Урок "Our precious planet"

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This lesson can give possibilities to develop language and speaking skills; to improve pupils' skills of using words related to environmental problems and doing solutions; suggesting solutions to problems, reassuring people; develop pupils' listening skills of specific information, listening for detailed understanding.
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      Our precious planet.

Objectives: to develop language skill, to develop speaking skills;

Vocabulary: words related to environmental problems and solutions;

Listening (video episode): listening for specific information, listening for detailed understanding;

Communication: suggesting solutions to problems, reassuring people;

Grammar: conditionals type II;

Speaking: environmental problems;

Equipment: A cassette recorder, a video recorder, audio cassettes, a videocassette, textbooks, blackboard, special cards for pair work, a grammar table.








II.Main part:

1.Language development.

2.Grammar practice.

3.Listening (video episode).



1.Home reading.





T.(sounds of nature are played) Can you hear these sounds? Imagine that in a few years you won’t be able to hear them in nature. If  we don’t stop destroying our precious planet, it can happen. Welcome to our class, take your seats and get ready to discuss all the problems the mankind faces nowadays due to the pollution on the Earth.


T. The topic we study is “Ecology”. The title of the unit is “Our precious planet”, the major theme of our lesson is “Environmental protection”.


T. You can see the plan of our work on the blackboard. It includes:

a) checking the home task (retelling the texts),

b) grammar practice (Conditionals type II),

c) video episode and further discussion,

d) expressing your ideas on the topic.



T. Here you can see some quotations devoted to the topic.

“In the eyes of nature we are just another species in trouble”.

“The world began without man, and it  will complete itself without him”. (Claude Levi – Straus).

“If every person swept their own doorstep, the city would soon be clean”.

“It’s never too late to mend”.


II.Main part.

1.Language development.

T. At home you read the ideas of children from different countries as for the environmental problems. Now retell their ideas as if you were these children.

Suggested answers.

-Roberta (Italy): If  I were the leader of my country, I would ban cars because they cause too much air pollution. I hate it when I’m riding my bike in the street and I can hardly breath because of  traffic fumes. It makes me feel really ill. Air pollution causes acid rain, too, which kills trees and plants. I would also improve public transport. People wouldn’t need to use their cars so much then. I think people should walk more often, or use a bicycle, like me! If they did, our cities would be healthier places to live in.

-James (Kenya): If I were the leader of my country, I wouldn’t allow hunters to kill endangered species. Did you know that animals such as tigers and rhinos have been hunted so much that there will soon be none left? I think that we need to teach hunters that it’s wrong to kill these animals. I would also create special parks where these animals could live safely.

-Maria (Brazil): If I were the leader of my country, I would stop logging companies from destroying the rainforest. It’s terrible the way that animals and rare plants die when the trees disappear. Don’t these companies know that they’re not just destroying the trees and the wildlife? They could destroy us all! Trees produce oxygen, which is one of our most basic needs. One answer to the problem is to make the logging companies plant new trees. If they did that, it could save the rainforest     and give us all cleaner air to breathe.

T. Why can Roberta hardly breathe when she is riding her bike?

Suggested answer:

She can hardly breathe because of traffic fumes.

T. What does acid rain kill?

-It kills trees and plants.

T. What would happen if public transport were better?

-People wouldn’t need to use their cars so much then.

T. What will happen if hunters continue to kill  endangered species?

-There will soon be none left.

T. What happens when trees disappear?

-Animals and rare plants die.

T. What do trees produce? Why is it important to us?

-Trees produce oxygen, which is one of our most basic needs.

T. Fill in the words from the list (basic, rare, ban, logging, safety, plant, air, cleaner, species, public, traffic),

Then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1.to ----------cars











12.to live----- 

Suggested answers:

1)If I were the leader of my country, I would ban cars because they cause too much air pollution.

2)Air pollution causes acid rain, too, which kills trees and plants.

3)I hate it when I’m riding my bike on the street and I can hardly breathe because  of traffic fumes.

4)I would also improve public transport.

5) I would stop logging companies from destroying the rainforest.

6)It’s terrible the way that animals and rare plants die when trees disappear.

7)One answer to the problem is to make the logging companies plant new trees. If they did that, it could save the rainforest and give all of us cleaner air to breathe.

8)If I were the leader of my country, I wouldn’t allow hunters to kill endangered species.

9)Trees produce oxygen, which is one of our most basic needs.

10)I would also create special parks where these animals could live safely.

T. Fill in the correct preposition, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1) because ------ something;

2) to live -------a city;

3) to stop somebody ------ doing something;

4) an answer ------- the problem.

Suggested answers:

1)I hate it when I’m riding my bike in the street and I can hardly breathe because of the traffic fumes.

2) Our cities would be healthier places to live in.

3) If I were the leader of my country, I would stop logging companies from destroying the rainforest.

4)One answer to the problem is to make the logging companies plant new trees.

2.Grammar practice.

T. Speaking about environmental problems you use such structure: If I were the leader of my country I would … What grammar material does it refer to? What do we use it for?

Suggested answers:

Type 2 conditionals express an imaginary or improbable situation which is unlikely to happen in the present or future.

