Урок на тему: "Улюблені письменники"

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Готовий коснпект уроку "Улюблені англійські та американські письменники" спрямований на розвиток навичок усного мовлення та вміння працювати зі співбесідником іноземною мовою.
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Тема уроку:     «Улюблені англійські і американські письменники»


Мета:                .  розвиток навичок висловлювання самостійної думки і вміння групової    


  .  розвиток навичок усної комунікації:

                               -  в монологічній та діалогічній мові,

                               -  в аудіюванні,      

          -  в читанні,

          -  в письмі.

 . формування зацікавленості до творчості англомовних авторів;

 . розвиток акторських  здібностей засобами інсценування творів.



  Обладнання:       підстановочні таблиці, портрети письменників, книги різних письменників, картинки, картки з індивідуальними завданнями.


Хід уроку: 

I. Вступна частина.

1. Мовна зарядка. Повідомлення про тему, мету уроку, завдання тощо.

T.: During our previous lessons we read and talked about writers and books. And I know that you like to read books. This is very good, because as people say: “Books are our friends”. Why do we call books our friends?

P1: - They give us information.

P2: - Books make us think.

P3: - They teach us what is right and what is wrong. …etc.


2. Короткі діалоги про улюблені книги:

- What books do you like to read?

- I like to read … books. And you?

- As for me, I prefer … (poems).

- What is your favourite poem?

- My favourite poem is  “Six Serving Men”.

Один з учнів читає вірш Кіплінга “Six Serving Men”.


3. Бесіда про улюблений жанр літератури з опорою на підстановочну таблицю:



                        I like                  (auto)biographical          books

As for me        I prefer               detective                        novels

                        I am fond of       adventure                       stories



- As for me, I like to read historical books because they depict true events which took place many years ago.

- As for me, I am fond of detective stories because they are very exciting.

- As for me, I prefer plays because I like theatre. Etc.

  Введення і закріплення висловів: Tastes differ.

                                                            So many men, so many minds.

(Учні записують вислови з перекладом в словники)


II. Інсценування уривку з пєси «Король Лір»

T: - Many of you, children, like theatre. And now our actors will perform a short scene from the play “King Lear” by William Shakespeare.

[Уривок з пєси був заздалегідь адаптований спільно вчителем і учнями на кількох попередніх уроках].

    Characters: Narrator, Lear, the King of Britain, Goneril, Regan, Cordelia – his daughters.

Narrator.  The story takes place in old Britain. The main characters are: Lear, the King of Britain, and his three daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. The King is old and he can not rule his kingdom, so he decides to divide it between his daughters.

Lear.       I called you here, my daughters, to divide in three my kingdom.

                Because I’m old and cannot rule.

                Which of you three will say she loves me most,

                Will have the greatest part.

                 So, Goneril, my eldest daughter, you speak first.

Goneril.    I love you more than words can tell,

                 More than eyesight, space, liberty,

                 No less than life and health,

                 No less than beauty, honour.

                 As no child has loved his father.

                 No words can tell how much I love you.

Cordelia (to herself). What shall I say? I know – love must be silent.

Lear.       So, Goneril, you get this part,

                With shadowy forests, fields and rivers.

                What says our second daughter? Regan, speak.

Regan.     I’m made of same material as my sister,

                 And in her words you’ll find my feelings.

                 If there is anything that makes me happy,

                 It is my love for you, my dear father.

                 I have no other joys in life

                 To feel Your Highness’ dear love.

Cordelia (to herself). And still I feel my love is more than all my words.

Lear.        So you, my dear Regan, receive

                 The part no less than Goneril does.

                 Now you, Cordelia, my joy, what can you say?

Cordelia.  Nothing.

Lear.        Nothing comes of nothing. Speak again.

Cordelia.  Unhappy that I am, I cannot put my heart

                 Into my mouth. I love Your Majesty

                 As child can love his father, no more, no less.

                 You are my father, you raised me and you loved me,

                 And now I return my duties back.

Lear.        But are you speaking from your heart?

Cordelia.  Yes, my lord.

Lear.         Let it be so. Then be aware

                  That you are not my daughter any more.

                  I loved you most, but now

                  I give my kingdom to my loving daughters,

                  To Regan and Goneril.

                 And you, Cordelia, get out of my sight!

Narrator.  But we know from the play that only Cordelia really loved her old father. “King Lear” is one of the best and tragical plays in the world literature.


III.  Бесіда про улюблених письменників.

1.  Аудіювання розповіді вчителя про Герберта Уелса.

T. – At our lessons we spoke about Shakespeare, about Byron, Burns, Kipling, Mark Twain, Jack London. And now I want to tell you about my favourite English writer, Herbert Wells. He was born in 1866 in a poor family, but he worked very hard and managed to enter the University of London. Herbert Wells began his literary work when he was a student. His first science-fiction novel “The Time Machine” was published in 1895 and brought him fame and universal acclaim. After that Wells wrote many other novels and short stories, among which are “The Invisible Man”, “The First Men in the Moon”, “The War of the Worlds” and others. He died in 1946.

 Контроль розуміння прослуханого:

- When was Herbert Wells born?

- What novel brought him fame and universal acclaim?

- Have you read any books by H. Wells? Have you seen films made after his books? etc.


2. Розповідь учнів про своїх улюблених письменників (домашнє завдання).


3. Бесіда про сучасних письменників.

T. – So far we spoke about British and American writers whom we call classics. But there are many famous modern writers: Arthur Haley, Steven King, Tom Clancy, John Grisham and others. Today I want you to meet a very famous writer, Mr. ……, who is visiting our country and he was so kind to come to see you today. You may ask him any questions you want.

[Учні працюють двома групами, одна вигадує письменника і його біографію, інша група готує питання для письменника”]

Бесіда із запрошеним письменником”:

P’s: - Mr. ……, where were you born?

       - Where did you spend your childhood?

       - Where did you study?

       - What was your first book about?

       - What are your hobbies? etc. (приблизно 10 питань).


IV. Роз’яснення домашнього завдання.

1.  Аудіювання розповіді вчителя про його улюблену книгу.

T. – As I have told you my favourite English writer is (who?), and his first novel was (what?). Do you remember when it was published? Right, in 1895. It is a science-fiction novel. It tells about a scientist who built a time machine and travelled to the future. Etc. (5 – 7 речень).

Now look at the blackboard. Here you can see the plan. Write it down into your copy-books, please.

Plan:     - name of the book

             - year of publishing

             - main hero

             - main events

             - main idea.

Your home task will be to write about your favourite book according to this plan.


V. Додаткові ігрові завдання.

 1. Вгадай назву книги”.

Учень читає короткий зміст книги по картці, інші учні вгадують назву книги.

P. – This is a story about a shipwrecked sailor who lived on an uninhabited island for 27 years. Once he saved a savage who became his friend. The savage’s name was the name of one of the days of the week…                                             “Robinson Crusoe” by D.Defoe.

                                                                             (4 – 5 книг: “Harry Potter”, “Treasure Island”,  “Tom Sawyer”, “White Fang” etc.)

2. “Склади прізвище письменника чи назву книги” з розрізнених карток.


VI. Підсумки уроку, оцінювання.

      Домашнє завдання: Написати про свою улюблену книгу згідно плану.

31 травня 2020
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