Урок на тему "Health is the best wealth"

Про матеріал
Урок формування мовних та мовленнєвих компетенцій. Для його успішної реалізації необхідно: 1. Використання змістовного та інформативного навчального матеріалу, що відповідає інтелектуальному розвитку учнів. 2. Постановка цілей та завдань, що спонукають учнів до вирішення комунікативних завдань, до висловлювання власних думок. 3. Застосування таких прийомів навчання, які дають можливість кожному учню брати участь у мовленнєвій діяльності та максимально збільшувати їх активний час на уроці.
Перегляд файлу

Хорольська гімназія

Хорольської районної ради Полтавської області

Крутько Інна Василівна,

учитель англійської мови,



Розробка уроку


Картинки по запросу "спорт"Картинки по запросу "здорове харчування"Картинки по запросу "фрукти"C:\Users\admin\Desktop\246457.jpg 


















Хорол – 2020

 Health is the best wealth


  •                 to revise vocabulary related to the topic “ Health “;
  •                 to develop learners’ speaking skills through the interactive methods;
  •                 to improve students’ listening skills;
  •                 to develop students’ creative abilities;
  •                 to teach students to respect English traditions;
  •                 to consolidate friendship and collaboration between students and teachers. Equipment: a computer and an interactive board; cards for reading; cards with the parts of dialogues; sheets of paper for letters; pictures; textbooks, a festive envelope.



T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. It’s pleasant to meet new people because it’s a chance to learn something new, useful and interesting and to make new friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Inna Vasylivna. I am a teacher of English Khorol Gymnasia. Today we’ll work together.

C:\Users\admin\Desktop\3.jpg The topic of our lesson is “Health is the Best Wealth”. Who can translate it ? Do you agree that health is important to us ? ( Students express their thoughts. ) I agree with you too. We should think about our health before we get ill and take care of our health regularly. As you know health is very important to all people, especially to children and teenagers.




T: There are a lot of English proverbs and sayings about health. Let’s remember some of them and learn new ones.

1. A sound mind in a sound body.

2. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

4. Good health is above wealth.

5. Laughter is the best medicine.

6. Live not to eat, but eat to live.


T: What proverbs are new to you ? Now choose one proverb as the motto of our lesson.





T. Before reading and speaking you should revise the word and word-combinations related to the topic of our lesson. Match the following English words and word-combinations to their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) a high temperature;

C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Без названия.png2)to catch a cold;

3) to make an appointment;

4) to stay in bed;

5) a local doctor;

6) an accident;

7) to be healthy;

8) a sore throat;

9) symptoms;

10) healthy lifestyle.


a) дільничний лікар;

b) симптоми;

c) бути здоровим;

d) хворе горло;

e) нещасний випадок;

f) залишатися в ліжку;

g) здоровий спосіб життя;

h) призначати зустріч;

i) висока температура;

j) застудитися.

Key: 1-i; 2-j; 3-h; 4-f; 5-a; 6-e; 7-c; 8-d; 9-b; 10-g.



T: I think now you are ready for the next task. You have cards for reading on your desks. Take them.


Картинки по запросу "agree or disagree"Read the sentences. Agree or disagree with these statements using the following phrases.

I quite agree with you.

I can’t agree with you.

I don’t agree at all.


1. You should make an appointment if you need to see a local doctor.

2. You should go to school if you have a high temperature.

3.If you have a sore throat, you should eat more ice cream.

4.If you catch a cold, you should stay in bed.

5.If you have an accident, you should go to the Accident and Emergency department of the near hospital.

6.To be healthy a person needs to live a healthy lifestyle.

7. You don’t need to eat healthy food to be healthy.

8.When you visit a doctor, you should describe the symptoms of your illness.




Картинки по запросу "LISTENING"

Before listening

Translate some words and word-combinations to revise them.


A terrible headache, to catch a cold, stomachache, healthy meals, earache, to wear a hat.


While listening

Listen to the dialogues (A-F) and match them to the pictures (1-6) on the board. (Teacher prepares pictures before hand.)


