Урок на тему "Їжа" у 5 класі.

Про матеріал
Урок для 5 класу на тему "Їжа" привячений вивченню та узагальненню лексики до теми. Граматичний матеріал охоплює питання, пов'язані з вживанням злічювальних та незлічувальних іменників, слів many/much, some/any.
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Учитель англійської мови

учитель вищої категорії

учитель - методист

НВК «Ерудит»

Солом’янський район

Жубинська М.І.

План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі.

Тема: Їжа

Практична: удосконалювати вимову учнів; практикувати учнів в усному мовленні; тренувати учнів у вживанні нового лексичного матеріалу у мовленні на рівні слова, фрази та понад фразової єдності; практикувати учнів у аудіюванні та читанні, у вживанні граматичних структур.

Освітня: розширювати філологічний світогляд учнів; збагачувати знання учнів з теми.

Розвиваюча: розвивати фонематичний слух учнів, довготривалу, оперативну пам'ять, слуховий контроль, культуру читання, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки іноземною мовою.

Виховна: виховувати інтерес до навчання, до вивчення іноземної мови, культуру спілкування, виховувати повагу до різноманіття смаків та вподобань.

Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, презентація учительська, роздатковий матеріал, підручник English plus 1, малюнки.

Хід уроку

Привітання: Good morning, children! Nice to see you all!

Оголошення теми та цілей уроку: On today`s lesson we`re going to speak about food. We`ll read a text, remember the names of different kinds of food, work in groups, listen to the text. So, let`s start.

Введення в іншомовне середовище:

Match the food and drink with the words:

Apples, coffee, bacon, bananas, hot chocolate, milk, bread, cereal, orange juice, tea, cheese, eggs, ham, jam, water, sausages, toast, tomatoes.

Answer the questions:

And what about you? What do you usually eat and drink?

 Мовленнєва зарядка.

           Бесіда з учнями.

           T: What did have for breakfast today?

                When do you usually have your breakfast?

                What do you like to eat for breakfast/dinner/supper?

    What traditional English and Ukrainian food can you name?

Фонетична зарядка.

        Listen and repeat the words in exercise 1, p. 52

Перевірка домашнього завдання. Впр.2 с. 53.

Основна частина уроку.

Reading: Very nice! You`ve told me about food that you eat. And now let`s read a text. (Роздатковий матеріал)

  1. Pre-reading activity. 

Think about your favourite recipe of food?

     b)      While-reading activity

T.The aim is to pick up the main information from the text and to teach other members of your group.

     c)       Post-reading activity

Choose the best answers.

The Kitchen Cupboard

Tania Francis is the owner of a new food store called The Kitchen Cupboard. Our reporter, Fran Peters, asked her about the business.

Fran  Your food store is very popular Tania. Why do you think this is?

Tania  Well, healthy food is big news these days. Our store sells healthy food and we tell you how to cook it!

Fran  Do you tell every customer?

Tania  We give recipes every time you buy something at our store.

Fran  And do you eat the food from your store?

Tania  I certainly do! I try to stay healthy. I go to the gym, I go jogging every day and I write the recipes for the store. Of course, I have to cook them first!

Fran  Which is your favourite recipe?

Tania  That’s difficult. I really like the chicken and tomato burgers and, of course, the fish and cheese pie. That’s very popular.

Fran  Do you think people really want to be healthier these days?

Tania  Yes. There are a lot of reports in the newspapers and magazines about people who are too heavy. It’s so dangerous. People are learning to cook and eat healthier food. But healthy doesn’t mean boring! Come along to The Kitchen Cupboard and see how many delicious meals you can cook with healthy food.

Choose the best answers.

1   At The Kitchen Cupboard you can

 A have a cooking lesson.

 B eat a good meal.

 C buy healthy food.

2   Tania

A has a lot of cookery books.

 B loves eating.

 C does a lot of exercise.

3   One of her favourite recipes includes

 A meat and vegetables.

 B fish and vegetables.

 C fruit and vegetables.

4   Tania thinks people want to be healthy because

 A they know it’s dangerous to be heavy.

 B they like healthy food.

 C they want to be in the newspapers.

5   Healthy food

 A is usually boring.

 B is often expensive.

 C can be delicious.

Vocabulary Practice

I have some cards for you. Take two of them. Look at your cards, read these words.

( Учні отримують картки з назвами їжі)

 Let`s do “Word to word”. Your task is to stand up when you have an answer.

- things to eat

- things to drink

- fruits

- vegetables

- things made from milk

- tasty food

Pair Work

Do this puzzle using the words from the blackboard.krossword1.png




Grammar Rules: Some, any, much, many, a lot of

We always use a singular verb with uncountable nouns

These things are usually uncountable:

  • Kinds of drinks: milk, tea, coffee …
  • Kind of food, which you eat only part of a time: cheese, fish, meat…
  • Materials: paper, plastic, iron, gold…
  • Some other things: music, money, information, news…

We use many with countable, much with uncountable nouns.

We use many, much in negative and interrogative sentences. A lot of we use in affirmative sentences.

There is, there are не перекладаються українською, але сповіщають про наявність чогось / когось у певному місці.

There is вживається в однині та з незчислюваними іменниками.

There are вживається у множині зі зчислюваними іменниками.

Some \ any

  • There are some apples in the fridge.
  • Are there any apples in the fridge?
  • There are not any apples in the fridge.

Grammar Practice: Now everybody of you get his\her own flat.(Вчитель роздає малюнки, на яких зображено квартира з певними предметами) Look and tell me what is there in your flat?

There are some... There is some...

Tell what isn`t there in your flat?

There aren`t any... There isn`t any...

 Ask your neighbor what is there in his\her flat?

Is there any...?  Yes, there is\No there isn`t.

Are there any...?  Yes, there are\No thre aren`t.

Listening: You are going to listen a text ( стр. 52 впр. 4,5  )

Writing Skills: Let`s write a bit. You should fill in each blank with some or any. ( Роздатковий матеріал)

  1. Is there _______ sugar in the bowl?
  2. I haven’t got _______ books about South America.
  3. Do you want a pen? There are _______ in my bag.
  4. There isn’t _______ water in the bottle.
  5. When you went to the zoo did you see _______ lions?
  6. Please buy _______ apples when you go shopping.
  7. Are there _______ cafés near here?

Complete the sentences with much or many.( Роздатковий матеріал)

  1. How _______ money did you spend on the new car?
  2. How _______ people were there at the party?
  3. How _______ time is there before dinner?
  4. How _______ TV programmes do you watch a week?
  5. How _______ milk do you have with your cereal?
  6. How _______ magazines do you buy every week?
  7. How _______ cups of tea does your mum drink a day?

Summarizing: We`ve done a good work today. What have you learnt?

Homework. Написати рецепт улюбленої страви.


The lesson is over. Good-bye!



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