Урок на тему "Що впливає на особистість? Риси характеру"

Про матеріал
Урок вмішує в собі введення нового лексичного матеріалу, правила утворення прикметників за допомогою суфіксів і префіксів.
Перегляд файлу

Дата:  19.09.2014

План-конспект уроку № 9

Клас:  10 А

Тема:  Люди і дружні стосунки. Моя родина, друзі і я

Підтема:  Що впливає на особистість? Риси характеру


Практична: повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; навчити утворювати антоніми до прикметників за допомогою префіксації; удосконалювати навички читання тексту; розвивати діалогічне мовлення школярів.

Освітня: ознайомити учнів із психологічними дослідженнями чинників, які впливають на формування характеру.

Розвиваюча: розвивати комунікативні здібності, мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, пам'ять, увагу учнів, уміння працювати в групах та самостійно.

Виховна: виховувати прагнення бути сильною особистістю.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал – картки з граматичними вправами. 

Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку.

1.1. Організація класу.

Good morning, pupils. Nice to see you. I hope you are ready for today’s lesson, aren’t you?

So, tell me please, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

So let’s start. Today we are going to speak аbout the personality and the character. We are going to practise the vocabulary relating to personality and character. We will read the text, discuss it and then work in pairs.

1.2. Мовленнєва зарядка.

But first let’s check your hometask. You have to learn the word list on page 6 by heart.  So now we are going to check the active vocabulary of the previous lesson.

  •                 Dictation-translation (ordinary).

Your task is to translate the words into English: егоїстичний (selfish), люблячий (affectionate), агресивний (aggressive), амбіційний (ambitious), енергійний (energetic), заздрісний (envious), відповідальний (responsible), чутливий (sensitive), товариський (sociable), конкурентний (competitive), похмурий, у поганому настрої (moody), чарівний (charming), ревнивий (jealous).

  •                 Game “Guess Who”.

Well, as you know all this adjectives, then let’s play a game. The rules are the following: one of you leaves the room while the class is choosing one person for describing, then the pupil returns and asks questions to the class about the character of this person. He should guess the name of his classmate.

E.g. Is this person a girl or a boy? Is he or she kind-hearted / tolerant / lazy / polite?

Well, as you see, you know the adjectives for describing character very good. And now let’s get to know what affects our personality.

  1.            Основна частина.

2.1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

  •                 Scanning reading.

Today we are going to read the text “What affects our personality?” Open your books on page 4, ex. 1. Your task is to read and translate the article.

Pre-reading activity

But first, look at the blackboard. You can see some words there, which can be difficult for you to understand. Let’s read and translate them:

An influence /ˈɪnflʊəns/ – вплив;

On somebody’s opinion – на чиюсь думку;

To be self-confident – бути самовпевненим;

To look after –доглядати;

The downside of something – недолік чогось;

On the other hand – з іншого боку.

While-reading activity

Read and translate the article.

After-reading activity

  •                 Match the paragraphs of the article with the following statements:
  1.               about the youngest children 4;
  2.               about the children who have to look after their younger brothers and sisters  2;
  3.               about Tom Hughes 1;
  4.               about the only children 5;
  5.               about the most competitive children – 3.
  •                 Answer the questions:

Well, let’s discuss the article. Your task is to answer the questions.

  1.               Does family influence on a personality? In what way? (According to Tom Hughes the position in the family is the strongest factor that influences our personality. Your character depends on the duties you have to do in the family. The more you do the stronger your character is.)
  2.               Which children are usually independent and sociable? Why? (The middle children are usually independent and competitive because they have to fight with their brothers and sisters for their parents’ attention. They are usually sociable because they like being with people, probably because they have always had other children to play with.)
  3.               Which children are usually charming and affectionate? Why? (The youngest children are probably very charming and affectionate because they have a lot of attention from both parents and older brothers and sisters.)
  4.               Which children are usually quite self-confident and ambitious? Why? (The oldest children are usually quite self-confident people because they get maximum attention from their parents.)
  5.               Which children are usually very organised and responsible? Why? (The only children are usually very organised and responsible because they don’t have anybody to rely on.)
  6.               Do you share author’s opinion given in the article? What do you approve or disapprove of?
  •                 Work in groups.

So, we’ve just got to know author’s opinion to the point what affects our personality. And now I want you to work in small groups and discuss the following questions:

1st group – Do you think it is better to be the older or the younger sister or brother in a family with two children? Why?

2nd group – Does a child’s position in the family have an influence on his / her personality?

  • Individual cards.

While you are working some of you will work with individual cards.

  •                 Choose the odd word.
  1.               bossy – ambitious – lazy – competitive;
  2.               shy – sociable – outgoing – companionable;
  3.               imaginative – boring – creative – artistic;
  4.               honest – talkative – affective – jealous;
  5.               selfish – spoilt – manipulative – cheerful;
  6.               kind-hearted – bossy – affectionate – good-natured;

Make up your own sentences with odd words.

  •                 Read the sentences and complete them with the character adjectives.
  1.               You can rely on Jane. She is a very __________________________ person.
  2.               You should be _______________. You can’t leave without saying goodbye.
  3.               He is kind and ______________________________. He cares about others.
  4.               She always tells the truth. She is the most _______________ person I know.
  5.               You should be ______________ with children. They need time to do things.
  6.               He is a very _______________ person. He always thinks only about himself.

Make up your own sentences with these adjectives.

2.2. Семантизація нового матеріалу.

Well, today we are going to learn the material about the word-building with the help of prefixes.

Префікс – значима частина слова, що стоїть перед коренем і служить для творення нових слів або форм слова. Найбільш поширені способи творення антонімів прикметників в англійській мові – це використання префіксів: ‘un’, ‘in-’, ‘dis-’, ‘im-’ or ‘ir-’. Префікси ‘un-’, ‘in-’, ‘dis-’, ‘im-’ or ‘ir-’ мають негативне значення. Префікс ‘in-’ for додають до коренів прикметників, що починаються  на l, m, b, p, r. Префікс ‘ir-’ використовують для творення прикметників з кореневим r: irregular. Префікс ‘im-’ додаються до прикметників із кореневими m, b, p: immoral.

Антоніми – це слова, протилежні за значенням.

2.3. Автоматизація дій з новим матеріалом.

  •                 And now let’s do exercise 2 at page 7. Your task is to make opposites using the prefixes with the adjectives in the box. Put them in the correct column of the table.

Un -

Dis -

In- / im- / ir -

Unselfish, unambitious, unfriendly, unimaginative, unkind, untidy, unreliable, unsociable

Dishonest, disorganised

Irresponsible, insensitive, impatient


  •                 Your task is to organize words into pairs of opposites and put them in the columns below: friendly, hard-working, mean, stupid, generous, lazy, dishonest, pleasant, cheerful, honest, tidy, unpleasant, clever, untidy and unfriendly.






















III.  Заключна частина уроку.

3.1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Well, today we’ve revised the adjectives denoting the character and learnt how to build opposites to them, besides we’ve got to know the factors what affects your character. I hope this information will be useful for you and you will be able to bring up your younger brothers or sisters, or even your own children in a proper way. By the way you have an opportunity to change something in your character right now. And as the questions that were spoken about at the lesson are rather problematic ones I want you to write a short composition according to this problem at home. So, the hometask for the next lesson will be the next.

3.2. Домашнє завдання: Ex. 6 (c), p. 6. Your task will be to write a short essay according to one of the points.

And now I want to thank you for a good work at the lesson. You’ve worked very well today, so your marks are the next …


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