Кізлівська загальноосвітня школа І – ІІІ ступенів
Імені Героя Радянського Союзу В.П.Лугового
Чорнухинської районної ради Полтавської області
Конспект уроку
англійської мови на тему:
«Засоби масової інформації. Преса.»
Підготувала та провела в 9 класі
Расько Ганна Григорівна
The Topic: Mass Media. Press.
Очікувані результати:
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Тип уроку: комбінований.
Обладнання: роздавальний матеріал (картки), CD-плеєр, CD-диск, мікрофон.
Орієнтований план проведення уроку:
Teacher: Good morning, children! Glad to see you. How are you today? Are you healthy? That’s well, because “Wealth is nothing without health”.
Who is on duty today? What day and date is it today? Is anybody absent?
Well, children, let’s begin our lesson. First answer the question, please!
Where does the information come from?
Let’s complete the mind map!
What is TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, The Internet?
Children: Mass Media.
Teacher: Right you are! So, will you complete the mind map?
Teacher: So, children, as you have understood, the topic of our lesson is “The Mass Media. The Press.” Will you read the aims of our lesson?
Teacher: Thank you, you are right. And now work in pairs. Discuss the questions with your friend.
Teacher: Well, children, remember the words we learnt at the last lessons and complete the table on the blackboard.
The Media |
What It Presents |
The Internet |
any kind of information on different websites |
Newspapers |
news, reviews, interviews, commentaries |
TV |
news, soap operas, documentaries, sports programmes, quiz shows, feature films |
Magazines |
sports, travel, computers, fashion, cars, home decorating |
Radio |
News, entertainment programmes, concerts, music quizzes |
Teacher: Well done. Before starting reading I’d like to solve one problem “Mass Media serves to inform people of different events that take place or may happen and entertain us or even help to make our lives better”.
P1. The most important thing that newspapers, radio or TV bring to people is complete and accurate information.
P2. TV and radio programs and newspapers are always very popular.
P3. Usually daily mass media spread some international, state and local news.
P4. A lot of newspapers have advice columns, review of books, comics, crossword puzzles, and so on.
P5. Mass media also focus public attention on the most urgent problems of the society: health care, education, transportation or even corruption in government.
P6. Mass media help us to form our opinion on different events.
Teacher: a) Look at the blackboard and sound the words loudly.
The list of words:
b) Read the text in chain.
Mass Media
Mass media or mass communications are the press, radio and television.
Every day we read newspapers magazines, listen to the radio and watch TV. Nowadays there are so many newspapers and magazines, radio stations and TV channels that we have to be very selective and give preference to some of them.
What newspapers and magazines do I prefer to read? I like to read the following newspapers: “Komsomolskaia Pravda” (“Komsomol Truth”), “Nezavisimost” (“Independence”), “Argumenty I Fakty” (“Arguments and Facts”), “Vechirni Kyiv” (“Evening Kyiv”) and sometimes “Sovershenno Secretno” (“Top Secret”) and the magazines “Vitchyzna” (“Motherland”), “Vsesvit” (“All the World”). Several periodicals are available in English. They are “News from Ukraine”, “Ukraine” magazine. As far as newspapers are concerned they may be daily, or weekly. Magazines may be weekly, monthly and quarterly.
The newspapers and magazines I read are the most readable and have a large readership or circulation. For example, “Argumenty I Fakty” has a circulation of more than 23,000,000. It is the largest in the world. The newspapers contain and give coverage of local, home and foreign affairs. Their publications deal with very burning problems of our history, latest events and forecasts for future. They also touch upon cultural, sport news. I like the way they present different points of view, approaches to the problems. My parents and I subscribe to some periodicals, so we are subscribers. We buy some of newspapers and magazines in a kiosk.
I often listen to the radio, especially in the morning before I leave for the school. I prefer to listen to “Promin” (“Ray”) program. It broadcasts much news and music. I like to listen to weekend programm, some of them are very amusing and entertaining.
As to TV, we have many channels. I prefer to watch youth program, see interesting films. They might be feature, adventure, scientific, horror, cartoon and other films. I enjoy seeing Walt Disney’s cartoons. Sport programs are enjoyable and interesting too. My favourite channels are “Inter” and “MTV” because I like music very much.
Teacher: Answer the questions:
Teacher: Read the text and make your own notes using the questions below. Write them down.
Teacher: So children, let’s divide into 5 groups of 4 persons and present your problem and your attitudes to the value of Mass Media in a modern society and each other what you have listened to. Each group will have its own speaker who will pick up general information and make a conclusion.
The tasks for the groups.
Group I. The press is …
(interesting and easy to read; full of information about; full of interest; very useful to give you knowledge of; full of interesting real facts; contain of information about sensational events such as crimes, national disasters; spread some international, state and local news.)
Group II. The radio is …
(full of interest; full of music; full of interesting real facts; contain entertainment programmes, concerts, music quizzes; spread some international, state and local news.)
Group III. TV is contrary of reading that …
(makes you relax; it raises the interest of; it makes you think; it is very original and funny.)
Group IV. Internet is used to…
(find the information for schoolwork, hobbies, sports, current events; read newspapers, magazines; play games; plan holidays; buy things; send electronic messages; make new friends,…)
Group V. As for me, I prefer …
(to read newspaper/magazines; to watch TV programs at leasure; to use Internet in everyday life.)
Teacher: Now, children, you will hear three friends talking about a film they went to see. Before you listen, read through the list of statements below. As you listen, decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).
The Text
Maria: So, Anna, what did you think of the film?