They are formed as follows:

If  + Past Simple … + bare infinitive

(Pupils can give examples using sentences from the texts.)

We can use were instead of  was for all persons. We also use “If I were you ---“ to give advice.

T. Make a chain of sentences using type 2 conditionals. Start like this: If we all used bicycles ----.

Suggested answers:

If we all used bicycles, there wouldn’t be so much pollution.

If there wasn’t so much pollution, the air would be cleaner. If the air were cleaner, there wouldn’t be cancer and other diseases. If there were not  cancer and other diseases. If people lived longer, the population would increase. If the population increased, we would need more transport. If we needed more transport, we would use bicycles.

T. Start like this: If we stopped cutting down rainforests…

Suggested answers:

If we stopped cutting  down the rainforests, fewer plants and animals died, wildlife would be more different. If wildlife were more different, nature would developed, new species would appear.

T. Start like this: If we didn’t pollute lakes and rivers ---.

Suggested answers:

If we didn’t pollute lakes and rivers, we would have clean water. If we had clean water, many parts of the world wouldn’t have water shortages. If many parts of the world didn’t have water shortages, more water would be used in agriculture. If more water were used in agriculture, more fruit and vegetables would be grown. If more fruit and vegetables would be grown. If more fruit and vegetables would were grown, our life would be tastier.

3.Video episode.

T. now pay attention to the TV – set and watch a video episode devoted to the problem of water pollution and water shortages on the Earth.

Video tapescript.

Imagine this. You have been just out with your friends, playing. It’s a hot summer day, you walk into your house and all what you want is a glass of cool refreshing water. But nothing comes out of the tap, you are going to stay thirsty. It might happen. All over the world there are terrible water shortages because of wasting and polluting water. Something must be done. Governments should pass laws to stop factories from pouring chemicals into lakes and rivers. Also we could save millions of liters of water by fixing leaking pipes.

Water, water everywhere…

Imagine a world with no drinking water, and no water to wash  or cook with. It’s hard to imagine this, because we use water every day without even thinking about it. Yet there are terrible water shortages all over the world. In parts of Africa and China, for example, many people don’t even have clean water to drink. In fact, over half of the people live  with water shortages every day. We all need water – not just for our homes and factories, but to survive. Fortunately, there are things that we all can do  to save water.

The solution begins at home. We can save water from our baths and use it for our garden, instead of wasting hundreds of liters of clean water on our lawns and plants. This would help to save many liters of water every day, especially in summer.

Governments can help by passing laws to stop factories from wasting and polluting water. If factories recycled water and stopped pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers, there would be more clean water around.

Governments could also stop water companies from wasting millions of liters of water because of leaking pipes. Many cities have successfully saved water by repairing pipes.

All in all, there are many things we can do to save our planet’s disappearing water supplies. The time has come to start understanding the value of water, before a world without clean water becomes a terrible reality.

Say true or false.

1) In China many people don’t have water to drink. (True)

2) We can do nothing at home to save clean water. (False)

3) Governments can’t stop companies from wasting water. (False)

Complete the sentences.

1) All over the world there are terrible water… (shortages)

2) Governments should pass laws to stop factories from pouring… (chemicals into lakes and rivers)

3) Also we can save millions of liters of water by fixing leaking… (pipes)

4) The report talks about how we can save our planet’s disappearing water… (supplies)

That’s it for today. Let’s hope people become more friendly for environment.


T. Having watched the video episode about water shortages be ready to discuss this problem in pairs. Divide into pairs and pretend one of   you doesn’t care water pollution and shortages, another thinks a lot about the environmental problems. Try to assure your opponent. The cards will help you with your conversation.

Card 1

In my opinion ---

Generally speaking---

As far as I know ----

In fact ---

Card 2

To my mind ---

On the one hand ---

On the other hand ---

If you really want to know, I don’t mind telling you ---

Card 3

Practically speaking ---

As a matter of fact---

By the way ---

Summing up the discussion I’d like to say---

Card 4

To tell truth---

As far as I am concerned ---

The more we speak on the topic the more thoughts and ideas occur to me to deepen the subject. More than that ---

Card 5

Personally I---

First of all ---

It’s rather difficult to be aside of the talk. Let me say a few words on the matter.

To sum it up---

Suggested answer:

 P1: let me introduce myself. I’m a journalist. My name is… In my opinion the problem of water shortages is rather common nowadays.

P2: Generally speaking I don’t understand it. I’m a businessman, an owner of a chemical plant, not a politician. I mustn’t take care of such things as water shortages and so on.

P1: As far as I know chemical plants waste and  pollute millions of liters of water every year.

P2: Don’t you know that chemical plants produce a lot of necessary things? If there were no chemical plants, you wouldn’t have most of them.

P1: But if factories recycled water and stopped pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers, there would be more clean water around.

P2: In fact I don’t think the problem is so dangerous, yet I’ll try to do something to reduce water pollution.

III. Conclusion.

1.Home assignment.

T. At home, please, write an article answering the question: How can we make our cities more environmentally friendly. Please, look for information about environmental problems in Ukraine and use it in your articles.


T. You have worked well today. So your marks are… Now you may be free. Thank you. Good – bye.

30 листопада 2020
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