscuits (x2), roast turkey, 'good plain food', tea, fish and

chips, Christmas pudding, substantial, main course, fruit pie, soup, roast beef, beef steak, have a chat, occasion


The English like what they call .... They must be able to recognize what they are eating. Usually they like ..., roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and ....

Afternoon tea is taken at about 5 o'clock, but it can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea and cake or ... .At the weekends afternoon tea is a special ... . Friends and visitors are often invited to ...over a cup of tea.

Dinner is the most... meal of the day. It is usually eaten at 7 o'clock. The first course may be ... (though the English don't like it very much). The ... will often be fish or meat, perhaps the traditional ... of old England, and a lot of vegetables. The next course will be something sweet and often cooked, such as a ... . Last of all there may be cheese, often with ....

It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of... . They like to have 'a nice cup of tea' 6 or 8 times a day, sometimes even more.

On Christmas Day a ... is traditionally cooked for dinner. It is usually followed by ... . Long before Christmas housewives begin to  plan what cake to make for Christmas. Usually they make fantastic Christmas   cakes.    


IV. Узагальнення вивченого  

  1. робота в зошитах, заповнення таблиці:

-         Your task is: to write 5 names of each meal. You have 5 minutes.          



National cuisine of Great Britain

         Breakfast                                               Dinner                                      Evening mill





Food Questionnaire

Can you name:                   








  1. робота над текстом « British meals»

Before your reading answer the question:

  1. проведення гри «True or False»

Let’s play the game: True or False

  1. Many British people have a big breakfast.
  2. People often have cereal or toasts for breakfast.
  3. Marmalade is different from jam.
  4. People drink tea with hot milk.
  5. Many foreign visitors love instant coffee.
  6. All British people have a hot lunch.
  7. Pubs are good places to go for lunch.
  8. British people eat dinner late in the evening,
  9. Sunday lunch is a special meal.
  10.   When you get a take-away meal, you eat it at home.
  1. Виконання вправи

-         Match the words with their definitions.



         Pechenya    holubtsi   kvas   deruny   holodets  varenyky   

                                      uzvar     borshch


beet soup often made with meat -


boiled dumplings stuffed with fruit, potatoes, cheese and

 cabbage –


cabbage rolls stuffed with millet and minced meat with rice –


roast pork, lamb or beef –


jellied meat or fish –


potato fritters served with sour cream or cottage cheese - 


a drink made from bread with a sweet-sour taste –


dried or fresh fruit drink –


  1. робота в групах: складання діалогів

-         Now you have to work in groups. You should make the dialogues and dramatize them. ( диференційовано )


  1. Робота з відео «Window in Britain» 11:28 – 14:07


-         Hi. In this programmer you could heard about British food. Most people know about roast beef, bacon and eggs, fish and chips.

-         But what do British really eat?

-         It’s early morning in British. Milkmen bring milk to people’s house s. Usually, before breakfast.

-         This is Robinson’s family breakfast. And this is a usual breakfast: milk and cereal, toasts with jam or marmalade, fruit juice, tea or coffee.    

-         Mister Robinson prefer this - a traditional English breakfast: bacon, egg, sausage, tomato and fried bread. But people don’t eat very often now.

-         Excuse me.

-         Sorry.

-         Mmmm. Wonderful.

-         Only four hours to lunch. Lunch. It is about 12 or 1 o’clock. At lunch time people usually only have a break for an hour. So, they often just have a sandwich or snack. In some shops they seller maize sandwiches.

-         Most people brought a food from a supermarket: fresh food and convenient food. You don’t prepare convenient food. You just put in oven or a microwave.

-         Even a traditional roast beef or Yorkshire pudding.

-         Robinsons usually prepare warrant food. Most people have a main meal in evening. And dinner, the evening meal is usually eat about 6 or 7 o’clock. People have meat or fish and vegetables. Pease and paste popular too.   



  1. Музична пауза

“ А мій милий вареничків хоче ”

  1. Проведення інтерв’ю з викладачами:

We Interview our Guests

  1. Представлення своїх блюд

Проведення вікторини “Food Questionnaire”

Can you name?                                                                                                                  

• one red fruit, one yellow fruit and one green fruit? |

• three kinds of food which are made from milk?

• two things that a strict vegetarian doesn’t eat?

• four things people have for breakfast?              

• five things people eat between meals?

• six vegetables you can put in a salad?                                 


  1. Тести

1 The main  meal of the days is called dinner.    ... is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. If it is eaten in the evening (about 7 pm), the midday meal is called lunch (about 1 pm).

1.1 dinner

1.2 meal

1.3 dish


2 If dinner is in the    ...   of the day, the evening meal is called supper.

2.1 habits

2.2 gastronomy

2.3 middle


3 Christmas Pudding for British    ...  means very much.

3.1 supper

3.2 cuisine

3.3 time


4 Some English people could dispense with turkey and goose, but a Christmas dinner in Britain without a traditional Christmas    ...   would be strange indeed!

4 1 pudding

4.2 tea

4.3 lunch


5 It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of... .

5.1 cheese

5.2 scons

5.3 day


6They like to have 'a   ...    cup of tea' 6 or 8 times a day, sometimes even more.

6.1 goose

6.2 turkey

6.3 nice

7 Scones are a popular and traditional   ...  of British afternoon tea. They are easy   

    and fun to make.

