Урок на тему: "Healthcare"

Про матеріал
Урок розрахований на учнів 10-х класів, які ввивчають англійську мову на поглибленому рівні. Цілі уроку: вчити учнів проявляти активність на етапі закріплення слів з теми: “Human Body and health issues”, продовжувати вчити правильно їх використовувати в знайомих лексико-граматичних структурах удосконалювати навички вживання Second and Third Conditional ; розвивати вміння сприймання на слух текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова; формувати навички монологічного мовлення за темою Health issues
Перегляд файлу

Цілі: вчити учнів проявляти активність на етапі закріплення слів з теми: “Human Body and health issues”, продовжувати вчити правильно їх використовувати в знайомих лексико-граматичних структурах на рівні фрази, удосконалювати навички вживання Second and Third Conditional в усному та писемному мовленні, навчити читати й  розуміти текст, який містить окремі  незнайомі елементи; розвивати вміння сприймання на слух текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова; формувати навички монологічного мовлення за темою Health issues на рівні повідомлення; стимулювати співрозмовника на висловлювання, розширити знання учнів про стилі музики, історію їх виникнення; удосконалювати техніку читання, розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення, виховувати  культуру спілкування,

Очікувані результати:

                                На кінець уроку учні вмітимуть

вживати та використовувати лексичні одиниці з теми “Human Body and health issues” в усному та писемному мовленні;

опрацьовувати текст з метою пошуку інформації;

висловлювати власну думку щодо медичної системи

вживати Second and Third Conditional на рівні речення

Обладнання:  Focus 3, роздаткові матеріали.

                                               Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


T: Good morning, dear students! I hope, everything is okay and you are ready for the lesson. 

2. Presenting topic of the lesson

T:I’m sure you’ll enjoy our today’s lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Healthcare”. To reach our aim we’ll learn the new words, practise our skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing as well. We’ll master grammar material on topic Second and Third Conditional. You’ll get the additional information about human’s body.

3) Warm-up

T: Let’s start our lesson from the task: Decode the word Health

H- human body

E- energy

A- antibiotics

L- lungs

T- treatment

H- hormones

II) Основна частина уроку

  1. Checking home task
  2. Vocabulary revision:

Categorize the words from the box. Category names are provided below.

Band-aid, blind, cancer, deaf, dizziness, dumb, fast, pulse, GP, injection, jaundice, mentally disabled, measles, mumps, nurse, operation, painkillers, physiotherapist, plaster, cast, pneumonia, rash, specialist, stroke, surgeon, swollen, tonsils, vomiting.


Diseases and illnesses



Medical staff

IIII Complete the gaps (one word in each gap).

1 I’m allergic ________ cats and dogs.

2 He died of a sudden heart ________.

3 She’s got a high ________ – almost 40.

4 I feel ________ of breath.

5 If you’ve got ________, go and see a dentist.

6 I’ve had an ________ stomach since Christmas dinner.

7 I’m terribly short-________ – I can’t live without my glasses.

8 My grandmother is ________ good shape for her age.

9 You’ll have to speak up – she’s a bit ________ of hearing.

10 She died of a massive ________ of heroin.

11 If you wear good boots, you’re less likely to_______ your ankle.

  1. T: Let’s practise BODY IDIOMS

A – Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

  1. Tell us what happened. We are _____________________.
  1. head over heels
  2. eye to eye
  3. all ears
  1. Leave those people alone. You’ll only __________________if you try to help them.
  1. burn your fingers
  2. keep an eye
  3. wash your hands
  1. Will you ___________with this project? I’ve been working on it for weeks.
  1. burn your fingers
  2. lend me a hand
  3. pull my leg
  1. It was such a sad book that, in the end, I _____________________.
  1. got cold feet
  2. broke a leg
  3. cried my heart out
  1. My mother cuts my hair at home, because the hairdresser _____________________.
  1. costs an arm and a leg
  2. gives a hand
  3. is all ears

B- Complete the sentences with the body idioms.

  1. I know all my friends’ phone numbers _____________________.
  2. I was just _____________ your ___________! I didn’t really die my hair blue!
  3. _____________your _____________________! You’ll find your dog. Spirits high!
  4. She’s _______________work looking after all those children. It’s a hard task.
  5. I won’t tell your mother how much you spend on rubbish. My ___________.

Check your understanding: multiple choice. Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best option to complete these sentences.

1. Only about one tenth of the cells in your body are ...

a. alive.            b. really you.          c. bacteria.

2. Bacteria are mostly ...

a. really helpful.             b. bad for humans.         c. neither good or bad.

3. Animals need bacteria to ...

a. fight diseases.      b. provide energy.             c. digest food.

4. You have ... cells in your body.

a. 7 million    b. 7 trillion              c. 7 octillion

5. Most of the atoms are ...

a. tiny cubes.     b. not used.        c. empty space.

6. You probably have mites in your ...

a. hair.       b. ears.         c. eyelashes.

7. Mites are very small creatures that are about ...

a. 3 millimetres long.        b. a third of a millimetre long.     c. 0.03 millimetres long.

