Урок "Наука в житті людини"

Про матеріал
Урок дуже різноманітний на види завдань, містить багато практики, спілкування із здобувачами освіти. Акцент на творчому підході як викладача, так і студентів, які мають відчути себе творчими особистостями, науковцями та знатоками англійської мови.
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         Методична розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему :

                  «Наука в житті людини»                       

Розробив: викладач вищої категорії Симоненко Алла Леонідівна

                                                                м. Токмак, Запорізька область.


                                                                            The job of science is to serve people

                                                                                           (L. Tolstoy)


  • to develop students’ speaking skills through interactive methods (group work, pair work);
  • to broaden students’ knowledge of the topic;
  • to practice listening for specific information and then – intensive listening;
  • to practice students’ grammar skills;
  • to practice students’ reading skills.

                                           Хід уроку:

1. Організаційний момент.

Good morning. I see, everybody looks and feels wonderful today. It’s good, because we are greatly honored to have guests on our lesson today. Are you ready to work? Let’s get started.

2. Оголошення теми і мети уроку.

a) Warming up:

Look at the pictures. ( На фото представлені телефони дисковий, кнопковий, мобільний). What do you see here? Maybe, I won’t surprise you, but – do you know that all these things have the same function? What is their function? Can you imagine your life without such things? Predict the theme of our lesson.

b) Motto:

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the quotations of famous people about the development of the technologies. Choose the most suitable for the theme of our lesson, try to comment it on.

“New ideas must be supported, many are daring enough to support them, this daring is a highly precious quality.” ( K. Tsiolkovsky)

“Creativity is a central source of meaning in our lives. Most of the things that are interesting, important and human are the result of creativity.” (L. Tolstoy)

c) Aims:

Look at your desks. Have you noticed clean sheets of paper on them? Take them and write what you are expecting from our lesson!

Today we are going to practice your basic skills through methods of interactive activities. You will practice your listening, grammar, reading and speaking skills.

3. Активізація лексичних одиниць.

a) Think with your partner. Which of the following items are parts of a computer (PC), a plane (P), a car (C) ?




explanation port


central processor unit






jet engine


graphics card


steering wheel




landing gear








hard drive


tail wings


b) Match the words with their definitions:


Explanation port


is the part of the computer that supplies that visuals on the screen


Hard drive


is the part of the plane where the pilot and co-pilot sit


Central processor unit


is the part of the computer where you save the documents


Graphics card


is what powers the plane




is a pedal which stops the car from stalling


Steering wheel


is at the back of the computer where your plug and other appliances, such as a printer


Jet engine


are what stop the car moving




is the screen on the computer that displays your files




is the part of the computer where the data is processed




is what steers the car


4. Слухання та обговорення.

a) Pre-listening:

- Are you users of the Internet? - When did you start to use it?

You will watch a video about the Internet, “wikis” and “blogs”.

b) Listening:

     With the rise of the Internet, information technology is now beginning to have much more influence on education. Two areas which are becoming more and more significant are “blogs” and “wikis”.

     The word “blog” is short for “Weblog”. A blog is an online diary of “log” of someone’s life, thoughts or opinions. Anybody can create their own “blog” and blogging is becoming extremely popular – type “blog” into Google and you’ll get over 500 million results. For educational purposes, academics, teachers and students create blogs as personal online study sites: places to work together and share information and ideas. Some universities even give their students and staff free space on a server to start their own blogs.

     “Wikis” are websites where anyone can add content and make changes, so that the site becomes a group creation – “wikis” stands for “What I Know Is”. These sites can be a valuable source of information and opinion for students, though the information may not be totally accurate – some academics refuse to use them. Perhaps, the best-known wiki is the online encyclopedia. Wikipedia has more than 1 million entries in over 100 languages. Wikipedia is working hard to make sure that its information is completely accurate, so students will be able to use it with confidence, and there’s no doubt that it is and incredible resource.

c) Post-listening (students have to answer the questions orally, or in the written form at the blackboard in turn):

- Is information technology more or less important in education than before?  Where does the word “blog” come from? What is a “blog”? What are blogs used for at universities? What does “wiki” mean? Who puts the information on this kind of website? What is Wikipedia? Why do students need to be careful if they use “wikis” when they study?

d) Discussion:

Let’s speak about good and bad points of the Internet.

5. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Захист проектів.

As we are speaking about such invention as Internet, let’s recollect other inventions and the role of science in our lives. Your hometask was to make a project according to the topic.