7.1 part

7.2 number

7.3 year


8 Before you    ... , you need to prepare all the   ingredients:

8.1 chef

8.2 start

8.3 restaurant


9   Breakfast with the President started as a    ...      day.

9.1 popular

9.2 menu

9.3 perfect

10  A substantial       ...       is an essential foundation for a successful day for

    the Ukrainians.

10.1 borshch

10.2 breakfast

10.3 onion


11 In recent years a number of restaurants, bars and cafes have opened in Ukraine,

   offering excellent     ...    with high standards of service.  

11 1 dish

11.2 food

11.3 soup


12 Fry the finely chopped onion in oil in a small frying pan and add flour. Stir until smooth. You use this to thicken the soup; add this to the borshch when the    ... are cooked.

12.1 vegetables

12. 2 tomatoes

12.3 cream


V. Підведення підсумків:

How exchange your mood?

1. оцінювання студентів

2. домашнє завдання Your homework will be: To do the project on the topic

“Our family’s traditional Meals”

3.  заключне слово …

-         Ukrainians are famous for their national cuisine and their hospitality. We, as students of our college want to show you our hospitality and generosity. Our dear guests take this bread as a symbol of our hospitality and respect to you. We are glad to see you at our lesson.

-         And ,as a future generation, we want to say – we study English well, but we love and proud of our native country – Ukraine!

-         Glory to Ukraine! – Glory to Heroes!













-          Hi. In this programmer you could heard about British food. Most people know about roast beef, bacon and eggs, fish and ________.

-       But what do __________really eat?

-       It’s early ___________in British. Milkmen bring _____to people’s houses. Usually, before _________.

-       This is Robinson’s _________ breakfast. And this is a _______breakfast: milk and cereal, toasts with jam or ____________ , fruit juice, _____ or coffee.    

-       Mister Robinson prefers this - a ___________ English breakfast: bacon, _____ , sausage, tomato and fried ______ . But people don’t eat very often ______.

-       Excuse me.

-       Sorry.

-       Mmmm.___________.

-       Only four hours to______. Lunch. It is about 12 or 1______. At lunch time ________usually only have a break for an______. So, they often just have a sandwich or________. In some shops they seller maize sandwiches.

-       Most people brought a food from a _______________: fresh food and convenient food. You don’t prepare convenient ______. You just put in oven or a_____________.

-       Even a traditional roast beef or Yorkshire pudding.

-       Robinsons usually ___________ warrant food. Most people have a main meal in____________. And dinner, the evening meal is usually eat about 6 or __  o’clock. People have meat or fish and___________. Pease and paste popular_____.   



-       Hi. In this programmer you could heard about British food. Most people know about roast beef, bacon and eggs, fish and ________.

-       But what do __________really eat?

-       It’s early ___________in British. Milkmen bring _____to people’s houses. Usually, before _________.

-       This is Robinson’s _________ breakfast. And this is a _______breakfast: milk and cereal, toasts with jam or ____________ , fruit juice, _____ or coffee.    

-       Mister Robinson prefers this - a ___________ English breakfast: bacon, _____ , sausage, tomato and fried ______ . But people don’t eat very often ______.

-       Excuse me.

-       Sorry.

-       Mmmm.___________.

-       Only four hours to______. Lunch. It is about 12 or 1______. At lunch time ________usually only have a break for an______. So, they often just have a sandwich or________. In some shops they seller maize sandwiches.

-       Most people brought a food from a _______________: fresh food and convenient food. You don’t prepare convenient ______. You just put in oven or a_____________.

-       Even a traditional roast beef or Yorkshire pudding.

-       Robinsons usually ___________ warrant food. Most people have a main meal in____________. And dinner, the evening meal is usually eat about 6 or __  o’clock. People have meat or fish and___________. Pease and paste popular_____.   




1 The main  meal of the days is called dinner.    ... is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. If it is eaten in the evening (about 7 pm), the midday meal is called lunch (about 1 pm).

1.1 dinner

1.2 meal

1.3 dish


2 If dinner is in the    ...   of the day, the evening meal is called supper.

2.1 habits

2.2 gastronomy

2.3 middle


3 Christmas Pudding for British    ...  means very much.

3.1 supper

3.2 cuisine

3.3 time


4 Some English people could dispense with turkey and goose, but a Christmas dinner in Britain without a traditional Christmas    ...   would be strange indeed!

4 1 pudding

4.2 tea

4.3 lunch


5 It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of... .

5.1 cheese

5.2 scones

5.3 soup


6They like to have a   ...    cup of tea 6 or 8 times a day, sometimes even more.

6.1 goose

6.2 turkey

6.3 nice


7 Scones are a popular and traditional   ...  of British afternoon tea. They are easy   

    and fun to make.

7.1 part

7.2 number

7.3 year


8 Before you    ... , you need to prepare all the   ingredients:

8.1 chef

8.2 start

8.3 restaurant


9   Breakfast with the President started as a    ...      day.

9.1 popular

9.2 menu

9.3 perfect



10  A substantial       ...       is an essential foundation for a successful day for

    the Ukrainians.

10.1 borshch

10.2 breakfast

10.3 onion


11 In recent years a number of restaurants, bars and cafes have opened in Ukraine,

   offering excellent     ...    with high standards of service.  

11 1 dish

11.2 food

11.3 soup


12 Fry the finely chopped onion in oil in a small frying pan and add flour. Stir until smooth. You use this to thicken the soup; add this to the borshch when the    ... are cooked.

12.1 vegetables

12. 2 tomatoes

12.3 cream












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