Урок "Поради лікаря"

Про матеріал
Телепередача. Мета: Збагатити лексичний запас учнів Розвивати навички монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, аудіювання, акторські здібності учнів. Виховувати інтерес до здорового способу життя, організованость, відповідальность, підвищувати інтерес до англійської мови.
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7 клас. Телепередача «Поради лікаря»

Completed by the teachers

  Synchylo I.A.  and Sayenko O.M.

Форма проведення: телепередача

Тривалість: 25хвилин

Місце проведення: класна кімната


  • Збагатити лексичний запас учнів
  • Розвивати навички монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, аудіювання, акторські здібності учнів.
  • Виховувати інтерес до здорового способу життя, організованость, відповідальность, підвищувати інтерес до англійської мови.

Дійові особи:

  • 2 ведучих ( учні)
  • 4 лікарі (терапевт, хірург, стоматолог, психотерапевт)
  • 1 тренер з фітнесу
  • 4 пацієнти (старенький дід з онукою, постраждалий зі зламаною ногою, боксер з перебинтованою головою і рукою, пацієнт психотерапевта)
  • 4 учні інсценують анекдоти про медицину
  • 10-12 учнів, задіяні у рекламних роликах

На імпровізованій сцені стоять 2 парти

 у формі літери «Г» і 6 стільців для ведучих та лікарів


  • 8 прислів’їв про здоров’я на аркушах паперу А-4 розміщені на дошці (1. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 2. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 3. Good health is above wealth. 4. We eat to live, not live to eat. 5. Caution is the parent of safety. 6. The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet and Sport. 7. A good laugh is the best medicine. 8. A sound mind, a sound body.
  • Таблички з прізвищами лікарів на столах.
  • Рекламні плакати лікарів на дошці.
  • Порожні коробочки від ліків, зубної пасти на столах, де сидять лікарі.
  • Магнітофон, касети з музикою для реклами.
  • Фотоапарат.
  • Всі лікарі, пацієнти, учасники рекламних роликів самостійно готують костюми і реквізити відповідно їх персонажам.


Reporter1: Welcome to the programme «Doctor’s Advice»

Reporter2: Let me introduce our guests:

 DrSickman, a physician

 DrBrokenleg, a surgeon

 DrCleanteeth, a dentist

 Mr. (Mrs.) Jumpingfrog, a fitness coach

Reporter1:    If a person suffers from some disease or feel unwell, he makes an appointment with a doctor. Doctors treat patients. A patient needs the doctor’s medical help if he has a sore throat, a headache, toothache, stomach-ache or something else. First of all it is necessary to turn to the physician.

Reporter 2:  The doctor will examine you carefully: feel your pulse, sound your chest, heart and lungs, test your blood pressure. For you, as a patient, it’s very important to follow his directions. But some people buy medicine at the chemist’s without doctors advice. What do you say about it, DrSickman ?

Physician: It’s very dangerous to use medicine themselves, especially antibiotics.

Reporter 1: They are important medicines as they help fight infections caused by bacteria.

Physician:     However, bacteria finds ways to resist antibiotics, so they no longer work. The more we use antibiotics, the less effective they become, so we should use antibiotics carefully.

Reporter 2: How to use antibiotics carefully?

Physician:  Basically, don’t take them if you don’t need them. If you have a virus, antibiotics won’t work. Since viruses cause all colds, sore throat and cough you should ask your chemist’s for advice rather than take antibiotics. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics when you need them, for example, for pneumonia. Remember, if you only use antibiotics when necessary, they are more likely to work when you really need them.

Reporter 1: So, what’s your advice?

Physician: To be healthy a person needs living a healthy lifestyle:

  • do regular physical exercises;
  • be outdoors every day;
  • eat only healthy food;
  • get enough sleep.

There are two more useful things for your health: to take vitamins regularly and have a complete physical once a year.

Reporter 2:  Thanks, DrSickman. And now we have the first patient in our studio, who will tell us about his accident.                                                       

Patient 1:    In fact. I’m not a patient. I want to tell you about the accident which happened to my grandfather. He is 105 years old. For the last 5 years he has had problems with the heart. But one day he felt very bad and we immediately called for the ambulance. It arrived very quickly and took my granddad to hospital. As the cardiologist told us later, granddad had a heart attack. It was very dangerous for his life. But the doctors made all necessary injections quite on time and saved his life. He was staying in hospital for one month, the doctors treated him in a professional way. Now my grandpa is well.

Reporter 1: We are very glad that your granddad is OK now. And it’s time for advertisement.





Sister:      (showing a toy-rabbit)

             Do you want a rabbit? 


Dad:                 (Nervously)

            Oh, my! Maybe he is hungry or thirsty… Mom!


Granny:             (Tenderly)

                Why are we crying so loudly, my cute?


Mom:  (Giving remedy in the tea-spoon)

          «Espumisan» is good

          For a belly.

