Позакласний захід "English party"

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Позакласний захід "English party" розроблено для розвитку комунікативних вмінь учнів та чемного відношення до тварин.
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English party.

( сценарій позаурочного заходу)

Мета: ознайомити зі світом тварин; вчити працювати колективно;  розвивати в дітей почуття дружби, інтерес до знань; виховувати в учнів  почуття поваги та взаєморозуміння до друзів та тварин, сприяти формуванню між учнями дружніх стосунків та почуття взаємодопомоги; розширити світогляд учнів; підвищити їх рівень культури;  за допомогою п’єс та пісень виховувати любов до тварин.

Зміст заходу:

Song: Come, Follow.

Play: Little Red Hen.

 C h a r a c t e r s: Little Red Hen, a Dog, a Cat, a Sheep, a Goat, the Story-teller.

Song: Old Macdonald Had a Farm.

Sketch: The Two Goats.

Play: The Little House in the Wood.

 C h a r a c t e r s: a Mouse, a Frog, a Cock, a Hedgehog, a Fox.

Song: Hickory, Dickory, Dock

. Хід заняття

Вступне слово.

Ведучий : Good evening, dear boys and girls, teachers, mothers, and fathers! We shall now begin our English party. First comes the song Come, Follow. All the members of the English circle take part in it.

The children enter. They stand in two rows, opposite each other. The first row begins to sing.

Come, follow, follow, follow,

Follow, follow, follow me!

Come, follow, follow, follow,

Follow, follow, follow me!

The second row sings.

Where shall I follow,

Follow, follow,

Where shall I follow,

Follow you?

 The first row answers. The raise their hands with green branches in them and sing.

To the green wood,

To the green wood,

To the green, green wood!

To the green wood,

To the green wood,

To the green, green wood!

Then the song is repeated. The second row begins, the first row continues and the second row finishes.

Ведучий: Now we shall show you a play called Little Red Hen. The characters are Little Red Hen, a Dog, a Cat, a Sheep and a Goat. The Story-teller will talk to you now. Here he comes.

Story-teller: Good evening, everybody! (He takes off his hat and bows.) I am from London. I have a nice story for you. It is a story about a Little Red Hen. In spring one day, Little Red Hen found some seed.

Little Red Hen enters.

Little Red Hen: How do you do! I gave some seed! Look at it! (She shows the seed to the audience). It is  wheat seed.

Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat enter.

Little Red Hen: Hello, Cat! Hello, Dog! Hello, Sheep! Hello, Goat!

Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat: Miaow! Bow-wow! Baa! Ma-maa!

Little Red Hen: Who will sow this seed?

Cat: Miaow! Not I!

Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!

Sheep: Baa! Not I!

Goat: Ma-maa! Not I!

Little Red Hen: Then I will.

All go out.

Story-teller: And she did. She sowed the seed and it began to grow. Many days passed. Spring passed. Summer passed. Now autumn is here. It is time to cut the wheat.

Little Red Hen enters.

Little Red Hen: My wheat is yellow. My wheat is ripe now.

(Cat, Dog, Sheep and the Goat enter.) It is time to cut the wheat. Who will cut the wheat?

Cat: Miaow! Not I!

Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!

Sheep: Baa! Not I!

Goat: Ma-maa! Not I!

Little Red Hen: Then I will cut it!

All go out.

Story-teller: And she did. She cut the wheat. Now it is the time to thresh the wheat!

Little Red Hen enters.

Little Red Hen: It is time to thresh the wheat. (Cat, Dog, Sheep and Goat enter.) Who will thresh the wheat?

Cat: Miaow! Not I!

Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!

Sheep: Baa! Not I!

Goat: Ma-maa! Not I!

Little Red Hen: Then I will thresh the wheat!

All go out.

Story-teller: And she did. Now it is time to make the wheat into flour.

Little Red Hen enters.

Little Red Hen: It is time to make the wheat into flour. (Cat, Dog, Sheep and Goat enter.) Who will make the wheat into flour?

Cat: Miaow! Not I!

Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!

Sheep: Baa! Not I!

Goat: Ma-maa! Not I!

Little Red Hen: Then I will.

All go out.

Story-teller: And she did. She made the wheat into flour.

  Now it is  time to make a bread.

Little Red Hen enters.

