Урок на тему" Вплив емоцій на наше життя"

Про матеріал
Урок на тему " Вплив емоцій на наше життя" проведений в 10 класі в умовах блекауту( відсутність світла в ліцеї).
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Урок на тему « The influence of emotions on our lives»


Вчитель: Цвєткова Галина Борисівна

Ліцей № 4 Звягельської міської ради


Англійська мова, урок в 10 класі( поглиблене вивчення)проведений в умовах блекауту( відсутність світла в ліцеї)


Equipment: students books “ New Destinations B1”, mobile phones( photos of children)


 to teach reading the text with getting some information;

 to teach students to express their own opinions;

 to teach to work in groups;

 to develop  linguistic guesses, skills of summarising; to bring up a sense of empathy and respect to other peoples’ emotions.

The procedure:


I. The beginning of the lesson.


Good  morning dear children. How are you feeling? What was the night like? Do you know the latest news? Are you ready to work?

Now I want you to work a little with your mobile phones. In our viber group you see the photos of children. Try to describe their emotions. I have chosen children because they are sincere, genuine and don’t disguise their feelings.( Students describe the children and try to guess the reasons of their mood and emotional conditions)


ІІ.      Checking homework.

           Mutual assessment.

So your homework was: to read the text “  Twin  Minds  think alike”( I think you understood from it that twins feel each other’s emotions even at a distance) and do exercise C (choose the correct answer –a,b,c or d). Now I want you to change your exercise-books and check the work of your desk neighbour. The highest mark for the homework is 10. Try to evaluate your classmate’s work. You have 5 minutes and then be ready to tell me the results.(Students work and tell the results to the teacher) Well done!

Now I would like to know your opinions about the facts described in this text. Do twins really feel the emotional conditions of each other? What experiments are described in this text?


III.  Tee main part of the lesson

           Reading the text.

Now you are going to read the text (p. 128,ex.B) This is a book review of William Golding’s timeless novel “ Lord of the Flies”. The story takes place during WWII. A small aeroplane carrying British schoolboys is shot down over an uninhabited island in the Pasific Ocean.

 For our work we need four groups. Let’s count by four. All the ones will sit here, all the twos will sit there and so on. Now we have four groups and each group will read one paragraph. The task for each group is: while reading write down some new words needed for understanding( you can use your mobile phones or find the meaning of the unknown words in the dictionaries, you can see them on your desks) and be ready to present these new words to other students on the blackboard. Then briefly tell the main content of the paragraph you have read to your classmates. You have 10 minutes. After finishing their tasks students present their work at the blackboard.


IV.    The final part of the lesson.

Your hometask. I ask you to read this novel, you can find it in the Internet ( you can read it in Ukrainian). Be ready to answer the questions : 1. Who are the main characters( their names and the main features of their characters, their actions) 2.Do emotions influence the person’s behaviour( especially in difficult situations)?

     Our lesson is over. Your marks are...(The teacher tells the marks). Thank you for your           work You were very active. See you tomorrow.



До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
17 вересня 2023
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