Урок на тему "Я, моя сім'я та друзі" для 5 класу

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Дана розробка розрахована для проведення уроку систематизації знань учнів 5 класу з теми "Я, моя сім'я та друзі" та закріплення навичок вживання теперішнього тривалогор часу
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5 клас                               Тема  «Я, моя сім’я та друзі»


Тема уроку: Я та моя сім’я

Мета уроку: Систематизувати знання з теми «Я, моя сім’я та друзі»; автоматизувати вивчений лексичний матеріал за темою; закріпити правила вживання теперішнього тривалого часу (The Present Continuous Tense); удосконалювати навички усного мовлення; розвивати навички аудіювання; вчити письму; продовжувати формування вміння роботи у команді; прививати любов до родини; виховувати повагу до товаришів та співрозмовників.

Обладнання: Підручник, зошит, комп’ютер, телевізор, презентації, картки, граматична таблиця «Present Continuous Tense»




І. Організація класу. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземної мови


   1.Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

Т: Good morning, my little friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are fine. We are glad to see you, too.

T: Today we’re going to speak about you, your families and relatives. We’ll revise the vocabulary on the topic “My family and friends” and we’ll practice the Present Continuous Tense during our lesson.


   2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T: Look out of the window. It’s summer now. The weather is nice.

P: No, it is not summer.

T: Oh, sorry, it’s autumn now. The sky is grey. It often rains. It’s wet outside.

P: No, it isn’t. It is not autumn.

T: What season is it now?

P: It’s winter now.  (Slide 1)

T: You’re right. It’s winter by the calendar. What is the weather like in winter? (Slide 2)

Ps: It snows in winter.    It’s frosty.    It’s cold.


II. Основна частина уроку

     1.Speaking    a) розвиток навичок ДМ

T: I know that many children like winter. What do children like doing in winter? Have a look at these photos. (Slide 3)

P1: Children like winter because they like sledging. (Slide 4)

P2: Children like winter because they like skating. (Slide 5)

P3: Children like winter because they like skiing. (Slide 6)

P4: Children like winter because they like making a snowman. (Slide 7)

P5: Children like winter because they like playing snowballs. (Slide 8)

T: And what about you, do you like winter? Why?

    Do you like playing snowballs?

    Does your sister like playing snowballs?  (brother, mother, father…)

    Is it your family? (Slide 9)

T: What other relatives have you got?

    Your mother’s mother is your …..




T: Would you like to play a little? You said you like playing snowballs. Let’s play a big snowball.







    б) розвиток навичок ММ

T. We spoke much about your families and relatives. Some pupils have prepared presentations and some small stories about their families. Who wants to tell about the family?

P6: I live with my family. have got a mother, father and sister…… 


P7: I would like to tell you about my family. It’s big. We are 7. I live with my father, mother, sister, brother and grandparents. My father’s name is …. He is 42. My dad is a doctor…..


2. Listening

T: Thank you. Interesting stories. You have worked nice. Thanks again.

    And two girls have prepared presentations about their relatives. Please, listen to the first one and then you will answer some questions.


T: Who has prepared the presentation?

    Who did Masha tell about?

    What’s her mom’s name?

    What is Masha’s mother?   Where does she work?


T: Now let’s listen to another story. Then you’ll have to answer a couple of questions on this presentation.

    I hope you have understand it was Kira.

    How many siblings has Kira got?

    What is her sister’s name?   What is her hobby?

    Is Dana a teacher? What is she?


   What is Kira’s brother’s name? How old is Tymur?

   What does he like doing?


3. Relaxation  “Baby Shark”


4. Reading: ex.1, p.96

   a)Pre-reading activity


  b) Reading


  c) Post-reading activity: ex.2, p.97


5. Writing. Grammar

T: На попередньому уроці ми говорили про граматичний час, який передає дію, що відбувається у момент мовлення. Це тепер. трив. час – Present Continuous Tense. Do you love our dragon? Повторити правила вживання та утворення часу.


Slide 10 T: Let’s make some sentences. (усно)


Slide 11 T: What is the girl doing?         --  The girl is skipping.

   Open your copybooks and write down today’s date, please. 

   P., go to the blackboard and write the sentence. 

 Slide 12  Т: What are the girls doing?        --  They are playing hop-scotch.

Slide 13   T: What is the grandpa doing?    -- He is fishing.

                T: What are we doing now?        -- We are writing.



III. Summary



   2) Hometask is to write 6 sentences about what your family members are doing now

   3) Evaluation








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