A. – I’ve got a terrible headache.

     - You shouldn’t watch TV late.

B. – I’ve caught a cold.

     - Here. Take the temperature.

C. – I’ve got a stomachache.

- You should eat regularly. And not chips, but healthy meals.

D. – I’ve got a sore throat.

     - You shouldn’t eat too much ice cream.

E.– I have got an earache.

    - You should wear a hat. It’s cold.

F.– I’ve got a toothache.

   - You shouldn’t eat too muchchocolate.

Key: A-4; B-6; C-2; D-1; E-3; F-5.




T: You’ve got dialogues with mixed-up phrases. Arrange the phrases in the right order and make up the dialogues. Act them. Name health problems.





- I am not well.

- What is the matter?

- I’ve caught a cold. I have a cough, a running nose and a sore throat.

- You should stay in bed, take some medicine and drink hot tea.

- Thank you.




- Oh, hi, Tony. How are you? - Hmm – not very well.

- Really? What’s wrong ? - I feel so tired all the time.

- Tony, you haven’t got much energy. You should do exercises, get enough sleep and take vitamins regularly.




- I’ve got a stomachache.

- You eat a lot of chips. You should eat healthy meals: fresh, vegetables, and drink juice.

- You are right. Let’s go to a school canteen to have lunch.




- What was the matter with you yesterday, Kate?

- My eyes were sore. I went to the doctor.

- What did the doctor advise you?

- I shouldn’t watch TV and play computer games a lot.




- Oh, I’ve got a terrible toothache.

- You have problems with your teeth because you eat a lot of sweets.


- What should I do?

- First, go to the dentist and then don’t eat a lot of sweets and clean your teeth regularly.



- Sometimes I have an earache.

- You shouldn’t go without a hat in winter.

- But I want to look smart.

- If you are ill, you can’t look smart. So you have to choose: to be healthy or to be ill.



- Oh, mum, I’ve cut my finger.

- Let’s wash it, and put a plaster on it.

- What should I do then ?

- Every night take the plaster off. Put a new plaster on in the morning.




T: I have one more task for you. It’ll be very interesting for you to find the English equivalent to every Ukrainian proverb. If you do it very quickly, you’ll get an apple.


1. Здоров'я дорожче багатства.

2. Обжерливість убиває швидше, ніж меч.

3.Чоловікові стільки років, на скільки він почувається, а жінці – на стільки вона виглядає.

4. Хворобу легше попередити, ніж лікувати

5. Гаманець клієнта подовжує хворобу.


A. The purse of the patient protracts the disease.

B. Health is better than wealth.

C. Prevention is better than cure.

D. Gluttony kills more than the sword.

E.A man is as he feels, and a woman is as old as she looks.

Key: 1-B; 2-D; 3-E; 4-C; 5-A.



Картинки по запросу "GROUP WORK"

T: We’re going to work in two groups.


Group 1. Write all the factors you know that influence our health favourably.

Group 2. Write all the factors that have a harmful influence on our health.


T: And now let’s play game “ Fairy and Wizard”. Look, who has come to our lesson.

Fairy: Good morning, children. I am very glad to see you. I have a task for you. My team must say what people should do to save their health.

Wizard: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you too. As for my team, we need to say why people are ill.


Fairy’s team

P1: People should eat well, choose healthy food and have regular meals.

P2: They should visit a doctor.

P3: They should keep their clothes clean and change them regularly.

P4: They should take care of their body, keep it clean and healthy.

P5: They should sleep more – go to bed early.

Картинки по запросу "GROUP WORK"

Wizard’s team

P1: People do not clean their teeth.

P2: They keep windows in the flat shut.

P3: They eat fast food.

P4: They do not play sports games.

P5: They watch TV for a long time.

T: Remember the time limit. You have two minutes.




T: Let’s sum up our lesson. Can people be happy without health? Can we buy health with money ? Can a person be health with negative emotions?





Make up a report “ The first wealth is health” and be ready to speak on it in front of your peers.





12 жовтня 2020
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