Сценарій навчального заняття.
І. Організація навчальної діяльності
1. Привітання
- Stand up! Good morning, children! Say good morning to our guests!
2. Введення в мовне середовище
- Today we have got an unusual lesson. We have got a magic dairy. It has different tasks for you. Let`s open the first page of the diary/ It says “Good morning, children! How are you?”
3. Рефлексія
- How are you? Why?
4. Оголошення теми і мети
- The next page of the diary is our theme. “My last working day. My diary.” During the lesson we will speak, listen, write and act the working days of different people. We will practice the grammar rules of the Past Simple Tense, using it in the sentences and in the questions.
II. Повторення основних теоретичних моментів навчальної діяльності.
Фонетична зарядка
Let`s remember, what you know about the past simple tense?
Який час ми називаємо “the Past Simple Tense ”?
На які 2 групи поділяються дієслова для утворення цієї часової форми?
Як утворюється минулий час правильних дієслів?
Open the next page of our diary. It`s Phonetic Drills. Have a look – the ending – ed we can read and pronaus as - [ t ]
[ d ]
[ ed ]
Пригадайте, в яках випадках закінчення –ed ми вимовляємо звуком [t] [d] [ed]?
Ok, listen and repeat after me!
Лексична зарядка
- Отже, для правильних дієслів ми добавляємо закінчення – ed в минулому часі. А що
ви знаєте про минулий час неправильних дієслів?
So, the next page of the diary is the task – “Make up the Past Simple Tense”
Let`s remember the meaning of these verbs!
III. Виконання завдань різних за характером пізнавальної діяльності
Діалогічне мовлення (реплікування)
Thank you, I want to ask you 1 question – “Do you like to work in pairs?”
Ok, have a look at the next page of our diary. You can see a table with different actions which we can do in different days of the week. Your task is – make up the dialogue about your last week or working day!
Монологічне мовлення (перевірка д/з)
And what about you? What can you say about your last week, about your diary.
Have a look at the next page. It`s called “My diary” What can you say – What did you do on Monday – Sunday? Describe your last week!
Фізкульт хвилинка
The book says – “It is time for rest”
Stand up – let`s have the rest.
The next of our diary is “Listening tasks”
Open your books, find h27, exercise 4
Let`s start task 1 – listen to the song “On the way to school” and underline the verbs in the Past Simple Tense.
Let`s check the underlining verbs. Read the sentence and say the underlining verb.
Have a look at the second task – listen to the song again and sing it.
Look at the next task of our diary. It`s says “I have got a friend. His name is Tom. Help
him to write about his working day”
I want to propose you to divide into 2 groups. You have got a story about Toris weekend.
But there are some missing verbs in it. Complete and write the story “Tori has weekend”
IV. Узагальнення та підведення підсумків
Підсумок урока, д/з
We have done all tasks from our magic diary.
Open your diaries and write down the home task on Monday: Ex. 4, .p 27 (learn the song); - Act A, p.22 (in writing)
So the magic book says: “You are very clever and active children. I wish you good luck and excellent marks!”
So, raise your hands – who are happy/sad/so-so?
Завершення урока
- Stand up! Our lesson is over. Have a nice day!