6. Виконання граматичних вправ. Завдання по карткам.

1) Name the word-building elements (suffixes, prefixes) and the part os speech of each word. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Civil-civilian- civilize- civilized- uncivilized- civilization; establish- established- unestablished- establishment; possible- impossible- possibility; explain- explained- unexplained- explanation; organ- organize- organized- unprganized- organization- organizational.

2) Interpret the meaning of the following correlated terms and use them in sentences of your own:

a) technique, technology, technics, engineering;

b) science, knowledge, learning;

c) advance, progress.

3) Determine which of the following words and expressions are terms:

Clay, pot, dwelling, energy, environment, generation, printing press, century, record, technology, medicine, ozone layer, supersonic plane, space rocket, camera, fission, uranium, nucleus, relay, speedometer, electron, radio electronics, charge, brain.

4) Explain the function of “it” in the following sentences and translate each sentence into Ukrainian:

1. If we compress gas it becomes hotter. 2. The book is interesting. I advise you to read it. 3. It is our new lab. 4. It will take you a good deal of time to accomplish this experiment. 5. It often rains in our region. 6. It was getting dark when he was leaving our experimental site.7. it is impossible to imagine our life without books. 8. We consider it necessary to take part in this scientific conference. 9. It was Newton who discovered the laws of gravity and the formula known as Newton’s Binomal Theorem. 10. It is when an object is heated that the average speed of molecules is increased.

5) Translate the following sentences with Should/ Would  + Perfect Infinitive Construction:

1. It would be unwise to sell this invention abroad. 2. The scientist would have made a great deal of research but it was broken off suddenly. 3. Some years ago we shouldn’t have thought it possible to make such an operation. 4. If I had seen her I should have asked her to join our research work. 5. You should have taken into account his advice before starting your experiment. 6. You should have consulted our professor concerning this problem. He is an expert in this field. 7. He would have given you good ideas by all means.

7. Діалогічне мовлення.

  > Інтервю з винахідником.

Imagine that we have a time machine. Today you have an opportunity to communicate with one of the world scientists. Think about your questions. – You had a talk with a real inventor. You’ve known already about the role of science in our lives. Where can you use this information?

8. Контрольне опитування.

1) Does technology play a big part in your life? What changes has technology brought to traditional jobs? Think of some everyday chores that have been made easier by technology.

2) Many things have changed in the last 200 years ago. Describe some of the differences between life now and life 200 years ago. Say whether you would rather live in the present or in the past and why?

3) What doe technology bring into our lives: benefits or harm? Give your reasons. Are people in danger of being replaced by robots at work? Give examples. Is technology a luxury or a necessity?

4) Computers are the worst invention of the 20th century. Do you agree with such a statement? Why (not)? How often do you use a computer? Give the reasons.

5) People are becoming too dependent on computers. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever been the victim of a computer virus? Do you think virus writers should be punished? How and why?

6) Give your arguments for and against owing a mobile phone. Should children use mobile phones at school? Why (not)?

7) Do you think the internet petitions are a powerful and effective tool or just junk mail? Why? Have you ever signed one? Why (not)?

8) What kinds of non-traditional medicine do you know? What is the attitude to them and why? What experience have you had of either of them? Which would you prefer to use for the following illnesses/injuries: the flue, a pain in your stomach, a broken arm? Why?

9) What are the pros and cons of the genetic engineering? If you were a key scientist what would you create? Why and what for?

10) Speak about benefits and drawbacks of: the nuclear energy; the cloning; rockets; artificial insemination.

11) Do you think we rely too much on cars? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? How much do you think your health depends on cars?

12) Genetic engineering is being developed. Do you have strong feelings about it? Are you for or against it? Why? Talk about the moral, practical and economic issues.

13) Do you think there is intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy? Explain why. If you met a being from another planet, what would you do?

14) Many people think that the Internet threatens the moral upbringing of teenagers. Agree or disagree with the statement. Say when the Internet may be useful. Speak about your or your friend’s communication through the Internet.

9. Оцінювання. Підбиття підсумків.

What have you done today? Look at your sheets of paper. Have we coped with all these activities? What did you like most of all?

Today we have talked about the role of science in our lives.


I want you to become the inventors. For the “Excellent” mark make your own invention. For “good” mark – ex.7, p.20 (textbook G.Yatel Senior English for the technical students); for “satisfactory” – make 6 sentences according to the theme using the terms from ex.1,2 p.p.16,16.

Your marks are:… .

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day!



Symonenko Alla
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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 вересня 2019
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