Урок "Позакласне читання"

Про матеріал
Запропонований матеріал спрямований на розвиток навичок читання. Також ознайомити учнів з літературою країн, що вивчається
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Навчальна: удосконалювати техніку читання

Розвиваюча: розвивати новички логичного мислення

Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, прищеплювати любов до читання

Обладнання: текст для читанная, картки для самостійної роботи



1. Greeting ( Привітання.)

Т: Hello, children! I'm very glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you too!

Aim (Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.)


Warming up (Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.)

1 Here are the titles of some books. They all have the same hero. Do you know who he is? Do you know the name of the author of the books?

2 These books were all made into films which are famous in many countries. Do you know the translation of any of the titles in your language?


1. Pre-Reading

You are going to read an extract from The Man with the Golden Gun. The pictures illustrate the story but they are not in the right order. Look at the pictures and try to work out the story.

2. Now read the text and number the pictures to fit the story.

When James Bond got back to his hotel room it was midnight. His windows were closed and the air- conditioning was on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows. His heart was still thumping in s his chest. He breathed in the air with relief, then had a shower and went to bed

At 3.30 he was dreaming, not very peacefully, of the three black-coated men with red eyes and angry white teeth, when suddenly he woke up. He listened. There was a noise. It was coming from the window. Someone was moving behind the curtains. James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of bed, and crept slowly along the wall towards the window. Someone was breathing behind the curtains. Bond pulled them back with one quick movement. Golden hair shone silver in the moonlight.

'Mary Goodnight!' Bond cursed. What the hell are you doing here?'

'Quick, James! Help me in!' she whispered urgently.

Bond put down his gun and tried to pull her through the open window. At the last moment her foot caught in the curtain and the window banged shut with a noise like a gunshot. Bond cursed again.

Mary Goodnight whispered, 'I'm terribly sorry, James!'

'Sh! Sh!' said Bond, and quickly led her across the room to the bathroom. He turned on the light and the shower. They sat down on the side of the bath.

Bond asked again. 'What the hell are you doing here? What's the matter?'

'James, I was so worried. A "Most Immediate" message came from HQ this evening. A top KGB man, using the name Hendriks, is staying at this hotel. I knew you were looking for him, but he knows you're here. He's looking for you!'

'I know,' said Bond. That man's here all right. So is a gunman called Scaramanga. Mary, did HQ say, if Hendriks has got a description of me?'

'No, he hasn't. You were just described as secret agent James Bond.'

Thanks, Mary. Now I must get you out of here.

Don't worry about me, just tell HQ that you gave me "the message, OK?'

'OK, James.' She stood up and looked into his eyes: 'Please take care, James.'

'Sure, sure.' Bond turned off the shower and opened the bathroom door. 'Now, come on.'

A voice came from the darkness of the bedroom: This is not your lucky day, Mr Bond. Come here both of you. Put your hands behind your necks!'

Scaramanga walked to the door and turned on the lights. His golden gun was pointing directly at James Bond.

3. Post-reading Comprehension check

Use your dictionary to check vocabulary where necessary.

Are the following statements about the text true or false? Say why.

1 James Bond felt frightened and worried when he got back to his hotel room.

2 A man with a gun woke Bond at 3.30 a. m.

3 Bond was very pleased to see Mary Goodnight.

4 Bond's gun went off while he was pulling Mary through the window.

5 Mary and James talked in the bathroom because they thought it was safer there than in the bedroom.

6 Hendriks knew that Bond was in the hotel.

7 Bond didn't know that Hendriks was looking for him.

8 Mary Goodnight likes James a lot.

9 James helped Mary get out of the hotel.

4. Vocabulary and grammar work

The following verbs appear in the text in their Past Simple form. Find them in the text and write them next to the base form

have  breathe  wake

take  creep  shine

whisper  put  try

catch  lead  sit

know give stand

Which ones are irregular

2 Make a list of all the parts of the body you can find in the text.

4. Speaking

Use the pictures to retell the story in your own words.

Begin like this:

When James Bond got back to his hotel, he...


31 жовтня 2020
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