Урок "Олімпійські ігри. Петро Коток"

Про матеріал
Урок із ключовими вміннями та компетентностями, очікуваними результатами, без використання матеріалів підручника
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Тема. Олімпійські ігри. Петро Коток.

Клас 6

Змістова лінія: громадянська відповідальність; здоров’я та безпека життєдіяльності.

Компетентність: спілкування іноземними мовами; соціальні і громадянські; загальнокультурна грамотність.

Ключові уміння: громадянськість, уява, співпраця, розвиток.

Цілі: повторити й активізувати лексику теми «Спорт»;

ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями;

вчити учнів аналізувати прослуханий текст;

вчити учнів висловлювати свої думки в письмовій формі;

розвивати навички аудіювання та читання;

формувати вміння правильно формувати відповіді на запитання;

розвивати мовну здогадку;

стимулювати бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою;

виховувати інтерес до здорового способу життя.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь, навичок.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, проектор, фотографії з архіву П. Коток.

Очікувані результати. Наприкінці уроку учні вміють:

правильно вживати лексичні одиниці з даної теми;

писати невелике есе за обраною темою;

аналізувати текст та вибирати з нього потрібну інформацію;

спілкуватися в межах обраної теми;

висловлювати свою думку.


I. Introduction.

Warm Up.

a)  - Let’s read the poem

I like riding by bicycle,

I am fond of playing chess,

My friend is good at judo –

We are keen on sport as you guess.

And every kind of sport for sure

As it can even illness cure

And can for every girl and boy

Bring many monuments of joy.

The proverb says of everybody:

“The sound mind in a sound body!”

b) - Answer the questions:

-Where were the first Olympic? (in Greece)

- How many events were there? (1)

- How often the Olympics held? (every four years)

- How many prizes are there for the each event? (3)

- How often Winter Olympics held? (every two years)

- How many rings does the Olympic flag have? (5)

II. Main Part.

1. Listening.

a) Pre-Listening Activity.

- What famous Ukrainian sportsmen do you know?

- Who of them was born in our village? Do you know?

b) Listening.

- Listen about our proud – Olympic champion Petro Kotok.

C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Word\1556995809_18194740_208688899636726_1078910575205401904_n.jpg
Photo 1. Petro Kotok.

Bogatyr from Polissia

Petro Kotok is a famous Greco-Roman wrestler. He is Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Master of Sports, Master of International Class Sports, five-time champion of Ukraine, World Championship bronze medalist, winner of the World Cup, fourth at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. He was born in Tynne in 1965. In his childhood, he was the strongest between peers.

Petro started his career in Sarny professional lyceum under the leadership of Volodymyr Tsarkov. He took part in different competitions. Later, his trainer was Honored Coach of Ukraine Stanislav Koval from Berezne. Therefore, Petro moved in Berezne.

The mentor designed for him a special system of training: a hard physical activity, grinding wrestling techniques and strict routine. All these gave results. In 1994 Petro Kotok started as a part of a National team in World Cup and successfully won the main prize. In 1996 – he took part in final Olympics in Atlanta. Between 27 participants he was the fourth.

Now Petro Vasylovych Kotok is a principal of Youth and Sports “Kolos” in Berezne. He is an active person in social life. Petro Vasylivych has a nice family: a wife, a son and a daughter.

We are proud of our living legend.

c) After-Listening Activity.

- Listen the text again and answer the questions. 

  • What kind of sport Petro Kotok go in for?
  • Where did Petro was born?
  • Who was his first trainer?
  • Where did he move from Tynne?
  • What were the features of a special system of training?
  • When did Petro take part in Olympics?

- True or False.

1. Petro Kotok was born in Tynne.

2. He was found of gymnastics.

3. He was not the winner of World Cup.

4. Petro started his career in Berezne.

5. His first trainer was Stanislav Koval.

6. In 1996 he took part in final Olympics in Atlanta.

7. He was the fourth in Atlanta.

8. Now Petro Kotok is a teacher.

9. Kotok has a daughter and a son.

2. Writing.

Write some sentences about.

I Group. “The man on the top of the mountain did not fall there”

II Group. “There is nothing impossible in life”

III Group. Why children need physical education?

III. Summary.

  • You