План-конспект уроку на тему: “Здоров’я та гігієна”
вчитель англійської мови:
Шийка Оксана Андріївна
Кваліфікаційна категорія:І
2022/2023 навчальний рік
Мета уроку
Практична:узагальнити лексико-граматичний матеріал те-
ми;тренувати учнів в монологічному та діало-
гічному мовленні;мотивувати учнів висловлю-
вати свою думку,робити висновки;практикува-
ти перегляд відеофрагментів.
Розвиваюча:розвивати увагу,логічне мислення та тво-
рчі здібності учнів.
Виховна:виховувати свідоме ставлення до проблем,пов’я-
заних із здоров’ям;пропагувати культуру здоро-
вого способу життя та прийом корисної їжі.
Teaching Aims:to revise lexis on the topic;to train pupils mo-
nological and dialogical speech;to motivate the pu-
pils in expressing their own opinions and views on
the topic;to practise video watching.
Developing Aims:to develop pupil’s attention,logical thinking
аnd creative skills.
Upbringing Aims:to upbring in pupils the culture of healthy
way of life,taking care of their health and
eating useful food.
Тип уроку:урок узагальнення матеріалу.
Обладнання:мультимедійний проектор,ноутбук,картки із
завданнями для роботи в парах і групах,відео-
матеріали,проектні роботи.
Структура уроку
2.Announcing the subject and the aims of the lesson.
4.Lexical training.
5.Watching a video fragment.
6.Home Assignment Check.
Хід уроку
І.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Greeting 1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
and Aims T.:Good morning,pupils!Our topic today is”Health
and Body Care”.We are going to revise the learned
material of the Unit 9.We’ll speak about English
proverbs,connected with our topic,do different tasks
with learned words and word-combinations,watch
an interesting video fragment about healthy way of
life and analyse presenting of your projects.
Warming-up 2.Уведення в іншомовне середовище.
T.:Everyone of you knows that health is a very big
gift given to a person.Let’s remind ourselves the
proverbs that were created during the human’s life
experience concerning health.Please,look at the
board and continue the proverbs:
1)A sound mind is in…(a sound body).
2)An apple a day keeps…(the doctor away).
3)Early to bed and early to rise makes…(man healthy,wealthy and wise).
4)Good health is above…(wealth).
5)Live not to eat,but…(eat to live).
6)A merry heart is…(a good medicine).
7)After dinner sit a while,after supper…(walk a mile).
8)Laughter is…(the best medicine).
9)Health isn’t valued till…(sickness comes).
II.Основна частина уроку.
Lexical 1.Повторення лексичного матеріалу.Складання
training словосполучень із вивчених слів.
T.:Look at the board and match the words to make the
To have sick
To catch care of
To take in for a doctor
To call a headache
To feel fit
To ask a cold
To keep medicine
To look a leg
To cut ill
To break first aid
To give for help
To take a finger
Individual 2.Складання речень із утворених словосполучень.
work T.:Make up 3 sentences with the formed word-combi-
nations and write them into your copy-books.
Pair work 3.Складання діалогів за темою:”At the doctor”,”At
the dentist”,”At the chemist’s”.
T.:Now your task is to unscramble the dialogue and
read it in pairs.(HO1)
Work in 4.Розгадування кросворду.
groups T.:The next task will be to do the crossword puzzle.
Every row will be a group.Who makes this task the
first,that one will be the winner.Then lets check your
work.The other teams can join.НО2
Watching 5.Перегляд відеороликів про здоров’я.
a video T.:Before presenting your projects I would like you
fragments to watch a small video fragments connected with
your home assignment.Have a little relaxation.
Questions after watching:
1)What should/shouldn’t we do to be healthy?
2)What food should/shouldn’t we eat?
Home 6.Перевірка домашнього завдання:захист
Assignment проектів.
Check T.:Now,it’s time to present your projects,which will
revise and maybe add some new information to our
III.Заключна частина уроку.
Hometask 1.Домашнє завдання.
and marks T.:Your home assignment will be to do vocabulary
work from p.145.
Summarizing 2.Підведення підсумків уроку.
T.:You have worked well today.Will you try to
keep fit and take care of your health?I want to end
our lesson with words of Elbert Hubbard:”If you
have health,you probably will be happy,and if you
have health and happiness you have all the wealth
you need,even if it is not all you want.” So I wish
you a good health and happiness.Good bye!
At the doctor
P.:Good morning!
D.:Good morning!Whats the matter with you?
P.:I have a headache and I think I’ve caught cold.
D.:Let me examine you and I’ll give you some medicine.You also should have to drink a lot of tea
with lemon and eat fruit,vegetables and healthy food.
P.:Thank you very much for your help.I’ll try to be healthy and to keep fit.Good bye!
D.:Good bye!
At the dentist
P.:Hello,doctor!May I come in?
D.:Hi!Come in,please.Sit down on the chair.What is your name?What’s the matter?
P.:My name is…I’ve got an awful toothache,doctor.
D.:Let me see.Open your mouth,please.Oh,one tooth is really bad.I’ll put you some medicine and you should come to me tomorrow.
P.:Oh,thank you very much.Good bye!
At the Chemist’s
B.:Good morning!
C.:Good morning!What can I do for you? B.:Please,give me something for flu.
C.:This medicine will be the best.
B.:How many times a day should I take it?
C.:Three times a day.
B.:How much is it?
C.:It will be thirty hryvnas.
B.:Thank you.Good bye!
C.:You are welcome.Good bye!