План- конспект уроку по пройденому матеріалу з теми "Тварини" в 2 класі НУШ за підручником Quick minds 2
Тема: “Animals”.
Клас: 2-А
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Good morning, children. Take your seats. At first let’s prepare for the lesson and start it with practicing your English pronunciation.
Today we’ll repeat with you two sounds: [p] and [t]. Don’t forget when we pronounce the sound [p] your lips blow up and on the sound [t] the mouth is opened widely.
So, listen to me at first, then repeat after me:
Pretty little Pussy- cat
Sitting there upon the mat
Show me how you arch your back
Pretty little Pussy- cat.
Well, we’ve learned with you that over a million different kinds of animals are alive in the world today. And I like to know:
T: How we can classify all the animals?
Ch.: There are two big groups of animals: domestic and wild animals.
T: And what about the domestic animals?
Ch.: Domestic animals can be farm animals and house pets. So, as you guessed the topic of our lesson is: Animals and pets.
I suggest you to go to the trip and our first journey will be in the Zoo.
It’s interesting to know: What animals live in the Zoo? Let’s do it in such way: the first pupil starts with the words: I went to the Zoo and I saw…( name the animal). The next pupil must repeat the previous animal and name his own one and so on..
You see, it’s a good exercise for practicing your memory.
Now answer my questions:
T: Does Jack the tiger like carrots ?
Ch: No, he doesn’t.
T: Does Lily the monkey like bananas?
Ch: Yes, she does .
T: Does Peter the dear like peas?
Ch: No, he doesn’t.
Please make up the questions to each other.
Ch: Does Mary the monkey like cheese ?
Ch: No, she doesn’t.
Ch: Does Ben the bear like apples?
Ch: Yes, he does.
All right that will be do.
Well, we’re learnt with you many interesting songs about animals. Sing one of them about the: Zoo animals.
There is a crossword on the blackboard. Your task now to read the assignment and to guess what it is and write it.
We’ve written the composition about the animals. I think everybody of you has their favorite animal and your task now to tell us about them.
My favorite animal is a cat. Its name is Chapa. My cat is very fat and kind. Its head isn’t big. Its neck is short. Its paws are small . Its eyes are green and clever. Its ears are small. My cat likes milk and chicken. Most of all Chapa likes to sleep. I think cats are very clever animals.
I have got a dog. His name is Sharik, but we call him Rex. He is very big and he is brown. But he is not angry, he likes children and he likes playing very much. We go for a walk every day . He likes eating meat, but he doesn't like vegetables. I like my pet very much.
-Sorry to say, we have a limit of time, that’s why let’s go to the next step of our lesson.
9. Фізпауза.
I can hop like a rabbit. (стрибаємо як кролик)
I can jump like a frog. (стрибаємо як жабка)
I can fly like a bird. (літаємо як пташечка)
I can run like a foх. (бігаємо як лисичка)
I can walk like a duck. (ходимо як качечка)
I can swim like a fish. (плаваємо як рибка)
And be still as good children – (і стаємо гарними дітками)
as still as this. (ось так)
10.Тренувальні вправи ( граматична структура there is\ there are)
Now I’ll give you some sheets of paper. You should look at the picture, then ask and answer as in the examples.
11. Робота з картками.
Well, like people all the animals have babies. You have the list of mother and baby animals. Mach them. I’ll give you one minute.
The time is over. Which baby has mother cow…? (and so on)
12. Now let’s play “Flippers game” we have got two teams. Stand in two lines please. Listen to me attentively. You can see a card with animals on the blackboard. I am going to read you a description of animal, in pairs you guess what is it, run, touch and name this animal.
Ready, steady, go.
13. Підведення підсумків уроку, повідомлення та пояснення домашнього завдання.
In closing the discussion I’d like to stress once again that people should take care after the animals. They are really our small brothers. And on our next lesson we are going to speak about the animals who are in danger today. For the next lesson you need to do your own crossword and learn by heart tongue- twister. Well, I’m satisfied with your activity on a lesson. Some pupils have excellent marks. Some pupils have good marks.
14. Кінець уроку.
The lesson is over. You are free. Goodbye, my dear friends. See you later!
♫ Stomp like elephants! Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do. Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.
Jump like kangaroos. Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do. Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.
Swing like monkeys. Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do. Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.
Waddle like penguins. Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do. Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.
Slither like snakes. Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do. Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.
Swim like polar bears. Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do. Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.
Let's go to the zoo. And dance like the animals do.
Let's go to the zoo. And dance like the animals do. ♫