Урок з англійської мови у 9 класі з теми "Молодіжна культура"

Про матеріал
Тема уроку: Ми – молоде покоління Мета уроку: - повторити й узагальнити вивчений лексичний матеріал по темі; - розвивати навички роботи над індивідуальними та груповими проектами та вміння отримувати інформацію з різних джерел (підручник, Інтернет, додаткова література); - навчати учнів висловлювати своє власне ставлення до явищ, подій; - вдосконалювати навички роботи з текстом з метою отримання потрібної інформації для подальшого її використання; - виховувати толерантне ставлення до інтересів та вподобань інших людей. Тип уроку: узагальнення вивченого матеріалу
Перегляд файлу

Хід уроку

    1.Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення Topiс: «We, the Young Generation»

(9 клас)

Тема уроку: Ми – молоде покоління

Мета уроку: 

- повторити й узагальнити вивчений лексичний матеріал по темі;

- розвивати навички роботи над індивідуальними та груповими проектами та вміння отримувати інформацію з різних джерел (підручник, Інтернет, додаткова література);

- навчати учнів висловлювати своє власне ставлення до явищ, подій;

- вдосконалювати навички роботи з текстом з метою отримання потрібної інформації для подальшого її використання;

- виховувати толерантне ставлення до інтересів та вподобань інших людей.

      Тип уроку:  узагальнення вивченого матеріалу

      Обладнання: підручник, ноутбук, проектор, роздатковий матеріал для індивідуальної роботи та роботи в групах, анкети, плакат «a Global teenagers is...», картки  самооцінювання


      1.1 Greeting: T:     Good morning children!

                               How are you today?

                               Are you ready for the lesson?

                               Let's start

1.2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

                      Т:     Today we have the last lesson on topic «We, the youth generation». So, we are going to summarize our knowledge and revise the vocabulary on this topic.

                                 At the end of the lesson you should be able to say what kind of teenagers you  are: typical or not typical. You will work in three groups, present your projects

1.3.Введення в іншомовну атмосферу:

                     T:     On your desks there are some handouts, some cards. Please, take card number one, do the task and be ready to answer some questions. You have 2 minutes for doing this work.

Handout 1


Who in your group is…

...a youngster who receives his/her pocket money on Monday, spends it on   Tuesday, and borrows from his/her best friend on Wednesday.


...someone who can hear a song by Madonna played three blocks away but not his/her mother calling from the next room.


… a person who can't remember to walk the dog but never forgets a phone number.


...a whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make a bed.


...a student who will spend 12 minutes studying for his/her Maths lesson and 12 hours playing computer:


...a person who can ride a bike for miles, but is usually tired to wash plates......



  • Are these statements about Ukrainian or British teens?
  • Which of the statements are true about you/your best friend?
  • What statement about teens can you add

T: Well, now summarize: What is a teenagers? Begin with     This is a person, who…


2.Основна частина

    2.1. Перегляд та робота з матеріалом тематичних презентацій .

T:             We have read and learn much about teen’s life all over the world. We spoke

                 about teens tastes in music, fashion, club activities. I want you to listen        to them attentively and answer question.


            Презентація проектів

  1. Youth Culture
  2. Scouts
  3. Fashion
  4. Computer

(Під час прослуховування учні відповідають на запитання до презентацій)


Handout 2


Listen and choose the right answer:

1. The first scouts' camp was organized in...

a. in 1907 in Great Britain

b. in 1907 in America

c. in 1917 in Great Britain

2. The motto of scouts is...

a. be ready

b. be happy

c. be healthy

3. People dressed in Italian style and leather clouthes are...

a. punks

b. rappers

c. mods

4. Rock music appeared in....

a.  Canada

b. America

c .Italy



5. Today ….shades are in fashion

a. bright

b.  pale

c. both bright and pale

6. Olia likes wearing  brightly trendy dresses...

a. in spring

b. in summer

c. in spring and summer

7. The fist real computer was invented in...

a. 1948

b. 1958

c. 1962

8. How much time does Kostia spend on computer ..

a. 3 hours

b.4 hours

c. 2 hours


 2.2.Робота з текстом (Group work)

              T:     Let’s thank our classmates and go on. We spoke about typical teenagers but now we’ll read texts about untypical teens. There is one text for each group.

