Урок на вивчення ступенів порівняння прикметників

Про матеріал
розгорнутий урок по темі природа, та вивчення, закріплення ступенів порівняння прикметників у початковій школі за підручником О.Карпюк
Перегляд файлу

World of  Nature. Degrees of comparison.

Teaching Objectives:

By the end of the lesson pupils will be able:

  •  to speak and to write using the vocabulary on the topic “ Our Nature. Deserts, rainforests and Poles”;
  • they will be able to compare different items and pictures;
  • talk about different places on our planet;
  • talk about the clothes they wear.


1. Involving into the lesson.


Teacher: Good morning, children!

Pupils: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you , good morning, our teacher, we are glad to see you.

Teacher: Hope you are OK. I am sure you will be active and our lesson will be interesting for you.

2. Warming up.

 Teacher: Today we are going  to speak about the weather, animals and other things around us. We`ll compare different things.

Let's describe today's  weather.

Pupil 1: The weather is bad. It is snowing, everything is covered with snow.

Pupil 2: It seems to me that the temperature is 6 degrees below zero.

Pupil 3: The wind is blowing.

Pupil 4: But i am happy with such weather. We can ski, play snowballs after school

Teacher: It’s cold outside. It's bitter cold. Where is something warm? I need clothes which are warmer. Help me, please. Which is warmer - a coat or a sweater? Boots or shoes? A cap or a hat?

Possible answers: You should put on warmer clothes - a coat, boots and a warm hat. And a warm scarf, of course.

3. The basic part of the lesson.

Teacher: a) You can see different adjectives on the blackboard. Your task is to match the opposites.

Big, long, tall, clean, strong, nice, happy, fast.

Match the opposites

Slow, dirty, short, weak, ugly, sad, small.

Teacher: b) Do you like watching cartoon films?  Do you know these heroes?  Look at these pictures and compare them.

What is Father Frost like?                 What is the Cat in Boots like?

What is the  monster like?                  What is Cinderella like?


Who is prettier - the monster or Cinderella ?

Who is uglier- the monster or the Cat in Boots?

Who is kinder- Father Frost or the Cat in Boots?

Who is bigger- the monster or the Cat in Boots?

Possible answers: I think, the monster is uglier than Cinderella, the Cinderella is prettier than the Cat in Boots, Father Frost is kinder than the Cat in Boots, the monster is bigger than the Cat in Boots.

Teacher: c) And now let’s speak about our Nature and our planet.

Answer my questions, please.

  • What is the coldest season of a year?
  • What is the warmest season of a year?
  • What is the shortest month of a year?
  • What is the biggest animal?
  • What is the kindest animal?
  • What is the tallest animal?

Teacher: d) Now let's compare the animals.

Who is bigger?






Who is taller?

Who is faster?

Who is stronger?


Teacher: e) Are you tired ? Let’s relax! Look at the video and do the exercises! (Head and shoulders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4eueDYPTIg)




f) Reading.

Pre-reading task.

Teacher: Close your eyes, please and think of the driest places on our planet, the coldest places  and the rainiest places.

Possible answers: the driest places are the deserts, the coldest are the Arctic and Antarctic, the rainiest places are the rainforests.

Teacher: You are right. Look at the globe. Here you can see the places we were talking about. Now we’ll read a very interesting text about our nature, about different places on our planet.

While-reading activity.

Teacher: Open your books and read this text attentively.


1.They are the driest places on Earth. It usually doesn’t rain there. The Sahara is like an ocean of sand. To travel in the desert you need “the ship of the desert” or the camel. The camel can travel in the desert for ten days without food or water. After that it gets very hungry and only eats and drinks for days.

2. The biggest rainforests are in the South America. The rainforest is a hot and wet place. It doesn’t often rain there. There are many trees and different plants in the rainforests. There are a lot of different animals there because there is a lot of food for them. Every year these forests  are becoming smaller and smaller because people cut down trees to to sell wood or make new farms and roads. When people destroy the forest they also destroy many plants and animal homes.

3. The top and the bottom of the world are the coldest places on Earth. They are lands of  ice and snow. But some animals live there. The Arctic is  home to polar bears and they love its  frosty, windy weather. Winter is the happiest time for bears because that is the time when they catch seals. For penguins  the Antarctic is the nicest place in the world.


Post-reading activity.

Teacher: Now let’s do some exercises.

  1. Make up true sentences.

There are a lot of animals in the rainforest because….

Rainforests are becoming smaller because…

Winter is the happiest time for polar bears because…

       people destroy them.

       is the time they catch seals.

       there is a lot of food for them.

     2. Choose “a” “b” or “c” to complete the sentences.

The desert is like

            a) a ship of the desert

                                  .      b) an ocean of sand

                                   .     c) bottom of the world

The camel can travel in ...for ten days without food and water.

                                           a) the tropical forest

                                           b)the Arctic

                                           c)the desert

There are many … in the rainforest.


                                        b)different plants

                                        c)farms and roads

For polar bears …. is the nicest place.

                                       a)South America


                                       c)the Antarctica

The top and the bottom of the world are the  …. places.




Speaking, writing and work in groups

Teacher: Now divide into three groups. Imagine that you are in a desert or in a rainforest or at one of the poles.

Discuss the following:

  • the weather;
  • the clothes you are wearing;
  • what you see and hear;
  • what you need to stay alive.

Teacher: Write it down and then read to us.

4. The final part of the lesson.

  1. Evaluation.

Teacher: Now let’s sum everything up . You were very active and worked really well. Thank you for your work.

The teacher puts marks and comments upon them.

    2. Homework

Your homework is to write the description of the clothes you wear at home.

We have some minutes to relax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzKY5YHnOTg.


19 лютого 2019
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