Урок "Power of music"

Про матеріал
Ця розробка уроку дозволить учням покращити мовні навики з аудіювання,читання,говоріння,письма шляхом лексичних,фонетичних,граматичних вправ.
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Мета: Тренувати та покращувати мовні навички читання, письма, аудіювання та говоріння. Покращувати мовні навички шляхом лексичних,фонетичних та мовних вправ.

Обладнання: наочний матеріал, роздатковий матеріал.


І  1.Greeting:  Morning, students! I am glad to see you again. That`s fine that all of you are present  at this lesson because today we`ll  speak  about music.

                                                              “Music makes our life brighter

                                                                and happier.”

2. Warming-up:

T: I`d like to start  our conversation  unusually. I ask you to sit down comfortable on your seats, relax yourselves and only listen… ( “My heart will go on “ by Celine Dion ).

T: Isn`t it fantastic to listen to these magical sounds?  I`m sure all of you have some emotions and feelings in your heats after listening to this beautiful song. By the way, curative qualities of music were known long ago. For example:

«Music is submitted to Mathematics. It makes harmony in human`s body”.(Pythagoras)

« Music cures a lot of diseases, for example, sleeplessness and epilepsy»           (Hippocrates)

T: How do you understand the word “music” ?                                                                                                   How does it influence your emotional state, feelings?                                                                         Do you find music curative like these prominent people did?

Share your opinions:

P1: I think music …                                                                                                         P2: To my mind …                                                                                                             P3: I suppose…                                                                                                                  P4: My opinion is…

3.Theme  and aim of the lesson :

T: We`ll speak  about  music today, about different types of music and modern  styles in it, about your  favorite  singers ,bands and songs. You`ll listen to the  biography of a very  famous  singer whose name you know, I`m sure.

4. Brain storming



  • Types of music ---------  classical ,  rap , reggae, country, rock;
  • Instruments      ---------   drums, bass guitar, violin;
  • Bands and instruments-----“The Beatles”, ”Abba”, Celine Dion, Freddy Mercury, Elvis Presley , Madonna.
  • How to listen   ---------   video , a live concert, a personal stereo, a good   guality  sound system.

5. Discussion

T  ---P1,P2,P3……

1. What types of music do you prefer? 

2.  What bands and singers do you like to?

3. How  do you prefer to listen  to   them?

4. Do   you play any musical   instrument ?

5. What  are  your  favourite  singers?
6. Do you go to the  musical  school ?

6. Match  

1. Band                                          1.a group of  musicians

2. Rap                                            2.modern rock n roll, very loud

3. Message                                     3.the ideas in the words of a song

4. Heavy metal                               4. new mainly black music with important words

5. Beat                                            5. the rhythm or time of music

6. Greats                             6.the most popular people / things in the history of smth.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

Підсумок уроку.


T: What have we done today students ?  Was the lesson interesting for you? What the task did you like the most of all?

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.Good-bye.



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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 лютого 2022
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