          Mummy is calm –

          Calm is the baby!


Reporter 2: Now let’s listen to our next specialist – DrBrokenleg, a surgeon.

Surgeon:      If you have an accident, you go to the Accident and Emergency Department of the nearest hospital. Sometimes people need to stay in hospital for Several days or weeks. Surgeons make operations, nurses take care of patients. My profession is noble and responsible. My main task is to operate on people. Before operation I ask my nurse to take an X-ray. After operation l take care of patients until they are recovered. I listen attentively what my patient tell me. They feel it and believe me, and it makes my work easier.

Reporter 1: Well, what can you advise to the audience?

Surgeon: I advice to be careful. Caution is the parent of safety.

Reporter 2: Thanks, DrBrokenleg. And now we have the second patient in our studio. Oh, you've got a broken leg! What a pity! What happened to you?

Patient 2:  One Thursday I fell off my bike and broke it into pieces. And I broke my leg too. I had stayed in hospital for three days. Then the ambulance brought me home. But I couldn’t play football or go out with my friends. I was really bored at that time. Mum bought me some comics, but I read them quickly. I had done 150 word puzzles and had seen 35 films on video before I recovered to normal life. So, my advice to everybody: be careful when you ride you bike or do any other things.

Reporter 1: And now-Adds!




  1 Son:         Hi, dad. Give me «Phinalgon»! Quickly!


  Dad:           Why?



  2 Son:         Oh, how heavy our granddad is!



  Granddad: (On roller skates)

                       Stop talking! Son, give «Phinalgon»! And quickly! 



Reporter 2: Our next guest is a famous dentist. You’re welcome, DrCleanteeth.

Dentist: When you have a bad tooth, you go to the dentist's office. There are many private hospitals today. So you can go to a private dentist. You have to pay there, but it's usually quicker. Many people are afraid of dentists. Nothing's scary. First of all you should keep your teeth healthy. The best way to do it - to brush teeth regularly, to use modern toothbrush and change it every three months. And my last advice: visit a dentist twice a year.

Reporter 1: Thank you DrCleanteeth for you advice. And now let's listen to jokes. Please, you  are welcome.


Joke 1:        - I have awful toothache.

- I'd have taken it out if it was mine.

- If it was yours, I would, too.

Joke2:       - lf you tell a man anything, it goes in one ear and goes out of the other.

        - And if you tell a woman anything, it goes in both ears, then out of her mouth and    about the town.

Joke 3:  - You say he left no money.

              - No, you see, he lost his health getting wealthy lost his wealth trying to get healthy.

Joke 4:  - Why are you laughing?

              - I've just come from my dentist's.

              -  Is that anything to laugh about?

              - Yes, he wasn’t in and won’t be for two days.

Reporter 1: And now - advertisement!




  1 person: «Keep your teeth,

                     Clean you teeth»

                     People say about this.

                     I can’t choose, so help me, please.


  2 person: Vere easy choice, my dear.

                     Have you ever seen a beaver?

                     Use  «Colgate» and soon your teeth

1 person: Will be strong? 

2 person: Oh, yeah. Like this!

 3person: (з’являється з-під парти з великими білими    зубами, як у бобра)              




Reporter 2: Everybody knows sport is very important in our life. What does it give to us?      Let's listen to the opinion of a fitness coach.

Fitness coach: First of all, sport builds character. It teaches to win and lose. It makes you       strong, fast and patient. More than that, it makes men out of boys and women out of girls. Besides, it teaches you about life. Exercise makes you feel and look better. The best are walking, jogging and swimming. And sport is also a good way to meet people, even from other countries.

Reporter 1: You’re absolutely right. Oh, my God! What happened with you?

Patient 4:  I'm a boxer. I can’t say that sport is useful. Sport needs hard work. As a result-broken head and arms. There is no good in sport. I spend all my time in hospitals. Believe me.

Reporter 2: Oh, we believe you!




Husband:  Oh, potatoes! Right.

                   Oh, chicken! (нюхає)Right!

                   Wow! Cucumbers! (потирає руки від задоволення)

                   But how to eat all this food?


Wife: Take «Festal» just now. Be quick! And can eat as much as  a pig!




Physiatrist Dr. Crazyhead

- Good morning.

- Good morning. Who are you?

- I am Bread Pitt.

  Recently I have lost my memory.

- What, What?

- Memory. I can’t remember what l did the day before. I have got horrible     dreams. In my dreams I see that I have lost my memory.

   (Дзв. телеф)

- What problem do you have?

- Thanks, doc. I have no problem now. I think you have problems.


Reporter 1: Time flies so quickly. Our program has come to end.


Reporter 2: We hope, our advice will help you to be fit and healthy.


Reporter 1: Thank you for attention.


Reporter 1: See you next Friday. Bye.



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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 жовтня 2020
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