8.  Mites eat ...

a. dead skin.             b. your eyelashes.         c. tiny insects.

2. Check your understanding: gap fill typing. Complete the sentences with a word or words.

1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are _______________.

2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria _______________ or had to have a special diet.

3. There are _______________ octillion cells in the human body.

4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty _______________.

5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring _______________ of a centimetre either side.

6. You would be much too small to _______________.

7. Mites are really small creatures, like _______________.

8. They live in eyelashes and _______________.

9. Only about _______________ per cent of people have mites.

10. Mites eat dead _______________


In pairs, decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 A child dies from malaria every hour.

2 Malaria is contagious – you can catch it from other people.

3 You can only get malaria from a female mosquito.

4 Mosquitoes bite mainly in the afternoon.

5 If you get malaria, you will die – there is no treatment.


Hope is a sixteen-year-old girl who got malaria and recovered. Her classmate tells her story here.

Hope was one of the best students in our class. But she had been absent from school for several weeks and we were worried. We decided to go to her village and find out what was wrong. When we arrived, Hope’s mother told us that Hope was sick with malaria. We were shocked – we knew how serious malaria could be. We asked how it had started. Hope’s mother explained, ‘One evening, Hope was really hot and had terrible headaches. She had no appetite. This went on for a few days. We thought that she had been in the sun too long. My husband gave Hope some herbal medicine, but it didn’t help. Her condition began to get worse and she developed new symptoms. The fever got higher and she started vomiting. At this point, I was sure she had malaria, but I didn’t know what to do.’ Fortunately, we had learnt about malaria at school, and Hope told her mother that she needed medicine quickly. Her mother took Hope to the hospital. She didn’t want to lose another child. Two years before, Hope’s baby brother had fallen ill with malaria and died.

At the hospital, the doctor had examined Hope and diagnosed malaria. He had given her an injection and prescribed some medicine. And now she was getting better thanks to the treatment. We asked if we could see her. We weren’t worried about catching the disease we knew that malaria was not contagious. At school we had learnt that you catch malaria at night, from female mosquitoes. So we were upset to see that Hope was sleeping without a mosquito net. We told our friend about a place where her parents could get free mosquito nets. We told her we wanted her to come back to school soon. We know that she was very lucky to recover

Post reading task

T: Read the article again. For questions 1–5, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 The students went to visit Hope because

A she was ill.   B she needed some work from school.

C they didn't know why she was away.   D they lived near her village.

2 Hope’s mother realised that Hope had malaria

A because the herbal medicine didn’t work.   B after a really hot day in the sun.

C because Hope stopped eating      D when Hope began to vomit.

3 Who understood the situation and knew what to do?

A Hope    B Hope’s mother     C Hope’s father     D nobody

4 What worried Hope’s friends most when they saw her?

A They thought they might catch malaria.   B Hope wasn’t sleeping.

C Hope wasn’t getting better.   D Hope’s bed didn’t have a mosquito net.

5 What is the main message of this story?

A Malaria is a deadly disease.    B Hope is a very lucky girl.

C Learning about malaria can save lives

T: Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs, then answer questions.

1 When was the last time you ……a cold or ill?

2 What symptoms did you……………. ?

3 Did a doctor examine you, ………………any medicine or give you an injection?

4 How long did it take you to ………………….?

  1. GRAMMAR (II and III conditional)

T: Let’s revise grammar material on the Second and Third Conditional


T: Fill in the blanks with either second or third conditional.

1. You ____________ (notice) my new haircut if you had been more attentive.

2. If you _____________ (enjoy) modern art, we could visit the new exhibition.

3. If you had eaten at lunch, you ______________ (not / be) so hungry now.

4. If there were an ashtray in the house, we _____________ (not / need) to go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette.

5. I would apply for the job if I ____________ (know) how to write an application letter.

6. If I _____________ (go) to the job interview, I might have got the job.

7. You would need to find another job if you _____________ (move) to a new town.

8. I would exercise twice a day if I _____________ (have) more time.

9. If the T-shirt _____________ (not / be) so loose, I would wear it.

10. If the factory ______________ (not / close), many workers wouldn’t be unemployed.

11. If there hadn’t been for the snow, most European airports ___ (not / close) during Christmas time.

12. If there wasn’t for the fire, we _______________ (freeze) to death.

13. I would eat your adorable meatloaf if I _____________ (not / be) a vegetarian.

14. If you _______________ (teach) me how to dance, I would learn it fast.

7. Speaking

T: Let’s watch the video and discuss some health issues.

“Free Health Care Isn’t Problem Free” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7IH0klBnhc

1. Can you think of any other arguments for free health care?

2. Can you think of any other arguments for private health care?

3. Do you know how health care works in other countries? Describe what you know.

4. How has the health care system affected you or your family? Have your experiences been positive or negative?

5. Do you think private or universal health care is better? Why?

III) Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Summary.

So, what have we done at the lesson? What new things have we learnt? What was interesting/boring/unusual? Why? I enjoyed the way you’ve worked today! I want to say that all of you were active and smart, your marks are...

Thank you! The lesson is over.

  1. Homework

W.B. p. 75

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