Урок на тему " What A Film "

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Розробка уроку призначена для учнів, які працюють за підручником " Full Blast 2 " . Дана розробка допоможе виявити рівень лексичного запасу з теми " What A Film ".

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Theme: What A Film!

Aim: Revise the vocabulary on the theme; practice in telling the stories describing the films; learn to understand the English language while watching  films; improve reading and grammar skills ( using relative pronouns who and which ).

Type of the lesson: round-up

Equipment: a computer ( for watching the presentation to the lesson )


 The Procedure Of The Lesson

  1. Greeting

Good morning, children. How is it going?

  1. Warming up

  Let’s start our lesson with a tongue twister:

I have got a date

at a quarter to eight.

I’ll see you at the gate,

so don’t be late.

-          Do you like hanging out with your friends?

-          Where do you like to come along?

-          What are your favourite activities?

-          Have you got a cinema in your town?

  1. Theme and Aim

-          Put the letters in the correct order to read the theme of our today’s lesson ( What A Film! )

-          So, at our today’s lesson you’ll:

revise the vocabulary on this topic;

tell about your favourite films;

watch and discuss the scene from the film;

improve your reading and grammar skills.


-          Anyway, there won’t be any time to get bored. I see lots of posters on your desks. That means that you’re eager to share the information about your favourite films, which you prepared at home. Your prime time starts right now.


-          Well, as I see you’re great fans of good films. Now you have a possibility to watch a scene of an amazing movie called The Pursuit Of Happiness . Get ready to mark true and false sentences after watching.

  1. The boy and the man are going to the cinema.
  2. “ Probably “ means there’s a good chance.
  3. The boy is really smart.
  4. The boy’s name is Bobby.
  5. Chris Gardner is the boy’s uncle.
  6. There is a computer in the box.
  7. Tim is 20 years old.

-          You have got smileys with happy and sad faces on your desks. Raise the happy one if the sentence is true and the sad one for the false sentences.

Time For Fun

-Sometimes the main characters of the films are the cartoon heroes. I know that you’re keen on singing. It’s time to relax and sing a song together with the cartoon characters . ( Sing a song “If you’re happy and you know it “ )


-          It’s time for reading. Look at the billboard. What film are we’re going to read about? 

-          (Night At The Museum, “ Full Blast 2 “ page 106 )

-          Let’s revise the vocabulary of the previous lesson before reading. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. acting                              a. the story of a film
  2. leading actor                 b. the performance in a film
  3. special effects               c. the music which is heard in a film
  4. scene                              d. the person who stars in a film
  5. plot                                 e. a part of a film or play
  6. soundtrack                     f. unusual and exciting images or sounds in a film, usually   

                                          made by computers                     


( After reading )

-          What’s the film called?

-          When did it come out?

-          What type of film is it?

-          Who stars in it?

-          Who was it directed by?

-          What is your opinion of this film?


-          Open your copy books and write down the date. As you see, we’re going to improve your writing and grammar skills. Look at the table to remember the rules of using who and which. Complete the sentences with who and which and your own ideas.

  1. My best friend is a person _____________________
  2. That’s the film _______________________________
  3. There’s the dog ______________________________
  4. My teacher is the person _______________________
  5. Basketball is a sport ___________________________
  1. Summary

Raise the happy or the sad smiley according to your success in the following activities

  1. I know the vocabulary well.
  2. I can tell about the film.
  3. I can understand the plot of the movie.
  4. I am good at using which and who.


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 червня
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