                      You have to read it and fill in the table. Then one of you will go to the

                      blackboard and present the results of group work.


Read the text and fill in the table:


Group 1. A 1 e x a n d r a. A lot of teenagers imitate each other. They talk about the same things, like listening to the same music and wearing the same clothes. If someone dоеs different things, they look at him or her weirdly. As for me that's not good. And as community develops this aspect changes and everyone wants to be special. I like to be original, to have my own style without looking at others. My hobby is foreign languages: English, French and Spanish. Especially I like discussing different issues in English. I like to write for the newspaper and I do an English language heading on Teenage Page in the local newspaper. All these things I can do in the frames of children-youth organization "Commu­nication without borders". Also I am interested in psychology. I am sure it will be very useful for my future life and job. I don't think I am a typical teenager but I am really fond of music, B-dance and I love communicating with friends like other teenagers.


Group 2. A1 e x. A lot of teenagers in our town smoke, some of them drink. I think it is very bad. Teenagers like watching TV and watch it a lot. Very often they have problems: they don't like studying and going to school and their parents and teachers don't understand them. I am interested in computers and I know English language enough to work on Internet and communicate through it. I have been editing Teenage Page in the newspaper "Misto" for three years. Also I am an active member of the youth organization "Communication without borders" and it gives me an opportunity to attend seminars and trainings. I like playing football with my friends.

I think I'm not a typical teenager because I like studying and I have the aim in my life. But like other teenagers I watch TV a lot. When I have time, I go for a walk, play football or dance Break dance.


Group 3. Sasha. All teenagers are individuals but they have common features at the same time. Most of them realise that education is one of the most important things in their lives, when they finish their studies at school. They like entertainments: cinema, disco, pop concerts etc. Sometimes they start smoking, try alcohol and even more. Some teenagers keen on playing computer games or their mobile phones.

I love communicating with my friends and I enjoy picnics in the forest, trips to the seaside and studying English language as many other teenagers. But I have special interests too. It is not typical for teenagers in my school. I am fond of writing for the newspaper and making video. I am quite good at these activities. I spend a lot of time participating in activity of the children-youth organization "Communication without borders", we make video films on Civic Education and create materials for the Teenage Page in local newspaper.


Handout 3




What they think is typical for teenagers

















Презентація  наробок групами


2.3. Discussion: What is a typical and an untypical teenager?

How can we describe a typical teenager?

  • likes computer and spends a lot of time on it
  • walks with friends
  • is crazy about music and telephone
  • doesn’t like studying hard


  • likes to study very much
  • has a special hobby
  • is a member of a club
  • is active

T: And now I’d like to hear from you:

    What kind of teenager are you and why?


3. Заключна частина уроку.

      3.1. Домашнє завдання

       Fill in the Form (Handout 4)

  Write a compоsition, using the form you’ve filled in I’m a teenager

3.2. Оцінювання роботи учнів на уроці проводиться керівниками груп з корекцією балів вчителем за такими критеріями:






Worked hard with text

Worked at the blackboard

Spoke about him/herself

Was active

Made a presentation
















































3.3. Рresentation “My class”


(Handout 4)



2. Surname___________________________________________________________

3. Age_______________________________________________________________


5. What do you like at school__________________________________________

6. What do you dislike at school_________________________________________

7. Your hobby (what you like doing)____________________________________

8. Interests apart from school (are you interested in psychology, science, design, handiwork...etc)_____________________________________________________

9. Your attitude to fashion (Are you trendy? What clothes do you prefer to wear?)___

10. Are you a member of any club (organization): Basketball club, English language club, Computer club, Athletics club etc)__________________________

11.What kind of music are you crazy about?(classic, pop, rock, rap, hard-rock, hip-hop)________________________________________________________________

12.Are you a typical teenager? Why/Why not?____________________

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До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 січня 2019
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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