Little Red Hen: The flour is white and good. (Cat, Dog, Sheep and Goat enter.) Who will make the bread?

Cat: Miaow! Not I!

Dog: Bow-wow! Not I!

Sheep: Baa! Not I!

Goat: Ma-maa! Not I!

Little Red Hen: Then I will.

All go out.

Story-teller: And she did. She made the bread.

Little Red Hen comes in with a loaf. Cat, Dog, Sheep, Goat come in and stop around Little Red Hen and her loaf.

Little Red Hen:  The bread is ready. Who will eat the bread?




Sheep   I will! I will!



Little Red Hen: No, no, you lazy-bones! You shall not eat the bread. I  will eat it.

All go out.

Story-teller: And she did! She ate the bread all by herself.


Ведучий: Now listen to the song Old Mackdonald Had a Farm.

 All our pupils take part in it.


Old Mackdonald had a farm. E – I – E – I – O!

And on this farm he had some chicks, E – I – E – I – O!

And a chick, chick here, and a chick, chick there.

Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick, chick.


Old Mackdonald had a farm. E – I – E – I – O!

And on this farm he had some ducks, E – I – E – I – O!

And a duck, duck here, and a duck, duck there.

Here a duck, there a duck, everywhere a duck, duck.


Old Mackdonald had a farm. E – I – E – I – O!

And on this farm he had some pigs, E – I – E – I – O!

And a pig, pig here, and a pig, pig there.

Here a pig, there a pig, everywhere a pig, pig.


Ведучий: Now comes a sketch The Two Goats. Here is the Story-teller. Listen to him.

Story-teller: Look! Here is a river. And this is a narrow bridge over the river. This Black goat wants to cross the river and the White goat wants to cross the river. In a minute the two goats will meet on the bridge. What will they do?

White goat: Let me pass!

Black goat: No, you let me pass!

White goat: Take care!

Black goat: No, you take care!

They are coming up to one another

White goat: Look! My horns are long! I can push you into the river!


White goat: Let me pass or I’ll push you into the river!

Black goat: I’ll push you into the river. Let me pass!

They begin to fight and fall down.

Story-teller: Look! The White goat and the Black goat are in the river!

Ведучий: Next comes a play called The Little House in the Wood. The characters are a Mouse, a Frog, a Cock, a Hare, a Hedgehog and a Fox. Here comes the Mouse.

Mouse (comes up to a little house in the middle of the stage): I am the Mouse. Here is my house.

Frog (jumps up to the Mouse): Croak, croak, how do you do! Who are you?

Mouse: I am the Mouse and who are you?

Frog: I am the Frog. May I live with you?

Mouse: Yes, you may. Come over here, please.

The Cock comes up to them.

Cock: Cock-a-doodle-doo! How do you do! Who are you?

Mouse: I am the Mouse.

Frog: I am the Frog.

Cock:  And I am the Cock. May I live with you?

Mouse and Frog:  Yes, you may. Come over here, please.

The Hare comes up to them.

Hare: How do you do! Who are you?

Mouse: I am the Mouse.

Frog: I am the Frog.

Cock: I am the Cock, and who are you&

Hare: I am the Hare. May I live with you?

All (together): Yes, you may. Come over here, please!

The Hedgehog comes up to them.

Hedgehog: How do you do! Who are you?

All (in turn): I am the Mouse, I am the Frog, I am the Cock, I am the Hare. And who are you?

Hedgehog: I am the Hedgehog. May I live with you?

All (together): Yes, yes, you may. Come over here, please!


The Fox comes up to them.

Fox: How do you do, my dear friends! Who are you?

All (in turn): I am the Mouse. I am the Frog,  I am the Cock, I am the Hare, I am the Hedgehog! And who are you?

Fox: I am your friend, the Fox! May I live with you?

All (together): Oh! No, no, you bad Fox! You want to eat us up! Go away!

The Fox runs away.

Ведучий: Now listen to the song Hickory, Dickory, Dock.

Hickory, Dickory, Dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,


Hickory, Dickory, Dock,

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, Dickory, Dock,


Hickory, Dickory, Dock,

The mouse ran down the clock,

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,


Hickory, Dickory, Dock!

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down,

Hickory, Dickory, Dock!


Ведучий:  Our English party is over now. Good-bye, every body! Please come to our next party (bows).

21 лютого 2019
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