Anna: Well, Maria, when David suggested going…
David: Oh I see, blame me, is it?
Anna: Oh no, I agreed to come, although, generally speaking, it’s just not my kind of film, you know, historical. However, it turned out pretty well, as far as I’m concerned.
David: That’s a relief, then. What about you, Maria?
Maria: Not bad, I guess. Actually, you know, I’d forgotten to eat before we went, so I kept wanting it to end, so I could go and get something to eat – very silly. It stopped me concentrating properly – the film seemed to go on too long.
Anna: And you, David?
David: Well, it’s true it was long, but that’s because it needed to be, I think. It’s a complicated story.
Maria: Hm, which doesn’t make it a good one, I’m afraid. But the setting of the film, and the changes between locations were all good, and kept you involved – actually, in spite of the story, if you see what I mean.
Anna: Maybe you should do what I did then…
David: Which is …?
Anna: Read the book. I read it I suppose a year ago and loved it. That was the other thing that made me want to go. But the book is still the more interesting version. So, do try it, Maria.
Maria: OK, maybe I will.
David: I don’t know about the book, though I wondered about the DVD for my sister’s birthday, which is coming up soon. But she doesn’t like the small screen, so I’m going to buy her a couple of tickets instead.
Maria: She should like that.
Anna: Yeah.
David: Now, what about seeing if…
Teacher: Say me, please. What speech direct or indirect did you hear in the dialogue?
And what is about the statements? What speech direct or indirect do we have in them?
So, you are right! Let’s remember the Sequence of Tenses in Direct and Indirect Speech.
Direct Speech |
Indirect Speech |
Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Future-in-the-Past |
Change some sentences from direct into indirect speech.
Teacher: Well done. So, children, today we read, spoke and listened about Mass Media. We have done a lot of things at the lesson today. Let’s look at our tasks on the blackboard. Have we done them? What types of today’s activities did you like best of all?
Teacher: Well, children, your homework is to write a composition “What role does mass media play in our life?” The marks for the lesson are…
Have you any question? That’s very well. Thank you for your good work. The lesson is over. Good - bye!
channel – канал;
to give preference – віддавати перевагу;
periodical– періодичне видання;
to concern – стосуватися, відноситися;
daily – щоденний;
circulation – тираж;
coverage – огляд;
affair – діло, передбачення;
cartoon – мультфільм;
point of view – точка зору;
approach – підхід;
to subscribe – передплатити;
to broadcast – передавати по радіо;
entertaining – розважальний;
feature – художній.
You will hear three friends talking about a film they went to see. Before you listen, read through the list of statements below. As you listen, decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).
The Text
Maria: So, Anna, what did you think of the film?
Anna: Well, Maria, when David suggested going…
David: Oh I see, blame me, is it?
Anna: Oh no, I agreed to come, although, generally speaking, it’s just not my kind of film, you know, historical. However, it turned out pretty well, as far as I’m concerned.
David: That’s a relief, then. What about you, Maria?
Maria: Not bad, I guess. Actually, you know, I’d forgotten to eat before we went, so I kept wanting it to end, so I could go and get something to eat – very silly. It stopped me concentrating properly – the film seemed to go on too long.
Anna: And you, David?
David: Well, it’s true it was long, but that’s because it needed to be, I think. It’s a complicated story.
Maria: Hm, which doesn’t make it a good one, I’m afraid. But the setting of the film, and the changes between locations were all good, and kept you involved – actually, in spite of the story, if you see what I mean.
Anna: Maybe you should do what I did then…
David: Which is …?
Anna: Read the book. I read it I suppose a year ago and loved it. That was the other thing that made me want to go. But the book is still the more interesting version. So, do try it, Maria.
Maria: OK, maybe I will.
David: I don’t know about the book, though I wondered about the DVD for my sister’s birthday, which is coming up soon. But she doesn’t like the small screen, so I’m going to buy her a couple of tickets instead.
Maria: She should like that.
Anna: Yeah.
David: Now, what about seeing if…
Group I. The press is …
Group II. The radio is …
Group III. TV is contrary of reading that …
Group IV. Internet is used to…
Group V. As for me, I prefer…
4. Do you use the Internet? What for?
4. Do you use the Internet? What for?
The Media |
What It Presents |
any kind of information on different websites |
news, reviews, interviews, commentaries |
news, soap operas, documentaries, sports programmes, quiz shows, feature films |
sports, travel, computers, fashion, cars, home decorating |
News, entertainment programmes, concerts, music quizzes |
The Media |
What It Presents |
The Internet |
any kind of information on different websites |
Newspapers |
news, reviews, interviews, commentaries |
TV |
news, soap operas, documentaries, sports programmes, quiz shows, feature films |
Magazines |
sports, travel, computers, fashion, cars, home decorating |
Radio |
News, entertainment programmes, concerts, music quizzes |
Direct Speech |
Indirect Speech |
Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Future-in-the-Past |
Do you listen to the radio much? What are your favourite radio programmes?
How often do you watch TV? What programmes are your favourite ones?
Do you often read a newspaper? Do you like to read magazines?
Do you use the Internet? What for?
Mass Media serves to inform people
of different events that take place or
may happen and entertain us or
even help to make our lives better.
channel – канал;
to give preference – віддавати перевагу;
periodical– періодичне видання;
to concern – стосуватися, відноситися;
daily – щоденний;
circulation – тираж;
coverage – огляд;
affair – діло, передбачення;
cartoon – мультфільм;
point of view – точка зору;
approach – підхід;
to subscribe – передплатити;
to broadcast – передавати по радіо;
entertaining – розважальний;
feature – художній.